2006 Motion to National Conference – Passed

Affiliations by SSP This Conference agrees that the SSP should adopt the following principle when the party is affiliating to outside organisations/campaigns:- these organisations should be democratically organised, with committees and/or office bearers regularly elected at meetings open to its members or delegates. day-today policies should be in the hands of democratically elected committees or…

2004 Motion to National Conference – Passed

European Elections Conference believes that the SSP must continue to develop strong links with socialists across Europe, including in England and Wales, through the European Anti Capitalist Left (EACL). We welcome coverage of the EACL in the SSP All Members Bulletin and the encouragement for branches to discuss these developments. The SSP should advocate within…

Bulletin of the Republican Communist Network (Scotland) in the SSP

Edinburgh James Connolly March, June 4th, 2005 Make Partition History March Special The Scottish Executive’s Sectarian Smokescreen It is 12 years since the old Lothian Region Labour group banned Edinburgh’s James Connolly March. Following the 1993 show of defiance in Broughton Street we won the right to march. However, our annual commemoration is now receiving…

Emancipation & Liberation Index 15

Emancipation & Liberation, Issue 15, Autumn 2007 Setback or disaster: Can the SSP survive?, Mary McGregor The SNP’s ‘National Conversation’ prepares the ground for reform of the Union, Allan Armstrong Consensus politics or an unprincipled lash-up?, Bob Davies Past mustn’t stand in way of future Irish election: Downturn in workers struggle means Teflon Bertie rides…

Emancipation & Liberation Index 14

Emancipation & Liberation, Issue 14, Spring 2007 Offering a Socialist vision, RCN Peak Oil, Oil Depletion, & Alternative Energies, Rod MacGregor One year on, Jim Aitken Against Imperialist war, for Iran’s workers, Yassamine Mather No War On Iran!, Hands Off People of Iran Naming women’s oppression, Catriona Grant The Sinn Fein Ard Fheis and the…