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Emancipation & Liberation, Issue 15, Autumn 2007

- Setback or disaster: Can the SSP survive?, Mary McGregor
- The SNP’s ‘National Conversation’ prepares the ground for reform of the Union, Allan Armstrong
- Consensus politics or an unprincipled lash-up?, Bob Davies
- Past mustn’t stand in way of future
- Irish election: Downturn in workers struggle means Teflon Bertie rides again, John McAnulty
- When the fighting is over, Rod MacGregor
- Beslan, Jim Aitken
- From Operation Banner to Operation Helvetica, John McAnulty
- Iranian workers face two enemies, Yassamine Mather
- Elections in Greece: Positive results for the left, YK
- The Highland Midge, Rod MacGregor
- Homelessness- who really cares?, Republican Worker
- Beggar, Jim Aitken
- No One Is Illegal, No One Is Illegal
- May Day: Marching in the footsteps of immigrant workers, Sharat G Lin
- It’s a Free World, Corinna Lotz
- What Socialists Stand For, Andrew Weir
- Internationalist spirit, Allan Armstrong
- To tame the city, Grgorz Rybak
- Lyrical Delicacy and Political Toughness, Allan Armstrong