A) The emergence and clash of Left British unionism and Left Scottish nationalism
B) The politics of the Scottish independence referendum campaign
C) How the Left responded to the demand for greater national self-determination in Scotland
D) Carrying over lessons learned from the SSP experience
i) the need for political platforms
ii) the need for a revolutionary pole of attraction
iii) the need for political balance sheets to avoid repeating earlier mistakes
E) Promoting socialist republicanism and ‘internationalism from below’
i) The political legacy of the Republican Socialist Conventions and the Global Commune events
ii) Debating with other socialists during the Scottish independence referendum campaign
iii) promoting socialist republicanism and ‘internationalism from below’ in RIC
iv) the debate over secularism
v) the debate over Ireland
F) Debates and differences within the RCN
i) in the lead up and during the referendum campaign
ii) since the September 18th referendum
iii) the future for RIC, the all-islands Republican Socialist Alliance and the Scottish Left Project
A) The emergence and clash of Left British unionism and Left Scottish nationalism
The Republican Communist Network (RCN) has been involved in the democratic struggle for Scottish self-determination since our launch. We were first constituted as a platform in the newly founded Scottish Socialist Alliance (SSA) in 1996. The SSA went on to become the Scottish Socialist Party (SSP) in 1998. In the process we found ourselves, along with others, contesting both the Left British unionism and the Left Scottish nationalism found in these organisations.
Scottish Militant Labour (CWI), which formed the majority of the SSA and then SSP leadership, had once been firmly in the Left British unionist camp. However, in 1998 they changed their position. Whilst offering a challenge to the SNP over economic, social and international issues, once they gave their support to Scottish independence they politically adapted to the SNP over Scotland’s constitutional future. This was taken further by the 2001 CWI breakaway International Socialist Movement, which then became the majority of the SSP leadership.
The small Workers Unity Platform (WUP) (CPGB-Weekly Worker, Alliance for Workers Liberty and Revolutionary Democratic Group), and the larger Socialist Workers Party (SWP) (they joined the SSP in 2003) were in the Left British unionist camp of the SSP. This camp always formed a minority. Furthermore, the SWP has also recently abandoned the Left British unionist camp and given its support to Scottish independence. The former constituents of what was WUP are now to be found in the ‘Abstain’, ‘No’ and ‘Yes’ camps.
In opposition to both Left British unionism and Left Scottish nationalism, the RCN has consistently fought for a socialist republican approach towards the issue of Scottish self-determination. We have also campaigned to win support for this on an ‘internationalism from below’ basis in England, Wales and Ireland (and beyond in Europe). Such internationalism does not depend on the continuation of the UK state to maintain working class solidarity, nor does it pretend a new prosperous post neo-liberal Scotland can be developed merely by breaking away from the UK.
The RCN, which is in the socialist republican and ‘internationalism from below’ traditions of James Connolly and John Maclean, has a political record of promoting Scottish self-determination going back to our formation just before the time of New Labour’s ‘Devolution-all-round’ (Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland) proposals and 1997 referendum.
However, the election of a majority SNP government, in 2011, created the political conditions for a new referendum. The rest of this article deals with the RCN’s response to the latest phase of the struggle for Scottish self-determination. The e-links provided date mainly from this later period, but links are also provided to selected earlier articles to provide relevant background material. There is a comprehensive Appendix, organised by category and showing RCN members’ and non-RCN members’ contributions.
B) The politics of the Scottish independence referendum campaign
The SNP government’s own ‘Independence-Lite’ proposals were cautiously developed when it became evident that the British ruling class was not going to agree to the ‘Devo-Max’ favoured by many of the SNP’s business backers. ‘Independence-Lite’ is similarly designed to prioritise the needs of a wannabe Scottish ruling class.
In effect, the SNP leadership seeks a junior managerial buyout of UK state ‘assets’ in Scotland, and the powers to make its own deals with the global corporations. Its willingness to support the monarchy (and hence accept the long reach of the Crown Powers), sterling (economic subordination to the City of London), the British High Command and NATO (the continuing dominant role of US/UK imperialism), and to lower corporate taxes emphasises the SNP government’s acceptance of the continuation of the UK state (termed remainder of the UK or rUK), and its willingness to act as its junior partner, and the wannabe Scottish ruling class’s support for the corporate imperialist order.
The degree to which the SNP government pushes for certain reforms is limited by their desire to make capitalism work better. However, as a decidedly pro-capitalist government, they know that their international political clout can only ever be a reflection of the interests of those in Scotland holding capital assets who give them support, i.e. the wannabe Scottish ruling class. The SNP government understands their relatively lowly position in the global order of things. This is why they are keen to win over previously British unionist backing business leaders in Scotland, and to win allies amongst the chief executives of global corporations (and their political backers, especially the US state), rather than fundamentally challenging them.
In May 2012, the SNP government launched the ‘Scotland Yes’ campaign with the aim of winning a ‘Yes’ vote for ‘Independence-Lite’ in the September 18th referendum in 2014. This was soon countered by the British unionists in the Tory/Lib-Dem/Labour ‘Better Together’ campaign (‘Project Fear’). The unionists anticipated a decisive ‘No’ vote. If the British ruling class and the unionist parties had not been so confident of this, it is unlikely they would ever have conceded the referendum the SNP government cleverly negotiated in the October 2012 Edinburgh Agreement.
The SNP government’s acumen in this regard highlights the leadership’s success in creating a disciplined mainstream party with a coherent strategy. In effect, the old looser and more right/left populist SNP has become the more centralised, social neo-liberal and pro-imperialist ‘New SNP’. It has undergone the sort of change that Labour once went through. The leadership’s decision in 2012 to force through support for NATO in the face of considerable membership opposition represented the SNP’s ‘Clause 4’ moment. Although unlikely to ever deliver genuine Scottish self-determination, the ‘New SNP’ has emerged as a real player in the further reform of the UK set-up, and a real challenge to the existing unionist parties which represent conservative and reactionary forces.
The British ruling class is thoroughly wedded to its UK state and to upholding the Crown Powers. These still provide a formidable armoury to face down other class and national challenges. The British ruling class and their UK state were not even prepared to concede meaningful civil rights to the Nationalist community in the Six Counties in 1969; opting for murderous repression instead. This is the state, which later put forward a reformed Stormont (Sunningdale Agreement, 1972) and devolution proposals for Scotland and Wales (Kilbrandon Commission, 1973), but quickly backed down in the face of reaction and the growing economic crisis of the late 1970s.
Today, the post-2008 economic crisis has reinforced the British ruling class’s determination to severely limit any constitutional experimentation. Reforms are to be confined within the established top-down ‘Devolution-all-round’ framework (linked to the Peace – or pacification – Process in Ireland). These reforms were themselves only reluctantly conceded after decades of national democratic challenges in Ireland, Scotland and Wales. From 1997 onwards, New Labour put this wider ‘New Unionist’ political framework in place. It has been subsequently accepted by all the mainstream unionist parties (although it is now under reactionary pressure from loyalists in the ‘Six Counties’ and from UKIP throughout the UK):-
The ‘Devolution-all-round’ framework is safely subordinated to the sovereignty of the Crown-in-Parliament and to the unionist principles underpinning the UK’s unwritten constitution. This political framework is accepted by the TUC, STUC, WTUC and ICTU, all tied to social partnerships with their respective governments and employers. It excludes any meaningful popular input. Drafting any proposed changes has been put in the hands of safe establishment figure-managed Commissions, e.g. Calman (2009) and Smith (2014).
C) How the Left responded to the demand for greater national self-determination in Scotland
The Left in Scotland, the UK and these islands (i.e. including Ireland) needed to determine its political stance over the SNP government’s referendum. In the event, the overwhelming majority (including new converts like the SWP) in Scotland opted to give critical support to the ‘Yes’ campaign. The small minority of the Left, who were in the ‘No’ campaign in Scotland, consisted of the Red Paper Collective (an alliance of Labour Lefts and the Communist Party of Britain), the Left populist, George Galloway, and the Glasgow South branch of the Left Unity Party (its leading members had been in WUP, whilst in the SSP).
Despite their spectacular bust-up in 2006, both the SSP and the breakaway Solidarity (including its celebrity Left populist leader, Tommy Sheridan) opted to join the ‘Yes’ campaign. The SSP was permitted (along with the Greens) to join the official SNP front – ‘Yes Scotland’. Sheridan, shunned by the SNP leadership, had to launch his own strongly Scottish nationalist ‘Hope over Fear’ road show. This was a mirror image of the strongly British unionist ‘Just Say Naw’ road show organised by George Galloway, who was equally shunned by the Labour leadership.
However, since 2006, the break-up of the SSP has led to a situation where the majority of the Left in Scotland is no longer either in its ranks nor those of Solidarity. It took a new small but youthful organisation, hence largely untainted by the SSP split – the International Socialist Group (ISG) (a breakaway from the SWP) – to take the initiative which brought the majority of the Left in Scotland together in the Radical Independence Campaign (RIC). This was launched from a Glasgow conference on November 2012, and has grown in each subsequent year.
Outside of Scotland, despite being formally pro-‘Yes’, neither the SWP nor the Socialist Party undertook any public campaigning in solidarity. The Fourth International (USFI) groups took up contradictory stances – Socialist Resistance in England and Wales opting for a passive ‘Yes’ inside the new Left Unity Party (LUP); whilst Socialist Democracy in Ireland opted for a ‘No’ – both positions which were to lead to some internal opposition. The CPGB (WW) debated going for a ‘No’, but opted for an abstentionist position, although subsequent articles continued to show a strong Left British unionist bias.
The strongest support for a ‘Yes’ vote in England came from the Republican Socialist Alliance (RSA), particularly those supporters working in the Scottish Republic Yes Tendency (SRYT) in the LUP. They helped to organise a series of meetings in London, Manchester, Sheffield, Leeds and Shipley, and the ‘London Says Yes’ rally on September 7th, 2014. In addition, the Nottingham LUP branch organised a Scottish speaker. Red Pepper, opendemocracy and Chartist provided space for debate. Individuals from London Occupy also became involved.
In Wales, support mainly came from the Left of Plaid Cymru, including its republican leader, Leanne Woods. They organised a ‘Scotland Go For It’ rally in Cardiff on September 13th, 2014. Leanne also spoke to a RIC meeting in Glasgow on July 22nd, 2014. Whilst Angharad Tomos, a republican socialist from the Welsh Language Society, spoke at the third RIC conference in Glasgow on November 22nd, 2014.
D) Carrying over lessons learned from the SSP experience
The RCN’s approach to the referendum campaign was very much influenced by earlier events and debates. We had been part of the SSP. If the SSP had not gone through its massively debilitating split, the Left in Scotland would have been in a much stronger position to take the lead in the campaign for Scottish self-determination. Back in 2003, the SSP had grown at the expense of both Labour and the SNP. In October 2004, the SSP had initiated the Declaration of Calton Hill, openly declaring its republican challenge to Labour and the SNP:-
A month later, the SSP began to unravel in the face of ‘Tommygate’. The RCN had to come to some political accounting for that party’s break-up. Just before we ceased to be a platform within the SSP in February 2012, we produced, Beyond the SSP and Solidarity – ‘Forgive and Forget’ or ‘Listen, Learn then Move On’?:-
i) the need for political platforms
As a result of the sectarian behaviour of two SSP platforms – the SWP and ISS (CWI) – especially their conduct over ‘Tommygate’, some socialists began to criticise the very idea of platforms. The RCN, however, had gained considerable respect in the SSP for the manner in which we conducted ourselves. We successfully defended The Role of Platforms:-
We believe this experience still provides wider lessons for the Left today. The need to support platforms in political organisations has taken on a new relevance. The new Podemos party in Spain, which has largely developed out of the Indignados movement, has recently adopted an internal slate system for leadership elections, to marginalise non-leadership platforms. The chosen model very much resembles the bureaucratic centralist slate system found in the SWP. Only in Podemos’ case it is being used to buttress the position of an emerging celebrity populist leader, Pablo Iglesias, rather than a Central Committee.
What this demonstrates is that essentially anarchist organising methods can sometimes mutate into bureaucratic organising methods. This was explained in section iv of Radisson Blu or post-Radisson Red:-
ii) the need for a revolutionary pole of attraction
An important feature of the RCN’s politics, which contributes to our support for platforms within wider coalitions (including campaigns and parties), is the need for a revolutionary or communist pole of attraction, committed to developing independent class organisations. This is why, alongside the work we have undertaken in RIC, we have sought out others to help develop such a pole of attraction. We became involved in a series of meetings with ex- or dissident SSP members, ISG and ex-ISG members (key to the formation of RIC), and International Socialist Network (ISN) (another SWP breakaway) members to explore these possibilities:-
Unfortunately this process did not get very far. We can only speculate why, for example, the ISG members involved showed little further interest. Certainly the time they devoted to working in RIC would be a factor. Yet, the ISG also have the following statement in their founding principles – About Us. “While as revolutionaries we recognise that there is no merely parliamentary road to socialism, we understand that the limitations of reformism have to be experienced by working-class people in practice”. However, in order for working class people to see the need to go beyond social democratic reformism, there needs to be an open and organised revolutionary alternative.
Now RIC is a coalition that includes revolutionaries and non-socialist reformers. This is as how it should be in any genuine united front formed in a non-revolutionary situation. The non-socialists in RIC, e.g. from the SNP or the Greens, are openly organised independently outside RIC, as well as having individual members within RIC to put across their views. The RCN, SSP and SWP are affiliated to RIC, whilst Common Weal, which promotes Nordic-style social democratic politics, is also affiliated.
Now the ISG founding statement argues that, “We do not believe our organisation can provide all the answers.” This suggests a need to work with others to develop a revolutionary pole of attraction. Yet the ISG has made no public attempt to do this, nor does it openly organise within RIC to put across the revolutionary views. Thus, they have given no indication, as to how they can act in their declared role “as revolutionaries” or highlight “the limitations of reformism”. To do this clearly needs independent and open political organisation.
The RCN also does “not believe our organisation can provide all the answers”. We work openly and in a comradely manner with others in RIC, just as we did in the SSP. We are keen to unite with others to form the needed open and democratic revolutionary pole of attraction. We outlined our approach to principled and democratic organisation in the special Emancipation & Liberation bulletin we produced for the first RIC National Forum in March 2014.
We remain committed to developing a wider revolutionary pole of attraction with others.
iii) the need for political balance sheets to avoid repeating earlier mistakes
One explanation for the lack of progress in setting up a wider open revolutionary pole of attraction within RIC, is that the ISG, like the later ISN and Revolutionary Socialism 21, are breakaways from the SWP. The ISG rejects the hard sectarian Party-fronts promoted by the SWP, but appears to cling on to the SWP’s soft sectarian practice of hiding behind political labels of convenience – Unite the Resistance or Unite Against Fascism for the SWP, and the (now defunct?) Coalition of Resistance or RIC itself for the ISG (and for some individual members, Common Weal) .
There appears to be a reluctance in post-split organisations to draw up a balance sheet of their earlier experiences. One result of this is that they often unconsciously continue to reproduce some of the undesirable features of the organisations they have just left. David Jamieson (ISG), however, has stated, “Having once been a member of the SWP… I hope in the near future to elucidate what I believe to be this tradition’s strengths and its (very many) failings”.
Two years later, we have still to see the results of David’s “reflection on this experience”. The RCN have also come across ex-ISG members who have become unhappy with the way the organisation operates. Their criticisms have not been placed in the public realm. Another ex-ISG member, though, Nicky Patterson, has made some serious public criticisms of the ISG:-
Unfortunately, the ISG seems to have retreated into SWP mode here. They have just ignored this critique – in public, although we suspect not in private. Other socialists can not make a more rounded assessment, unless the ISG officially responds. Nicky’s criticisms of RIC do seem to draw exclusively upon particular Glasgow experiences – equating Glasgow with the whole of Scotland is a common failing!
Difficult and challenging problems will arise, even within Left groups, which try to maintain principled and comradely relations. The problems come, when a group fails to address these in an appropriate manner, as the SWP’s handling of the Comrade Delta case highlights.
The RCN does have a policy for dealing with potential disciplinary problems, our Comradely Conduct Policy:-
We also see this as a positive contribution for work in other political organisations. And this could have some bearing on the two latest proposed political projects. Members of the Republican Socialist Alliance (RSA) have raised the possibility of creating an alliance of specifically republican socialist parties across these islands, building on the two Republican Socialist Conventions in 2008 (Edinburgh) and 2010 (London) and the sessions involving Scottish, Irish, English and Welsh socialist republicans at the 2013 and 2014 RIC conferences in Glasgow, and the solidarity meetings organised in England, Ireland and Wales:-
The debate on practical support for RIC was also taken into the newly founded Left Unity Party. Here the acrimonious conflicts between hardcore sectarians and bureaucratic centralists (hiding behind support for the privileging of identity politics) emphasise the need for an alternative democratic approach.
The ISG has initiated the Scottish Left Project to prepare a new political organisation which unites both republican socialists and social democrats in Scotland. Here the potential for future problems is highlighted by two of the other signatories. First, the SSP failed to handle ‘Tommygate’ in an appropriate manner. Secondly, Jim Sillars had members of the first Scottish Labour Party (SLP) expelled back in 1976, when it seemed they might challenge him.
Therefore, there is a real need to resolve the issues of internal democracy and freedom for openly declared platforms, as well as a code of conduct as part of preparations for any new political organisation. Otherwise, old problems will re-emerge. The failure of the SSP leadership to oppose the creation of a celebrity populist leader until far too late, and the crisis this brought about in the organisation; and the failure of SLP to advance, following its internal bloodletting in the aftermath of the 1979 Devolution defeat, contributing to its collapse, should be a reminder of the pressing need to develop the fullest democracy and accountability.
E) Promoting socialist republicanism and ‘internationalism from below’
i) The political legacy of the Republican Socialist Conventions and the Global Commune events

The RCN has emphasised the importance of a socialist republican and ‘internationalism from below’ political approach to contesting the UK state and its alliance with US imperialism. We successfully argued for the SSP-International Committee (SSP-IC) organising the first Republican Socialist Convention in Edinburgh, in 2008, with speakers from Scotland, Ireland, Wales and England. The SSP-IC also participated in the second Republican Socialist Convention organised by the Socialist Alliance in London in 2010, although this had no Irish or Welsh speakers. It was through participation in the Republican Socialist Convention in London, that we became directly engaged in debates with the Left British unionists of the CPGB (WW) and the SPGB.
These debates can be found at:-
1. convention-debate/
These debates were also published by the RCN as a pamphlet, Getting over the Hee Bee GBs: An Internationalism from Below Critique of the British Left.
In 2012, we took the decision to stop being an SSP platform in 2012, the better to work with majority of socialists, who by then were outside SSP (and Solidarity) ranks:-
However, we had already become involved in a fruitful debate as part of the commune. This organisation drew together libertarian marxists and anarchists looking to move beyond their usual political confines. The debate provided the opportunity for the RCN to clearly locate our support for the exercise of Scottish self-determination within our wider commitment to struggle for a global commune. At the first Global Commune event, which we organised with the commune in Edinburgh in 2010, the RCN put forward the following paper, The Communist Case for Internationalism from Below:-
This particular e-link then continues with the debates we had with two members of the commune, at the second Global Commune event later that year. They came from a libertarian marxist background. As a result of this debate we were able to deepen our theoretical understanding, and also to recognise the abstract propagandist approach we were challenging. We had already seen this in that earlier debate with the SPGB.
Once the ‘Yes’ campaign had been launched, the RCN revisited the earlier debates with Left British unionists, including those in the commune and CPGB (WW), adding Boffy (of Boffy’s blog) and Permanent Revolution. These can be seen at:-
More recently, Allan Armstrong was asked to introduce a session at a Conference of Socialist Economists meeting held in Edinburgh on June 21st, 2014. This examined some of the theoretical weaknesses of the British Unionist Left, which had led them either to a ‘No’ or an abstentionist position:-
He took these arguments to a debate with Sandy McBurnie of the Left British Unionist dominated Left Unity Glasgow South branch on December 13th, 2014.
ii) Debating with other socialists during the Scottish independence referendum campaign
Before the launch of the referendum campaign, Allan Armstrong updated a substantial theoretical article, which along with the material from earlier RCN debates in the SSP, the Republican Socialist Conventions and the Global Commune events, contributed to RCN thinking over the exercise of Scottish self-determination. Allan’s article provided the historical background to The Making and the Breaking of the UK State:-
Since the beginning of the Scottish referendum campaign, the RCN has entered new debates with other socialists in Scotland on the politics of the campaign. When James Foley and Pete Ramand (ISG) wrote Britain must break, this led to a fruitful debate involving RCN, ISG members and others. This debate can be seen at:-
and David Jamieson (ISG) (including links to a reply by Allan) at:-
New RCN member, Murdo Ritchie also initiated a debate around James’ and Peter’s book – Yes: the radical case for Scottish independence:-
Perhaps not surprisingly, though, we have received no response to a review, written by Allan Armstrong and Bob Goupillot, of Scotland: Yes to independence; No to nationalism by Keir McKechnie (SWP).
The referendum campaign also led to a further development of our critique of the British unionist Left, both within Scotland and the wider UK (see the first 5 articles in section E1 of Appendix).
The RCN enjoys the benefit of having a member, Ewan Roberson, living in Venezuela. He has written Imagining Radical Independence: Learning from the Venezuela Experience:-
and Why Venezuela is relevant to Scotland’s radical independence movement:-
Ewan has visited Scotland and spoken twice to meetings in Edinburgh (as well as others in Glasgow, Dundee and Aberdeen). The popular democratic approach to constitutional change adopted in Venezuela, based on the sovereignty of the people, also informed Edinburgh RIC the proposals for campaigning for a new Scottish constitution – After a ‘Yes’ vote on September 18th – put forward at the RIC National Forum in May – see the last section posted at:-
iii) promoting socialist republicanism and ‘internationalism from below’ in RIC
Edinburgh was the first RCN branch to fully engage with what was to become RIC. Our members took part in the preparations for the first Radical Independence Conference, held in the Radisson Blu in Glasgow on November 22nd 2012. Allan Armstrong was chosen by the conference organisers as one of the speakers for the Republicanism and Democracy workshop. His contribution can be seen at:-.
Iain Robertson led off a workshop on Republicanism at a special Day School organised by the North East RIC groups, held in Dundee in early 2014. His contribution, A Republican Perspective is important for Scotland can be seen at:-
By the time of the second RIC conference, in November 2013, Edinburgh RIC fully supported an ‘internationalism from below’ approach to Scottish self-determination. The branch successfully pushed for a session on this theme – After the UK – the Future of 4 Nations session. Mary McGregor (RCN) spoke on Scotland, Bernadette McAliskey on Ireland and Steve Freeman (Republican Socialist Alliance) on England. These contributions can be seen at:-
By May 2014, RCN members had won the backing of Edinburgh RIC for a proposal to be made at the second RIC National Forum. This was to take the campaign for Scottish self-determination to England, Wales and Ireland – see the article Let’s All End Our Abusive Relationship with the UK State in:-
Cat Boyd and Pete Ramand (both ISG), Mick Napier (Left Unity Party – Scotland) and Allan Armstrong (RCN) members spoke in Nottingham, Manchester, Sheffield, Leeds, Shipley, London (twice), Belfast and Dublin.
We were able to build upon the contacts we had made in from the first Republican Socialist Convention in Edinburgh (Tommy McKearney, ex-hunger striker and now Independent Workers Union organiser); the second Republican Socialist Convention in London (Steve Freeman, ex Socialist Alliance and now Republican Socialist Alliance and LUP member); and the second RIC conference in Glasgow, Bernadette McAliskey to provide speakers in Ireland and England at these ‘internationalism from below’ events.
We have also posted several articles by RSA members in England dealing with the impact of the Scottish independence referendum there (see section F2 of the Appendix)
iv) the debate over secularism
The RIC’s agreed 5 Principles points are:-
- For a social alternative to austerity and privatization
- Green and environmentally sustainable
- A modern republic for real democracy
- Committed to equality and opposition to discrimination on grounds of gender, race, disability or sexuality
- Internationalist and opposed to war, NATO and Trident
The RCN supports these 5 Principles. We believe they can be fleshed out for campaigning purposes and have produced some suggestions – in effect, an immediate programme – see The struggle for real self-determination in a Scottish democratic, secular and social republic at:- (first published in Emancipation & Liberation no. 22)
However, the further development of such an immediate programme of policies in RIC can only be achieved through proper debates, where others can also put forward their own suggestions. Edinburgh RIC has had such discussions at virtually every meeting, and since September 18th has also gone on to organise a number of working groups, to help to facilitate this.
A significant missing point in RIC’s 5 Principles is any mention of secularism. What was once an almost universally accepted principle of socialist politics has proved particularly challenging in Scotland. Many unionists and all Loyalists continue to uphold the UK’s Protestant establishment. Many Catholics continue to defend separate state-provided Catholic schooling (though not at tertiary level). More recently, some Muslims have pushed for separate state-provided Muslim schools. There is also one state-funded Jewish school.
Three factors have led to socialist retreat over secularism in Scotland. The first is the growth and promotion of identity (including religious) politics amongst sections of the Left. The second is the fear of confronting some powerful reactionary forces in Scotland – the Orange Order and the Catholic hierarchy; or believing that oppressed Muslims can only be reached through religious leaders claiming to speak on their behalf. The third is a failure to recognise why the UK state continues to uphold a Protestant establishment. This fuels loyalism and ‘sectarianism’ (more often anti-Irish and anti-republican than anything specifically religious). Maintaining support for Northern Irish unionists (who in turn depend on loyalist support) is now the prime reason for the UK state upholding a Protestant establishment, despite historical anti-Catholic discrimination having largely been overcome in England, Wales and even in Scotland amongst the majority of the population. Ulster unionists (whether UUP or now DUP) remain central to British ruling class attempt to maintain the unity of their UK state.
It was not until a debate after the split in the SSP that they were able to adopt secularist principles, which a majority had previously opposed for a combination of the reasons given above. When RIC was formed, the RCN revisited this issue. We brought this up for discussion in Edinburgh RIC, using a paper first written for the SSP by Bob Goupillot:-
and then a talk given to Edinburgh RIC by Allan Armstrong:-

Edinburgh RIC’s commitment to political debate at its meetings has given guidance to the group’s support for other campaigns. In order to show our public support for such campaigns, an early decision was taken to produce a new banner. At one of our meetings, the importance of democracy was also discussed. We had still to conduct discussions on the social aspects of our campaign, so the banner ended up with the attenuated slogan – For a Democratic Secular Scottish Republic. (If it had been produced later, after several important social issues went on to be debated, it would probably now read For a Democratic, Social and Secular Republic, to reflect these later debates.) The Edinburgh RIC banner has been well received on its airings at a number of events.
v) the debate over Ireland
However, at a national level in RIC, it was the related issue of Ireland, which led to the sort of debates (or unwillingness to debate in some quarters), which had taken place in the pre-split SSP.
The James Connolly Society (JCS) had been asked by Edinburgh RIC to speak at its 14th April, 2014 meeting. The issue of support for the Irish 1916 Society’s all-Ireland Citizens Initiative referendum was raised. A speaker from Catalunya also addressed the same meeting. She explained the Catalan government’s decision to organise a referendum in defiance of the Spanish state. At a national level, RIC already had links with the Catalan movement for self-determination and supported this, particularly through links with the Popular Unity Candidates (CUP). It was argued that in the event of a ‘No’ vote, either of these referendum strategies may have to be used in the future, since the UK state is very unlikely to concede an official referendum again.
Therefore, at the suggestion of a non-RCN member, Edinburgh RIC produced a motion for the May National Forum in support of the all-Ireland citizens’ initiative. The RCN gave its support to the Edinburgh RIC motion in the special National Forum bulletin – Winning internationalist allies in Ireland at:-
However, there was opposition at the May and August National Forums on the sort of grounds described above in relation to the debate on secularism in the SSP. So this policy was not adopted.
Edinburgh RIC, though, has continued to work with the JCS. Liam O’Hare (ISG) had already spoken on behalf of Edinburgh RIC at their annual conference in October 2013:-
Allan Armstrong addressed the October 2014 JCS conference, presenting a shortened version of After the September 18th referendum vote – a socialist republican response:-
Allan had also spoken at the JCS’s 2013 Republic Day rally for Edinburgh RIC. Andy Ashe (ex-ISG) spoke at their 2014 James Connolly memorial rally, held in Edinburgh’s Cowgate – see:-
Ireland continues to figure prominently on our Emancipation & Liberation blog. The methods that the UK state has resorted to, to uphold its rule over the Six Counties and to maintain its influence over the 26 Counties (shown dramatically after the 2008 Financial Crash), are something those campaigning for genuine self-determination in Scotland need to be aware of.
During the Scottish referendum campaign, many more people developed a greater political awareness of the nature of the British ruling class and its UK state. Unionists resorted to threats of economic sabotage and international isolation; to the partisan use of senior civil servants and the BBC. The full extent of the UK state’s mailed fist was largely kept hidden though. However, MOD plans to declare Faslane nuclear submarine base sovereign UK territory, in the event of a ‘Yes’ vote, did surface in the Guardian:-
One example of the methods the UK state has been prepared to utilise, if the challenge is great enough and the political conditions permit, was provided by Bloody Sunday in Derry, on January 31st 1972. This took place during the earlier Civil Rights (within the UK) Movement phase of a developing struggle. That was before this phase was replaced by the Irish Republican Movement’s armed struggle – the growing support for which was a direct response to the armed actions of various Stormont controlled security forces, loyalists and the British Army. These actions included the killing of those 14 innocent demonstrators in Derry.
This is why we have posted articles by Bernadette McAliskey, Socialist Democracy-Ireland and eirigi. Many of these highlight the continuing role and methods of operation of the UK state and its unionist allies there (see section G.1 of the Appendix).
We have also posted articles by Jim Slaven of the James Connolly Society (JCS) outlining the connections between politics in Scotland and Ireland (see section B.2 of the Appendix).
F) Debates and differences within the RCN
i) in the lead up and during the referendum campaign
Unlike many organisations on the Left, we publicise political differences amongst our membership when they arise. This is because to develop our own politics we appreciate contributions from other socialists.
The RCN does not see itself as holding all the truths, an attitude which usually leads to sectarian practices. We want to act as a contributor, along with others, to develop a higher level of theoretical and programmatic synthesis, leading to more effective political practice. This is why we very much appreciate other socialists’ comments on our own debates.
When the prospect of a Scottish independence referendum became real, Eric Chester, a new member, wanted the RCN to take, what Edinburgh RCN members considered to be, in effect, an abstentionist position to towards both the Yes campaign and RIC. Allan Armstrong characterised Eric’s position as another version of abstract propagandism, which the RCN had come across in the SPGB and the commune. The debates between Allan and Eric can be seen at:-
To begin with the majority of the RCN took a more wait-and-see stance towards the SNP government’s proposals. This is shown in the initial RCN statement, which could certainly be interpreted as going some way towards the approach which Eric wanted:-
However, Edinburgh RCN was given the go-ahead to become involved in the proposed new Radical Independence Conference. Allan wrote an initial assessment, both of the Scotland ‘Yes’ launch and the preparations for the Radical Independence Conference. This can be seen at:-
By the time of the first RIC conference in 2012, the Edinburgh RCN branch had persuaded the majority of RCN members to actively participate. In effect, RIC was emerging as the most important, but not the exclusive framework for the RCN’s activities. It had become a looser replacement for the SSP, when we had operated as a platform there.
Eric, however, argued that Scottish independence referendum could not be supported on the democratic grounds of self-determination. He was opposed to active participation within RIC. His counter arguments can be seen at:-
As the contradictions between the RCN’s active participation in RIC and the limitations of the latent abstract propagandism of the initial RCN statement became more apparent, Allan commented on this:-
After the RIC conference, Allan made a further assessment of RIC and its leading political group, the ISG. This can be seen at:-
As RIC took off, it became evident to most on the Left that there was widespread support for the exercise of meaningful self-determination and this was being expressed beyond the control of the SNP. Therefore, by the time of the second RIC conference in November 2013, support for RIC in the RCN was much stronger. More Dundee and Glasgow RCN members had given their support, although some members of the local RIC groups in these cities showed themselves to be less open to political debate than Edinburgh RIC. We gained new members from and made sympathetic contacts in RIC.
Building on the success of the second RIC conference, the first elements of a more democratic RIC national structure developed. National Forums were arranged with delegates from local RIC groups, political organisations and campaigns. The RCN was one of the first political organisations to affiliate.
Our E&L blogs, however, continued to post articles from Eric outlining his position:-
Another new member, Murdo Ritchie shared the RCN’s critical ’Yes’ politics, but has also developed his own analysis of nationalism (or the lack of it, as he argues, in the case of ‘Britain’). This was illustrated in his review of James Foley’s and Pete Ramand’s book:-
This was different from Allan’s analysis, seen in his comment on Murdo’s review and his own review of James’ and Pete’s earlier pamphlet. This approach to nationalism was also more fully developed in the RCN’s answer to Joe Thorn of the commune (see above) and the historical work Allan has done in Internationalism from Below: Reclaiming a hidden communist tradition to challenge the nation-state and capitalist empire (soon to be published online, but e-copies available now on request).
Whether these different theoretical assessments of nationalism lead to the advocacy of different courses of action (as with the case of Eric’s abstract propagandism or the RCN majority’s support for active engagement in the wider ‘Yes’ campaign) remains to be seen. In the meantime, there is probably considerable scope for both Allan and Murdo to contribute to a new higher level theoretical synthesis. Other socialists’ contributions would be most welcome.
Furthermore, despite Eric’s position on Scottish self-determination enjoying little current support in the RCN, his politics do not lie outside the RCN’s What We Stand For, so we continue to welcome such contributions. We are a democratic organisation, which sees such debates as both positive and necessary.
Throughout the period of the referendum, there has still remained considerable overlap in all RCN members’ politics. This can be seen in Eric’s and Murdo’s contributions on NATO and Trident:-
1. and article Scotland Out of NATO in E&L no.23
The UK state and the British unionists parties’ resort to a centenary celebration of the imperialist slaughter of the First World War (both during the referendum campaign and continued for other political purposes too) has also led to shared political campaigning, despite the aforementioned political differences over the referendum campaign.
Eric, Murdo and other new RCN member, Pauline Bradley contributed to the special E&L bulletin, Centenary of the World War I Imperialist Slaughter:-
This was produced for the demonstration against the UK government’s launch of the First World War commemoration in Glasgow on August 4th, 2014. Eric wrote a report:-
Eric, Allan and Iain Robertson also contributed to the special E&L May Day bulletin, which addressed the contemporary relevance of the First World War:-
There have been other political arenas, also involving local RIC groups, in which individual RCN members have worked, with the political support of the whole organisation. This includes the work of Nick Clarke in the Scottish Palestine Solidarity campaign. Nick visited the West Bank in 2014. He also wrote the article The Middle East: Imperialism’s Curse for the E&L no. 23.
As was pointed out earlier, possible conflicts and unacceptable practice are likely to emerge in any political organisation. The issue is how they are dealt with. Such a situation arose in the SPSC. This was resolved satisfactorily:-
Allan has also worked in the East Coast branch of Trade Unionists for Independence and the Scottish Federation of Socialist Teachers. This trade union work also led to him writing about the significant industrial dispute at Grangemouth, which affected the course of the Scottish referendum campaign:-
Ewan Robertson’s contributions from Venezuela have already been mentioned.
ii) since the September 18th referendum
When the referendum vote was taken on September 18th, registration was 97% and turnout 85%. This was unprecedented. It represented the largest movement for popular democracy seen in these islands since the Irish War of Independence. Furthermore, unlike the militant Civil Right Movement in Northern Ireland (1968-72), neither the unionists nor the loyalists have been able to confine the referendum campaign to the traditional nationalist camp. Indeed, a significant number of previously Scottish Labour unionists were won over, and sections of the official trade union movement baulked at being corralled into the ‘No’ camp. When the loyalists and other British fascists celebrated the ‘No’ victory with a rampage in Glasgow’s George Square on September 19th, they enjoyed little wider support, even amongst Scottish unionists.
This contrasts with the situation in the ‘Six Counties’, where the loyalists still exert leverage over Ulster unionists (highlighted in the aftermath of the Belfast flag riots and the collapse of the Haas Talks); whilst reactionary UKIP (with its Orange Order links in the ‘Six Counties’) has similar leverage over both major British unionist parties – the Conservatives and Labour in England. Nevertheless, the mainstream unionists’ (both liberal and conservative), reactionary unionists’ and loyalists’ shared support for the institutions of the UK state, may still allow political slippage or state security behind-the-scenes collusion to take place.
The 1979 Devolution referendum defeat had led to a decade of political retreat on the Left, further accentuated by the failure of the Bennite Left in the Labour Party and the defeat of the Miners in 1985. It took the launch of the Anti-Poll Tax movement to partially reverse this, culminating in the initial setting up of the SSA. What has been truly novel about the ‘defeat’ on September 18th, is that the movement for greater Scottish self-determination has continued. It is the UK state and British ruling class that is on the defensive.
The main reason for this is that the ‘Yes’ campaign extended way beyond the mainstream parties, and engaged with people excluded from formal politics. RIC was a significant factor in this. Many have no intention of being forced back into political passivity.
Murdo Ritchie was the first RCN member to make an assessment of the post-September 18th situation:-
followed by his contribution to the Emancipation & Liberation third RIC conference special magazine:-
Allan Armstrong updated his earlier pre-September 18th analysis with a new article:-
Eric Chester has also contributed an article, which advocates his own propagandist approach, highlighted in his last paragraph:-
As in the run up to the beginning of the referendum campaign in 2012, the RCN is again involved in a vigorous internal debate. This addresses the new political situation we now confront. The context includes the future of RIC, the possible formation of an all-islands Republican Socialist Alliance and moves which have been taken to establish a Scottish Left Project.
As in the past, we very much welcome the contributions of others to our discussions and debates. Furthermore, we approach today’s political situation by drawing upon the experiences and gains of the recent ‘democratic revolution’. This has contributed to the RCN’s new What We Stand For (WWSF), which we debated and agreed in November 2014, January and February 2015:-
In the run-up to this debate, Allan had introduced the wider significance of self-determination (of which national self-determination is just one part). This is communist response to alienation, the third prop of capitalism, just as emancipation and liberation are the communist responses to the other two props, exploitation and oppression:-
This contributed to the new points 2 and 5 of the RCN’s WWSF.
Furthermore, the new WWSF has incorporated discussions the RCN has had on the role of women. Susan Dorazio had developed the notion of patriarchy; Pauline Bradley the idea of feminism as alienation; and Linda Gibson revisited the idea of “the personal is political”. Not all of this has been written up (itself a reflection of the pressure on women under capitalism), and considerably more needs to be done, but these discussions have contributed to points 2 and 9 of WWSF.
Eric also extended the discussion the RCN has had on secularism to cover its global application:-
This contributed to the new point 10 of WWSF.
The RCN has always considered the role of culture to be important. Allan revisited this, in the light of the ongoing campaign for Scottish self-determination:-
This contributed to the new points 7 and 8 of WWSF.
The referendum campaign also provided the context in which the RCN felt the need to develop a wider political visibility, now that we were no longer a platform in the SSP, previously the main focus of our activities. With an absence of large SSP events, our magazine Emancipation & Liberation had become less frequent. Our blog became more important. Both contain contributions by non-RCN members, highlighting our desire for wider debate.
However, with the launch of the referendum campaign, the RCN produced three special conference editions of our magazine Emancipation & Liberation (E&L) – issue no. 21 (November 2012), no 22 (November 2013) and issue no.23 (November 2014) for the large RIC conferences. We produced E&L bulletins for each of the National Forums in March, May, August and October 2014. In the more politicised atmosphere brought about by the referendum campaign, we also produced a further two general E&L bulletins in May and August, 2014.
The RCN has also made a new Freedom Call Ye banner. This highlights the political tradition we located ourselves within, by adding Eleanor Marx and Mary Brooksbank to James Connolly and John Maclean – key figures promoting socialist republicanism and ‘internationalism from below’:-
This banner was first shown at RIC’s second conference in Glasgow in November, 2013.

iii) the future for RIC, the all-islands Republican Socialist Alliance and the Scottish Left Project
The new political situation has led to a discussion in the RCN about the future of the RIC. Soon after the referendum vote, Allan Armstrong and Bob Goupillot argued for the need to maintain RIC as a movement. Some elements of this thinking informed the Edinburgh RIC proposals taken to the Dundee National Forum on November 1st, 2014. The results can be seen in the article, Democracy in Action: Being Prepared to Listen and Learn:-
However, Allan and Bob have both also emphasised the need for independent political organisation, i.e. a party, to maintain a movement:-
and RIC- A Republican Movement in the Making:-
The role of parties is currently undergoing debate in the RCN. This is being related to Republican Socialist Alliance proposals for a more permanent alliance to cover the whole of these islands, and to the emergence of the Scottish Left Project – a possible successor to the SSP (which has given its tentative support, although as an electoral alliance, not a replacement).
The RCN’s politics throughout the ‘Yes’ campaign have been related to our understanding of the democratic significance of Scottish self-determination, and the challenge this would provide to the British ruling class and UK state. They also relate to the role of the UK state in acting as junior partner to US imperialism, whist having an increasingly fraught relationship with the EU. All these problems have been accentuated by the consequences of the Financial Crisis of 2008, and the even wider multi-facetted crises facing the current global corporate order.
Due to the split in the SSP after ‘Tommygate’, the SNP leadership has been able to position itself more easily at the head of the current political and economic challenge to the British ruling class and UK state in Scotland. The SNP has become a considerable political force, and its leaders have a clearer vision of what they want and how to achieve it than Scottish Labour, or many on the Left for that matter. Their leadership has also developed a formidable new political machine – the ‘New SNP’, which seeks to develop a wannabe Scottish ruling class. It has also been looking to potential political allies outside Scotland to help it in its further ‘reform of the UK’ plans. However, the SNP government’s post-referendum vote ‘Devo-Max’/Home Rule reforms (as with their pre-referndum vote ‘Independence-Lite’ White Paper proposals) continue to accept the wider US/UK imperial alliance and a world dominated by the global corporations.
This is why socialists need to have an even better understanding of how the contradictions the economy, society and political order will unfold as the various crises unfold. We also have to develop our own international allies, jettisoning the empty ‘solidarity’ of the British unionist Left, which depends on the continuing existence of the UK state; or the limited sympathetic solidarity mainly confined to organising support rallies and marches.
Meaningful unity-in-action requires a deeper solidarity based on a shared strategy and ‘internationalism from below’ principles. Then socialist republicans can contribute by taking the political lead in Scotland, as the SNP’s shortcomings become more and more apparent. Merely tail-ending their political proposals can only lead to the Scottish Left becoming discredited.
For an update of the current situation in Scotland in the run-up to the Westminster General Election see:-
Articles on Emancipation & Liberation blog and magazine
(since Scottish Referendum Campaign began in since May 2012, but with selected earlier articles to provide context)
A) The RCN RCN – What We Stand For, 11.1.15 RCN – Comradely Conduct Policy, 26.2.14 RCN – Our Banner, 17.12.13
B.1) General articles on the campaign for Scottish self-determination (written by RCN members) Eric Chester – The Curse of Nationalism, 14.12.14 Murdo Ritchie – When Decades Happen – After the Referendum, 4.12.14 Allan Armstrong – After the September 18th Referendum Vote – A Socialist Republican Response, 18.10.14 Murdo Richie – A Letter to the Momentarily Disheartened, 24.9.14 Allan Armstrong – Better Together, UKIP, the Orange Order and the UK State – What They Have in Common, 12.9.14, Allan Armstrong – Up To and Beyond the September 18th Referendum – A Socialist Republican response, 3.9.14 Allan Armstrong – Making Plans for Nigel, 26.6.14 Eric Chester – The SNP and Scottish Independence, 12.2.14 Murdo Ritchie – Alex Salmond and the Written Constitution, 1.2.14 Murdo Ritchie – The Myth of Real Independence, 13.11.13 Allan Armstrong – After Grangemouth, What Now for the Left in Scotland? 24.10.13 Allan Armstrong – Beyond the Unionists’ ‘Project Fear’ the UK Mask Slips, 30.7.13 Eric Chester – NATO, Nuclear weapons and Scottish independence, 16.5.13 Allan Armstrong – Radisson Blu or Post-Radisson Red, 21.12 Murdo Ritchie (before in RCN) – The Slippery Slope- The consequences of the SNP conference decision on NATO, 11.11.12 Ewan Robertson – Imagining Radical Independence: Learning from the Venezuelan Experience, 11.11.12 The Declaration of Calton Hill, October 2004, 11.11.12 Eric Chester – Scottish Independence – Sham or Genuine, 31.10.12 Murdo Ritchie (before in RCN) – Why the Independence Referendum is being turned into one on NATO, 30.7.12 Allan Armstrong – The ‘Independence-Lite’ Referendum and a Tale of Two Campaigns (‘Yes’ Scotland and RIC), 17.6.12 Bob Goupillot – The Republican Road to Socialism; Allan Armstrong, Republicanism and the UK State, 16.6.12 Armstrong – The Making and the Breaking of the UK State, 30.9.11, further amended 9.6.12 Allan Armstrong – What the May 5th Local Election results mean in Scotland, 31.5.12 Allan Armstrong – After May 5th, A Looming Constitutional Crisis, 10.8.11 Allan Armstrong – Two Royal Weddings…and a Republican Funeral for the UK? 19.3.11 (first posted on Word Power blog), 19.3.11 Allan Armstrong – Can the SNP Deliver Independence? 14.11.09‘celtic-tigers’-and-‘celtic-lions’-both-pussycats-for-big-business/ Allan Armstrong – ‘Celtic Lions’ and ‘Celtic Tigers’ – Both Pussycats for Big Business, 14.10.08’s-‘national-conversation’-prepares-the-ground-for-reform-of-the-union/ Allan Armstrong – The SNP’s ‘National Conversation’ Prepares the Ground for Reform of the Union, 13.9.07
B.2) General articles on the campaign for Scottish self-determination (written by non RCN members) – Jim Slaven (James Connolly Society – JCS) – The Empire Strikes Back (also posted on the 107Cowgate blog), 14.8.14 Jim Slaven (JCS) – Offensive Behaviour and the Independence Referendum, 22.5.13; Up the Ra and All That, 22.5.13
Emancipation & Liberation, no. 21 Jim Slaven (JCS) – Ireland and the broader consequences of the Scottish referendum, November, 2012 Jim Slaven (JCS) – The Olympics and the British Ideology, 10.9.12 Jim Slaven (JCS) – On meeting monarchy, 30.7.12 Jim Slaven (JCS) – The Belfast Flag Riots and the Scottish Dimension, 10.1.12
C.1) Debates with the Scottish Left written by RCN members Murdo Ritchie – The Myth of Real Independence, 13.11.13 RCN – Socialist Unity, The RCN Asks 12 questions (with responses from James Foley (ISG) and Alistair Black (Frontline), 29.10.13 Eric Chester – The Perils of Unity (plus comments by Nick Clarke and Allan Armstrong) 15.7.13 Allan Armstrong – Socialist unity: Pushing the rock over the hill, contribution to a debate in Frontline, 10.6.13 Allan Armstrong with Bob Goupillot – Riding Two Horses at Once –The SWP and Scottish Independence, 17.4.13 Allan Armstrong replies to David Jamieson (ISG), 26.3.13
and, Allan Armstrong replies to David Jamieson, part 2, 2.6.13 Eric Chester – From Syriza to Scotland, 1.1.13 Allan Armstrong – Radisson Blu or Post-Radisson Red, including an analysis of the ISG, 21.12.12 Allan Armstrong replies to Gregor Gall, A Debate on the Way Forward for the Radical Independence Campaign, 11.12.12 (also posted on Word Power website) RCN – Uniting the Left in Scotland on a Principled Basis, 28.11.12, Allan Armstrong – Cultural Debates and the Wider Meaning of Self-Determination in Scotland, 20.11.12 RCN – The RCN (Scotland), What We Stand For, Theory and Practice, 11.11.12 Susan Dorazio – For A Socialist and Feminist Republican Scotland, 11.11.12 Allan Armstrong – ‘Britain Must Break’ to Defend ‘Real Labour’ or ‘The Break Up of the UK” or to Advance Republican Socialism – a review of The Break up of Britain by James Foley & Pete Ramand (ISG), (with comments from James Foley, Liam Turbott, Brendan McGeever) 16.9.12 RCN – For An Independent Scottish Socialist Republic, (with comment by Allan Armstrong, 10.11.12) 5.8.12 RCN – What We Stand For, 11.6.12 RCN – May Day Greetings, 1.5.12 Motions passed at SSP 2012 Conference; Eric Chester – The Scottish Independence Referendum; Allan Armstrong – Reply, 06.04.12 Susan Dorazio – The Scottish Independence Referendum: Thinking Through a Socialist Campaign for Scottish Independence; Allan Armstrong – A Socialist Strategy for the Scottish Democratic Movement; Eric Chester – Outline of a Policy on Scottish Independence Referendum; Allan Armstrong – Some Proposals for Working in the Scottish Democratic Movement, 26.3.12 RCN – The RCN Call for Socialist/Communist Regroupment in Scotland, 26.2.12 RCN – The RCN Platform and the SSP, 11.2.12 Allan Armstrong, Bob Goupillot and Iain Robertson – Beyond the SSP and Solidarity – ‘Forgive and Forget’ or ‘Listen, Learn then Move On’? 20.12.11 Mary McGregor – A review of Downfall: The Tommy Sheridan Story by Alan McCombes, 23.10 11 2. RCN Bulletin, SSP Special Conference, 5.2.11 RCN Statement Following the Sheridan Perjury Trial, 3.2.11 RCN motion to SSP Special Conference, 3.2.11 Allan Armstrong – The split on the Scottish Left between celebrity populist and genuine socialist politics, 10.1.11’s-holyrood-elections/ RCN – Statement on the Decision of George Galloway’s to stand in Next Year’s Holyrood elections (also including statement from Socialist Resistance), 16.11.10 RCN – A contribution to the discussions arising from the Glasgow North East by-election, 26.1.10 Allan Armstrong – Interview with Jim Slaven of the James Connolly Society, 14.11.09 Allan Armstrong – The Need for Socialist Unity, 10.7.09 Allan Armstrong – Interview with Alan McCombes (SSP), 4.10.08 Iain Robertson for the RCN – The Role of Platforms within the SSP, 4.10.08 RCN – The SSP: Learning the Lessons, 4.10.08 Mary McGregor – Setback or Disaster: Can the SSP Survive? 13.9.07
C.2) Debates within the Scottish Left (written by non-RCN members) Gerry Hassan (Scottish political commentator) – A Letter to Scotland’s New Radicals, 2.9.14 – Jim Slaven (JCS) – The Empire Strikes Back (also posted on the 107Cowgate blog), 14.8.14 Rory Scothorne (Mair Nor a Roch Wind and National Collective) – Riding the Unicorn: A Critique of Common Weal, 2.8.13 Socialist Unity in Scotland, Alistair Black (Frontline) A better Scotland Is Possible and a better Left; Colin Fox (SSP) – The SSP and the fight for a better Left in Scotland; Raymond Watt (International Socialist Network – ISN) – Left renewal in Scotland: The view from the ISN; Cat Boyd and James Foley (ISG) – Out of the ghetto: Why detoxifying the Left is the first stage to revival, 10.6.13 David Jamieson (International Socialist Group – ISG) replies to the Allan Armstrong, 23.1.13 Frontline – May Day Greetings to Emancipation & Liberation. 1.5.12 James Kelman – On Self Determination, 6.4.12
D.1) RIC related articles (written by RCN members)
a) General Allan Armstrong & Bob Goupillot, The Future of the Radical Independence Campaign, 21.10.14 Edinburgh RIC – motion submitted to RIC National Forum in Perth, 1.4.14 Mary McGregor – Scotland, Republican Internationalism in the Struggle for Genuine Self-Determination, Talk given to second Radical Independence Campaign conference (also on Youtube): Allan Armstrong – A reply to David Torrance’s report of the conference in The Herald (also posted on RIC blog) 25.11.13 Allan Armstrong- Radisson-Blu or Post-Radisson Red? 20.12.12 Allan Armstrong – Genuine Self Determination Means Acting As Republicans Now, Talk given to first Radical Independence Conference, 24.11.12 Murdo Ritchie (before in RCN) – The Radical Independence Campaign – Which Way Forward, 28.10.12 Murdo Ritchie (before in RCN) – Radical Independence Campaign, Why, 26.10.12 Allan Armstrong- The ‘Independence-Lite’ referendum and a Tale of Two Campaigns (including the plans for RIC) 20.6.12
b) Scotland relevant articles in RIC Conference Emancipation & Liberation magazines
Issue 23, 2014-15 Murdo Ritchie – When Decades Happen: After the Referendum; Allan Armstrong – RIC A Scottish Republican Movement in the Making; Eric Chester – Scotland out of NATO; Mary McGregor – A Review of Scottish Independence – A Feminist Response by Cat Boyd & Jenny Morrison
Issue 22, 2013-14 EB, Emancipation & Liberation – Editorial; Ewan Robertson – Why Venezuela is Relevant to the Scottish Independence Movement; RCN – Scottish Self Determination: For a Wannabe Ruling Class or for Scotland’s People
Issue 21, 2012-13 EB, Emancipation & Liberation – Editorial; RCN – For an Independent Socialist Scotland; The Declaration of Calton Hill; Susan Dorazio – For a Socialist and Feminist Republican Scotland; Ewan Robertson – Imagining Radical Independence, Learning from the Venezuelan Experience; Murdo Ritchie (before in RCN) – The Slippery Slope; Mary McGregor – Michael Marra, A Tribute
c) RIC National Forum Specials
October bulletin Allan Armstrong – Lord Smith – Pillar of the British Establishment; Allan Armstrong and Bob Goupillot, Democracy in Action – Being Prepared to Listen and Learn
August bulletin Iain Robertson – Between Now and September; Allan Armstrong, Stop the Bank of Scotland Evictions of Irish Home Mortgage Debtors
May bulletin Allan Armstrong – What Happens After September 18th; RCN – Support the Struggle for Real Self-Determination in a Scottish Democratic, Secular and Social Republic; Allan Armstrong – Winning Internationalist Allies in Ireland
March bulletin Allan Armstrong – Lets all end our abusive relationship with the UK state; Allan Armstrong – The Republican Communist Network and the Radical Independence Campaign; Iain Robertson – A Republican Perspective is Important for Scotland’s Future (also published in RCN May Day bulletin)
d) Other RIC activities Allan Armstrong – Message from Edinburgh RIC to the ‘Go For It Scotland’ Rally in Cardiff on September 13th (written for Edinburgh RIC), 13.9.14 Allan Armstrong – 25 years since the Poll Tax: 1 Year Since the Bedroom Tax, 1.4.14 Allan Armstrong – Secularism: Time to Separate Church and State, Talk given to Edinburgh RIC, 30.9.13 Allan Armstrong – Republic Day Speech, speaking for Edinburgh RIC at the JCS Republic Day commemoration, 24.4.13
D.2) RIC related articles (written by non-RCN members)
a) General Penny Cole (World to Win), A Report of the Radical Independence Campaign conference held in Glasgow on November 22nd: Angharad Tomos (Welsh Language Society) – Radical Independence, 4.12.14 Andy Ashe (Edinburgh RIC) – Speech To the James Connolly Memorial Rally, speaking for Edinburgh RIC, 7.6.14 (also on Edinburgh RIC blog) Gerry Hassan (Scottish political commentator) – A Letter to Scotland’s New Radicals, 2.9.14 Liam O’Hare (ISG, then Edinburgh RIC), Speech at the JCS Conference for Edinburgh RIC, 10.12.13 Bernadette McAliskey (independent socialist republican) – Contribution to The Future of 4 Nations session at 2nd RIC conference in Glasgow on 23.11.13 (also on youtube) Alice Bowman (Edinburgh RIC) – Women and Scottish Independence, talk given at Edinburgh RIC meeting, 9.5.13
b) Scotland relevant articles in RIC Conference magazines
Issue 23, 2014-15
Steve Freeman (RSA and LUP) – England: Nationalism versus Republicanism; Bernadette McAliskey – The Importance of Republicanism; Liam O’Hare (ISG) – Catalonia prepares for independence; David Betteridge – An Open Gate (poem)
Issue 22, 2013-14
Alice Bowman (Edinburgh RIC) – Women and Independence; Jim Slaven (JCS) – Why We Don’t Wear A Poppy; Steve Freeman (Republican Socialist Alliance – RSA) – The Scottish Republic and the Commonwealth of England; The Republican Socialist Platform
Issue 21, 2012-13
Jim Slaven (JCS) – Ireland and the broader consequences of the Scottish referendum
E.1) Debates with the British unionist Left (written by RCN members) Allan Armstrong – Labour and Left Unionism in the Scottish independence Debate, talk for Conference of Socialist Economists on 21.6.14 in Edinburgh, also sent to Left Unity Party Glasgow South branch for debate with Sandy McBurney on 13.12.14 Eric Chester – The Demise of Labourism and the Passing of Tony Benn, 16.6.14 Bob Goupillot – Tony Benn: A Man of Principle and Radical Democrat, 16.3.14 Murdo Ritchie – How the Vestigial Left is Failing to Understand the Political Life of Scotland Today, 15.3.14 Richard Cameron – Just Say ‘Naw’ to Galloway’s Sectarian British Unionism (also posted on RIC and bella caledonia blogs), 4.2.14 Allan Armstrong- After Grangemouth, What Now for the Left in Scotland? 24.10.13 Allan Armstrong – Scottish self-determination and the actually existing Labour movement, A response to the Red Paper Collective’s ‘Power to the People’ – a labour movement view, 5.10.12 Allan Armstrong and Bob Goupillot reply to Barry Biddulph (libertarian marxist): Allan Armstrong replies to Arthur Boffy (Boffy’s blog), Stuart King (Permanent Revolution), James Turley (CPGB-Weekly Worker) 18.5.12 Bob Goupillot reviews the new RCN pamphlet, Getting Over The Hee Bee GBs, where Allan Armstrong debates with the CPGB (Weekly Worker) and SPGB, 4.3.12 Allan Armstrong – A reply to James Turley (CPGB-Weekly Worker) 19.5.11
and E&L EB – Open Letter – No Vote for Galloway, 11.5.11 Allan Armstrong, Abstract Propaganda or Active Involvement in All the Struggles of Our Class; RCN, A Reply to Joe Thorn, 25.8.10
and Allan Armstrong – Report of the second Global Commune meeting, 22.5.10
and Allan Armstrong for the RCN – The Communist Case for Internationalism From Below, A contribution to the first Global Commune event in Edinburgh, 22.5.10 Allan Armstrong for the SSP International Committee at the second Republican Socialist Convention, London (13.2.10) 10.10.11
and Allan Armstrong – A reply to Alan Johnson of the SPGB, 26.4.10
and Allan Armstrong – The contribution made by Allan Armstrong (SSP International Committee) at the 2nd Republican Socialist Convention Debate in London with following debate with Nick Rogers of the CPGB (Weekly Worker), 26.02.10 Allan Armstrong – The Need for Socialist Unity, 10.7.09
E.2) Contributions from the British unionist Left (written by non-RCN members) Barry Biddulph (libertarian marxist) – The Paradox of Nationalism as Internationalism from Below, 18.5.12 Clifford Biddulph (libertarian marxist) – No National Solutions; Joe Thorn (libertarian marxist) – The RCN’s ‘Internationalism from Below’ and the Case of Scotland – A Critical View, 25.8.10 Alan Johnson (Socialist Party of Great Britain – SPGB) – A letter to Weekly Worker, no. 812, 26.4.10 Nick Rogers (Communist Parry if Great Britain – Weekly Worker – CPGB-WW) – A Reply to Allan Armstrong’s arguments in Weekly Worker, no. 805, 26.02.10
F.1) Building support outside Scotland (written by RCN members) Allan Armstrong – Message from Edinburgh RIC to the ‘Go For It Scotland’ Rally in Cardiff on September 13th (written for Edinburgh RIC), 13.9.14 Mark France (Left Unity’s Scottish Republic Yes Tendency) report with section on Allan Armstrong’s talk at the London Says Yes rally on September 10.9.14 Allan Armstrong – The Case for the Break-up of the UK and the Internationalism from Below Response to the Unionist State – talk given to the Republican Socialist Alliance in London on 6.7.13 (also published in Chartist no.265, Nov/Dec. 2013) Allan Armstrong for the SSP International Committee – at the second Republican Socialist Convention, London, 13.2.10, SSP International Committee, The Republican Socialist Convention, Uniting the Left on the basis of ‘Internationalism from Below’, Edinburgh, 29.11.08 (A separate pamphlet was published after the event)
and SSP International Committee – Letter agreed to be sent out to organisations in Ireland, Wales and England, 15.10.08
and Motion initiated by RCN, passed at SSP Conference in October 2007 Allan Armstrong – The Need for Socialist Unity, 10.7.09
F.2) Building support outside Scotland (written by non-RCN members)
a) England Steve Freeman (Left Unity Party – LUP and RSA) – A Constitution for the Commonwealth of England, 27.11.14 Steve Freeman (LUP and RSA) – After September 18th; Paul Feldman (World to Win and RSA) – Despite a ‘No’ Vote, Scottish Referendum Advances the Struggle for Democracy, 4.10.14 Steve Freeman (LUP and RSA) – Scottish Referendum: The Crown versus the people: England’s case for Voting ‘Yes’, 17.9.14 Mark France (LUP and RSA) – To Scotland with Love: A Report from the Scotland Says ‘Yes’ Rally in London on September 6th; Bernadette McAliskey (link to Youtube); The London Artist Taxi Driver (link to Youtube) 10.9.14 Scottish Republic Yes Tendency in the LUP – leaflet handed out at Peoples Assembly in London, 26.6.14 Alan Story (Northampton LUP) and Steve Freeman (RSA and Southwark LUP) – The Scottish Solidarity Speaking Tour – Reports from England, 10.6.14 Steve Freeman (RSA and LUP) – Internationalism from Below in Action at the Left Unity Conference in Manchester, 1.4.14 Steve Freeman (RSA and LUP) – Hands Off the people of Scotland – motion to LUP Conference on Manchester, on 29th March, 25.3.14 Steve Freeman (RSA and LUP) – Republican socialist candidate for the Left Unity Party, 7.3.14 – Steve Freeman (RSA and LUP) – Republican Socialist Alliance in England responds to Cameron and Osborne, 15.2.14 Steve Freeman (RSA and LUP) – Republican socialism and Left unity, 17.1.14 Bernadette McAliskey (independent socialist republican) – Contribution to The Future of 4 Nations session at 2nd RIC conference in Glasgow on 23.11.13 (also on youtube); Steve Freeman, The Scottish Republic and the Commonwealth of England, 25.11.14 Steve Freeman (RSA and LUP) – The Case for the Republican Socialist Platform in the Left Unity Party in England, 17.11.13 Steve Freeman (RSA) – Report of Republican Socialist Alliance meeting in London on 6th July, 11.8.13 Steve Freeman (Bermondsey Republican Socialists) – England’s Democracy: From St Pauls to St Marys (first appeared in Occupy Times), 9.1.12 C. Desmond Greaves (The Life and Times of James Connolly) Socialist Republicans and Queen Victoria’s Jubilee; James Connolly Workers Republic) – Queen Victoria’s Jubilee; Weekly Worker – The Crown Rules Britannia; Barry Biddulph (the commune) – The queen: floating in the stink, 16.6.12 Steve Freeman (Bermondsey Republican Socialists and London Occupy) England’s Democracy: St.Pauls to St.Marys; Steve Freeman & Phil Vellendar – The English Question; Terry Liddle – The republican movement in the 1870’s, 9.1.12 Colin Fox (SSP co-chair); Peter Tatchell (Green Party); Meda Kia (Middle East Bulletin); Steve Freeman (Socialist Alliance) at the second Republican Socialist Convention, London (13.2.10) 10.10.11
b) Wales Angharad Tomos – Radical Independence Campaign conference in Glasgow, 4.12.14 Leanne Wood (Plaid Cymru) – Wales and Scottish Independence, 15.8.14 (also posted on RIC and opendemocracy blogs)
c) Ireland Bernadette McAliskey (link to Youtube); The London Artist Taxi Driver (link to Youtube) 10.9.14 – Jim Slaven (JCS) – The Empire Strikes Back (also posted on the 107Cowgate blog), 14.8.14 Bernadette McAliskey (independent socialist republican) – Contribution to The Future of 4 Nations session at 2nd RIC conference in Glasgow on 23.11.13 (also on youtube) Jim Slaven (JCS) – Ireland and the broader consequences of the 2014 Scottish Referendum, 11.11.12
d) Catalunya
Emancipation & Liberation no. 23 Liam O’Hare (ISG) – Catalonia Prepares for Independence Adam Majo (CUP) – RIC and the Catalan Struggle, 10.12.13 Duncan McCabe (Dundee RIC) – Catalunya and Freedom Come All Ye, 17.11.13 Esther Vivas (International Viewpoint) – When Will We See Tanks In Barcelona? 12.11.12
G) Other International Issues
a) Ireland (written by by non-RCN members) SD-I – Stormont House Deal, 7.2.15 Anne McShane (Weekly Worker) – No more the victim; Eddie McLaughlin (SD-I) – Will Water Charges be the end of Jack?16.12.14 SD-I – Trade unions and Stormont cuts, 24.10.14 SD-I- Peter Robinson repudiates the Deal. Another step towards the abyss; John McAnulty (SD-I) – Paisley the chief bigot is dead. The sectarian state lives on, 25.9.14 John Lannon (IMIStandpunkt) – The continued US military use of Shannon Airport, 16.9.14 John McAnulty (SD-I) – On the runs: Concessions to Sinn Fein were mere smoke and mirrors; Racist attacks continue as Stormont makes token concessions, 10.8.14 SD-I – Race: break the bonds of liberal outrage – The sectarian state sponsors of racism, 25.6.14 SD-I – GAA and Sky – Gombeen capitalists break links with their sponsors; An Lar Dearg: A bad day for Sinn Fein, 10.6.14 John McAnulty (SD-I) – How real is the recovery? Joe Thorn (SD-I) – Kowtowing to the queen, 6.6.14 John McAnulty (SD-I) – Adams arrest: Sinn Fein responds to British attack by call to the dark side, 13.5.14 John McAnulty (SD-I) – Sinn Fein on the run as settlement slips further to the right, 13.3.14 SD-I – Latvia: Endpoint in the race to the bottom; Ireland’s new ‘independence’: an avalanche of corruption, 1.3.14 eirigi – eirigi election workers assaulted by Garda Special Branch, 26.2.14 Sandy Bower (Irish Echo) – Human rights are under threat in North of Ireland, 7.2.14 SD-I – Irish budget 2014: A budget of some and mirrors, advancing an agenda of barbarism, 7.2.14 Irish Socialist Network – a new issue of Resistance, 24.1.14 SD-I – Haas talks debacle: decay of the Irish Peace Process accelerates; A new flag for north of Ireland; State violence: the dead past? 19.12.13 John McAnulty (SD – I) –Ireland to exit the Troika: Ireland free? A nation once again? 2.12.13 Jim Slaven (JCS) – 100th Anniversary of Dublin Lock-Out, 12.11.13 J.M.Thorn (SD-I) – DUP bigots move to restrict abortion rights, 5.11.13 J.M.Thorn (SD-I) – The Haas talks; John McAnulty (SD-I) The Unionists set the tone for the new society, 26.9.13 John McAnulty (SD-I) – “Equality of the two traditions” hits the rocks, 10.9.13 SD-I – Ireland and the Protection of Life during Pregnancy Act SD-I – Trying to manage Loyalist bigotry whilst ignoring unionist bigotry, 12.8.13 John McAnulty (SD-I) – Saving the peace: the informal agenda of G8; eirgi – Police target eirigi members in clampdown before G8 opposition in Belfast; Ireland; A country dominated by imperialism; Anti-G8: a report of activity, 17.6.13 James Fearon (SD-I) – Ireland, union strategy, Keynes and the debt. 12.6.13 SD-I – A shared future in the north of Ireland; the emperor’s new clothes, 2.6.13 John McAnulty – Good Friday Agreement: Thatcher’s progressive legacy? 28.4.13 eirigi – The bedroom tax in Northern Ireland, 16.4.13 eirigi – Twisting facts to suit British law, 18.3.13 J. Thorn (SD-I) – Orange and Green Bigots Unite in Opposition to Marie Stopes Clinic; J. Thorn – ‘Magdalene’: When “Sorry” Isn’t Anywhere Near Enough, 5.3.05 James Fearon (SD-I) – Belfast; the carnival of reaction continues, 24.1.13 John McAnulty (SD-I) – De Silva Report; another bucket of whitewash in the Finucane case, 23.12.12 John McAnulty (SD-I) – Belfast flag riots, 13.12.12 eirigi – Leckey decision “absolutely shameful”, 29.11.12 eirigi- Shining a light in the shadows; eirigi slam arrest and detention of Newry member as political policing, 21.11.12 John McAnulty (SD-I) – We have heartbeats too, 20.11.12 Ann McShane (Weekly Worker) – The end of the road for the United Left Alliance? 4.11.12 eirigi – 9€ of criminal damage to gilmore’s car, 27.10.12 SD-I – Covenant marches promise endless sectarianism; John McAnulty (SD-I) – RUC riches show emptiness of Patten reform, 16.10.12 John McAnulty (SD-I) – The Orange Frankenstein marches again, 11.9.12 eirigi – In the aftermath of Ballymurphy, 3.9.12 Tommy McKearney (Independent Workers Union) – The merger of physical force republicans; John McAnulty (SD-I) – A new IRA?, 19.8.12 SD-I – Girwood Plan: sectarianism trumps social needs; Eddie McLaughlin (SD-I) – County Cavan – Ireland in microcosm, 18.8.12 Brendan McCionaith (eirigi) – Statement; SD-I – That handshake and the nature of royalty, 30.7.12 Bernadette McAliskey – From Belfast to Belmarsh; eirigi – Dublin City Council supports Marian Price, 30.7.12 John McAnulty (SD-I ) – Price demonstration shows growing anger at the return of internment, 6.6.12 SD-I) –A new tyranny over Europe, 31.5.12 John McAnulty (SD-I) Northern Ireland education case illustrates sectarian reality, 18.5.12 John McAnulty (SD-I) – The new northern state: a stable solution? 6.4.12 SD-I – The silent retreat of the United Left Alliance, 6.4.12 SD-I – A political report of the reclaiming of our unions conference in Dublin, 13.10.11 John McAnulty (SD-I) – A republican realignment, 8.10.11
bi) Greece(written by RCN members) Eric Chester – From Syriza to Scotland, 1.1.13
bii) Greece (written by non-RCN members) Lina Christou – What Is Happening in Greece and Why, 11.11.13 (also E&L no. 21) Antarsya – Merkel Is Unwanted in Greece, 16.10.12
ci) Ukraine (written by RCN members) Leaflet produced by RCN and International Socialists Scotland – Ukraine: Caught Between East & West, 13.5.14 Allan Armstrong, What May Day Means in Ukraine, 1.5.14
cii) Ukraine (written by non-RCN members) Statement by the Ukraine Solidarity Campaign (UK), 2.9.14 Zakhar Popyvich (Left Opposition in Kyiv) video by Patricia Kirk & John Lanigan, 18.5.14; Vitaly (Left Opposition in Kyiv) interview, 24.5.14 A Statement from Autonomist Workers Union in Kyiv; Boris Kargalitsky- ‘Polite Intervention’ and the Ukrainian Uprising, 7.3.14
di) Venezuela (written by RCN members) Ewan Robertson, Why Is a Venezuela Relevant to Scotland’s Independence Movement, 24.11.13 Ewan Robertson – Imagining Radical Independence and Learning from the Venezuelan Experience, 11.11.12 (also E&L no.21)
dii) Venezuela (written by non-RCN members) Tamara Pearson (Venezuela Analysis) – Venezuela: the Dangers of A Revolution Against A Women’s Right to Choose, 2.10.12 Rachael Boothroyd (Venezuela Analysis) Without feminism socialism can not exist; without socialism feminism can not exist, 14.4.12
ei) Middle East (written by RCN members) Nick Clarke – Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign AGM in Dundee, 11.114 RCN – A Letter to the Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign, 23.9.13
eii) Middle East (written by non-RCN members) Socialist Action (USA) US Hands Off Syria, 13.9.13 Revolutionary Socialists (Egypt) – A Statement from the Revolutionary Socialists in Egypt on the Massacre in Cairo; John Riddell (Green Left Weekly) – Egypt: Socialists Need to Rethink Military Takeover, 27.8.13 Socialist Party of Malaya – Release Mursi and Stop the Violence in Egypt!; Yassamine Mather (CPGB-WW) Egypt – Two Reactionary Forces, 29.7.13
fi) South Africa (written by non RCN members) Musa Okwanga (blogger) – Mandela Will Never Be Your Minstrel; John Pilger (New Statesman) – Mandela’s Greatness May Be Assured, But Not His Legacy, 17.12.13 Abahlalibase Mjondolo – Solidarity with the Miners at Marikana, 17.8.12
H.1) Imperialism and War (written by RCN members)
Emancipation & Liberation, no.23, Eric Chester – Scotland Out of NATO, Nov.2014 Eric Chester, World War I – War the Catastrophic Result of Imperialist Rivalries; Murdo Ritchie – NATO is Dead – Why Join It?; Pauline Bradley- Remembering Those Who Resisted War, 14.8.14 Eric Chester –World War I: The Catastrophic Result of Imperialist Rivalries; Murdo Ritche – NATO is dead. Why join it? Pauline Bradley – Remembering those who resisted the war, 9.8.14 Eric Chester – World War I: Glorious Victory or Imperialist Bloodbath, 1.5.14 Alan Boylan- An ex-Soldier Responds to the Jailing and Dismissal of Protesting Soldiers, 17.12.13 Eric Chester – NATO, Nuclear Weapons and Scottish Independence, 16.5.13
H.2) War (written by non RCN members) Reject Imperialism: Reject the Poppy, Alex McGuigan (JCS), 20.11.14 John Lannon (IMI-Stndpunkt) – The Continued US Military Use of Shannon Airport, 16.9.14 Mark Kosman (Kool34) – One Hundred Years of Counter-Revolution, 15.8.14 Jim Slaven (JCS) – Why We Don’t Wear A Poppy, 24.11.13 John McAnulty (SD-I) – Saving the peace: the informal agenda of Enniskillen; eirigi – PSNI target eirigi members in clampdown on G8 opposition in Belfast; SD-I – Ireland: a country dominated by imperialism; eirigi – Report of anti-G8 activity, 17.6.13 Murdo Ritchie (murdosblog) The Slippery Slope, 11.11.12 Murdo Ritchie (murdosblog) – Why the independence referendum is being turned into one on NATO, 30.7.12
I.1) Economic Crisis (written by RCN members) Eric Chester – The Crisis of Capitalism: A Socialist Perspective; Comment from Allan Armstrong, 6.5.13 Eric Chester – Reform or revolution in an era of crisis, 21.2.12 Eric Chester – Fighting the cuts, 21.9.11 RCN – Capitalism offers us no future, 21.9.11
I.2) Economic Crisis (written by non-RCN members) John Fearon (SD-I) – Ireland: Union Strategy, Keynes and the Debt, 12.6.13 SD-I –A new tyranny over Europe, 31.5.12
J.1) Trade Unions and Social Struggles (written by RCN members) Allan Armstrong – After Grangemouth, What Now for the Left in Scotland? 24.10.13 Murdo Ritche – Single Ends and Hobbit Houses, 18.3.13 Susan Dorazio – Anti-Workfare Protests in Leith and Glasgow, 11.12.12 Susan Dorazio – The Cooperative: Not So Good For Everyone, 26.11.12 Eric Chester – The Chicago Teachers Strike, 5.10.12 Eric Chester – The Democrat Party derails the struggle in Wisconsin, 16.6.12 Allan Armstrong – Trade unions: are they fit for purpose? 11/2/11
J.2) Trade Union and Social Struggles (written by non-RCN members) Brian Higgins (Building Worker Group – BWG) – Dave Williams: A Tribute, 27.1.15 Ann Murphy (Weekly Worker) – No more the victim; Eddie McLaughlin (SD-I) Will Water Charges be the end of Jack? 16.12.14 Trade Unionists For Independence (East Coast) – After Setember18th – Bring Real Democracy into our Unions; Socialist Democracy – Ireland – Trade unions and Stormont cuts, 24.10.14 Tony McKinnon (Morning Star reporter) – Sexist abuse in the trade union movement: a case requiring a proper response, 26.8.14 Ukraine Solidarity Campaign – Public Transport Drivers Are Forgotten, 25.8.14 Jerry Hicks (Grassroots UNITE) – The Telling of Two Press releases: One A Balls Up, the Other from the Hamster on the Wheel, 9.8.14 Krivy Rih Miners – Miners of Krivyh Rih show the way forward in Ukraine, 28.5.14 Edinburgh RIC – 25 years since the Poll Tax:1 year since the Bedroom Tax, 1.5.14 Mark Metcalf (Big Issue in the North), Undercover but Within Sites: Police Infiltration of Trade Unions, 24.3.14 James Fearon (SD-I)) – US trade unions: Waiting for Godot, 24.3.14 Anarchist Federation, The Agenda for Change, 7.2.14 Industrial Workers of Great Britain – The Case for Independent Trade Unions: Our Right to Organise, 28.10.13 Jerry Hicks (Grassroots UNITE) – Grangemouth: Botched from the Very Beginning and Ending in Disaster; SD-I – Ground Zero: The Grangemouth Catastrophe, the unions and the socialist movement, 28.10.13 SD-I – The Labour Crisis, 11.8.13 John Fearon (SD-I) – Ireland: Union Strategy, Keynes and the Debt, 12.6.13 Alan Keays (Siteworker) – Blacklist: Enough is Enough, Time for Action, 19.4.13 eirigi – The bedroom tax in Northern Ireland, 16.4.13 Jerry Hicks (Grassroots Left) – We did not win, but we are now the Left in UNITE, 16.4.13 Jerry Hicks (Grassroots Left) – Jerry Hicks: UNITE General Secretary Update, 9.4.13 Jerry Hicks (Grassroots Left), Following in the Fine Tradition of Frank Chapell and Eric Hammond, 25.3.13 Jerry Hicks (Grassroots Left) – Blacklisted Jerry Hicks, Candidate for UNITE General Secretary Speaks Out, 25.3.13 International Workers of Great Britain, John Lewis Cleaners to Strike for the Living Wage; Grassroots Left – Jerry Hick’s Rank and File Campaign for UNITE General Secretary, 8.3.13 Site Worker, Collusion and Betrayal, 1.1.13 Councillor Peter Smith (Walsall Democratic Labour) – Councillor Adopts Principled Stance Against the Cuts, 28.8.12 Abahlalibase Mjondolo – Solidarity with the Miners at Marikana, 17.8.12 SD-I) – Pensions Dispute, 18.8.12 Jerry Hicks (Grassroots Left) – Union leader slams Ed Miliband, but who put there in the first place, 23.1.12 Albert Durango (Latin American Workers Association, Industrial rakers of the World) – IWW: Major Gains at Heron Tower Dispute; Blacklist Support Group – Brian Higgins and the Anti-Blacklist Campaign success in Brussels; the commune – Report of the fantastic Rank & File construction workers’ meeting, 19.8.11 SD-I – A political report on the reclaiming of our trade unions conference in Ireland, 13/10.11 Brian Higgins (BWG), Brian Higgins Anti-Blacklist Campaign, 6.9.10 Brian Higgins (BWG), Campaign to Fight the Blacklist and to Support Brian Higgins, 20.2.10
K.1) Women (written by RCN members)
Emancipation & Liberation no.23 Pauline Bradley – Rana Plaza – When art meets reality; Mary McGregor – Book review: Scottish independence- a feminist response, Nov, 2014 Susan Dorazio – Pro-Choice in the US Needs to Take a Left Turn, 12.11.12 Susan Dorazio – For a Socialist and Feminist Republican Scotland: Gender Equality and Beyond, 11.11.12 Susan Dorazio and Mhairi Macalpine (non RCN member) – March 8th: International Women’s Day
K.2) Women (written by non-RCN members) Alice Bowman (Edinburgh RIC) – Women and Independence, 24.11.13 (also in Emancipation & Liberation no.22) J.M.Thorn (SD-I) – DUP bigots move to restrict abortion rights, 5.11.13 SD-I – Ireland and the Protection of Life during Pregnancy Act, 12.8.13 Susan Dorazio (IWW) – When Child Care Workers Fought Back: A History to be Proud of, Lessons to be Learned, A Tribute to International Women’s Day; J. Thorn (SD-I) – Orange and Green Bigots Unite in Opposition to Marie Stopes Clinic; J. Thorn – ‘Magdalene’: When “Sorry” Isn’t Anywhere Near Enough, 5.3.13 SD-I – We Have Heartbeats Too! 20.11.12 Tamara Pearson (Venezuela Analysis) – Venezuela: the Dangers of A Revolution Against A Women’s Right to Choose, 2.10.12 Rachael Boothroyd (Venezuela Analysis) Without feminism socialism can not exist; without socialism feminism can not exist, 14.4.12 Women for Civil Disobedience in Israel Report; Revolutionary Association of Women of Afghanistan – Statement on International Women’s Day, 15.3.12
L) Communism (written by RCN members) Allan Armstrong- Exploitation, Oppression and Alienation: Emancipation, Liberation and Self-Determination.7.5.14 Eric Chester – Socialists and a Secular Society, 20.4.14 Iain Robertson – Is Communism Possible? 18.3.13 RCN – Communism and Human Nature, 5.8.12 Allan Armstrong, Bob Goupillot and Iain Robertson – Is Communism Possible? Eric Chester – Thoughts on the Transition from Capitalism to a Communist Society; Allan Armstrong & Bob Goupillot – Why We Need a Truly Human and Democratic Communism, 16.4.12 Susan Dorazio – Socialism militant, socialism triumphant: thoughts on communism and the workplace inspired by William Morris, 1.5.12
M.1) Organisation – Party and Movement (written by RCN members) Allan Armstrong & Bob Goupillot, The Future of the Radical Independence Campaign, 21.10.14 RCN – Comradely Conduct Policy Bob Goupillot, The Party We Need, 20.11.13 RCN, Socialist Unity: the RCN asks 12 questions, 20.11.13 (with responses from James Foley (ISG) and Alistair Black (Frontline) Eric Chester, The Perils of Unity, 15.7.13 Allan Armstrong – Pushing the rock over the hill, 10.6.13 (contribution to debate in Frontline) Allan Armstrong – The Crisis in the SWP: The failure of the Central Committee’s “recruit, recruit, recruit” tactics, 25.3.13 Eric Chester – From Syriza to Scotland, 1.1.13 Allan Armstrong – Radisson Blu or Post-Radisson Red, 20.12.12 RCN – Uniting the Left in Scotland on a Principled Basis, 28.11.12 Eric Chester – Revolutionary Unity Mission Statement, 4.7.12 RCN – What We Stand For, 11.6.12 Iain Robertson for the RCN – The Role of Platforms within the SSP, 4.10.08
M.2) Party and Movement (written by non-RCN members) Steve Freeman (RSA and LUP) – A Republican Socialist Candidate for the Executive of the Left Unity Party.7.3.14 Steve Freeman (RSA and LUP) – Republican Socialism and Left Unity, 17.1.14 Republican Socialist Platform in the Left Unity Party, 24.11.13 RSA – The Case for the Republican Socialist Platform in the Left Unity Party, 5.11.13 The Socialist Platform in the Left Unity Party, 12.8.13 Alistair Black (Frontline) – A better Scotland Is Possible and a better Left; Colin Fox (SSP) – The SSP and the fight for a better Left in Scotland; Raymond Watt (International Socialist Network – ISN) – Left renewal in Scotland: The view from the ISN; Cat Boyd and James Foley (ISG) – Out of the ghetto – Why detoxifying the Left is the first stage to revival, 10.6.13 Freedom Socialist Party (USA) – Feminism and the Crisis in the British Socialist Party, 16.4.13 Ann McShane (Weekly Worker) – The end of the road for the United Left Alliance? 4.11.12 SD-I – The silent retreat of the United Left Alliance, 6.4.12
N.1) Scottish Culture and History; Reviews and Obituaries by RCN members Mary McGregor – A Review of Scottish Independence – A Feminist Response by Cat Boyd & Jenny Morrison (ISG) Murdo Ritchie reviews The Crown versus the People. England’s Case for Voting Yes, by Steve Freeman (Republican Socialist Alliance), 30.11.14 Allan Armstrong – Review of The Story of Sandy Bells by Gillian Ferguson, 3.10.14 (also appeared in Scottish Socialist Voice) Murdo Ritchie – Just Say Yes? – A Review of Yes – The radical case for independence by James Foley & Pete Ramand (ISG) , 6.6.14 (plus comments by David Jamieson and Allan Armstrong) 6.6.14
and John Lanigan – Yes, the Radical Case for Independence – Glasgow Book Launch, 1.4.14 John Lanigan – Report of Glasgow launch of The Ghost of James Connolly by Allan Armstrong; Iain Robertson – Edinburgh launch, 27.11.13
Emancipation & Liberation no. 20, Angela Gorrie – Book Launch in Edinburgh of From Davitt to Connolly by Allan Armstrong, 2012 McGregor – Seamus Heaney: a tribute, 24.11.13 (also in Emancipation & Liberation, no. 22) RCN member, Dundee– This Land Is Your Land, 28.10.13 Allan Armstrong – Cultural struggles and debates over the wider meaning of self-determination in Scotland, 20.11.12 Mary McGregor – Michael Marra: A Tribute, 11.11.12 Gary Robertson – The Dundee Street Poet ‘Fightback’, 3.10.12 Mary McGregor – reviews ‘The Last Calendar of Events; by Jim Aitken, 12.4.12 Allan Armstrong – Reply to Jim Monaghan (Saothar), T.R. (Socialist Voice – Ireland) and Ted Crawford (Marxist Internet Archive), reviewers of From Davitt to Connolly by Allan Armstrong, 31.12.11 Allan Armstrong – Turlough McDaid, 1930- 2012, 13.11.12 Allan Armstrong – Beyond the Saltire and St. Andrew – Flying the Red Flag on John Maclean Day, 12.11.12 Allan Armstrong- Even the Rain, 6.6.12 Mary McGregor – A review of Downfall: The Tommy Sheridan Story by Alan McCombes, 23.10 11 Allan Armstrong – Red, Orange and Blue, Reflections on The Provisional IRA – From Insurrection to Parliament by Tommy McKearney & Paul Stewart, 17.12,11 Allan Armstrong – Reply to Tara Sullivan’s review of From Davitt to Connolly in Red Banner, 7.11.11 Charlie Rees – poem, 16.2.12 Mary McGregor – Edwin Morgan, 1920 – 2010, 2.11.10 Mary McGregor – Review of A Celebration of the Life and Work of Robert Burns, by James Young and What Does Robert Burns Mean To Me, published by the Edinburgh Peoples Festival, 14.11.09’s-indigenous-movements/ Ewan Robertson – History and Resistance: The Rise of Latin America’s Indigenous Movements, 14.11.09 Allan Armstrong – Interview with Colin Fox (SSP) on the Edinburgh Peoples Festival, 20.3.09 Mary McGregor – Review of Life with You by the Proclaimers, 26.10.08 Allan Armstrong – Interview with Jim Aitken (poet), 29.9.07 Rod McGregor, The Highland Midge (poem), 27.9.07
N.2) Scottish Culture and History; Reviews and Obituaries by non-RCN members D. R. O’Connor Lysaght (SD-I) – Bob Purdie, 1940-2014, 23.1.15 18th Edinburgh Radical Book Fair, 22nd-26th October, 2014 Ray Burnett (independent republican socialist), This Land Is Your Land, This Land is My Land, 10.8.14 (also posted on bellacaledonia blog) Geraoid O’Loingsigh (SD-I) – Pete Seeger: A life of struggle and song, 6.3.14 Gerry Hassan (Scottish political commentator) – A review of Jim Sillar’s In Place of Fear II, 12.2.14 Irish-themed events at the 17th Edinburgh Radical Book Fair, 7.10.13 17th Radical Book Fair, 23rd-27th October, 2013 James Foley (ISG) – Radical Lallans Poet, Rab Wilson, 6.5.13 Dave Douglass (IWW) review- Adrian Kerr: Free Derry: Protest and resistance, 30.3.13 Andrew Coates (coatsysblog) – Terry Liddle, 1948-2012, 28.11.12 Tommy McKearney (Independent Workers Union) – Cruel Britannia: Secret History of Torture, 26.11.12 Leigh French (autonomist marxist) – Creative Scotland: Distinction Disrupted, 20.11.12 16th Edinburgh Radical Book Fair, 24-28th October, 2012 Liam McUaid (SD-I), Shadow Dancer, 12.9.12 Geraldine Gould – A review of The Angel’s Share, 9.9.12 James Kelman – The British Council and the 2012 Scottish Writers’ Conference, 28.8.12 Edinburgh Peoples Festival; Edinburgh Book Fringe, Doune the Rabbit Hole Festival, 29.7.12 Dave Douglass (IWW) – Review of Tommy Sheridan: From Hero To Zero by Gregor Gall, 18.6.12 Mark Harrison (the commune) Remembering David Spencer, 2.5.12 Jim Monaghan (Saothar), T.R. (Socialist Voice – Ireland) and Ted Crawford (Marxist Internet Archive) – Reviews of From Davitt to Connolly by Allan Armstrong, 31.12.11 Tara Sullivan (Red Banner) – Review of From Davitt to Connolly by Allan Armstrong, 7.11.07 Chris Gray – Review of From Davitt to Connolly by Allan Armstrong, 20.6.11 (first appeared in Permanent Revolution) Jim Slaven (JCS) – James Connolly: An unrepentant revolutionist, 14.11.09 (first posted on JCS website) Bill Scott (Frontline & SSP) – Highland Migrant Workers, 14.11.09 Jim Aitken (poet), Clearances, 20.3.14 D.R. O’Connor Lysaght (SD-I)– Deidre McCartin, 1944-2009, 20.3.09
O.1) Other contributions by RCN members on E&L blog Patricia Kirk & John Lanigan – images, 21.1.15 Allan Armstrong – Project Fear Unveil Their Latest Threat, 17.6.14 Alan Graham – The Unionist Reaction to the White Paper, 27.11.13 Patricia Kirk and John Lanigan – The second Radical Independence Campaign conference – After the UK, the Future of 4 nations, video, 25.11.13 Patricia Kirk and John Lanigan – Scottish Independence March and Rally, image 21.9.13 Pauline Bradley singing at the SSP Republican Rally in Maryhill, 30.6.13 Patricia Kirk & John Lanigan – image, 22.5.13 Allan Armstrong – With Friends Like These, 22.12.12
Emancipation & Liberation no. 20, Angela Gorrie – Book Launch in Edinburgh of From Davitt to Connolly by Allan Armstrong, 2012
O.2) Other contributions by non- RCN members on E&L blog Alex Salmond, Isobel Oakeshott & Jason Allardyce (Sunday Times) – Pass the Sickbag, Salmond and the Royal Jubilee, 5.6.12
P) Debates inside the RCN RCN – Updated What We Stand For, 7-9.11.14 and 11.1.15 Murdo Ritchie – Just Say Yes? – A Review of Yes – The radical case for Independence by James Foley & Pete Ramand (ISG), 6.6.14 (with comment by Allan Armstrong) 6.6.14 Eric Chester – The Perils of Unity (with comments by Nick Clarke and Allan Armstrong) 15.7.13 RCN – For An Independent Scottish Socialist Republic (with comment by Allan Armstrong, 10.11.12) 5.8.12 Eric Chester-Scottish independence – Sham or Genuine, 31.10.12 – Eric Chester – The Scottish Independence Referendum; Allan Armstrong – Reply, 17.4.12 Allan Armstrong – A Socialist Strategy for the Scottish Democratic Movement; Eric Chester – Outline of a Policy on Scottish Independence Referendum; Allan Armstrong – Some Proposals for Working in the Scottish Democratic Movement, 26.3.12