SSP and Elections

Members of the SSP have been asked to contribute documents on electoral strategy, here is a contribution from the RCN. A Contribution To The Discussions Arising From The Glasgow North East By-Election 1. How did the SSP publicly assess the by-election result? The Republican Communist Network (RCN) welcomes the decision of the SSP Executive Committee…

Global Commune Meeting

The Global Commune It is now 20 years since the collapse of the Berlin Wall. For most people this signalled the end of communism. However, there has always been another view, which understands that the USSR and its satellites and emulators were never communist, socialist or workers’ states. They represented the negation of communism. The…

Can the SNP deliver independence?

We assess the politics behind the SNP government’s proposed independence referendum and its likelihood of success. Megrahi, behind-the-scenes deals and the ‘liberal’ US onslaught Political developments in Scotland are hotting-up in the aftermath of the decision by Kenny MacAskill, the SNP’s Justice Minister, to release Abdelbaset Ali-Mohamed al-Megrahi, the so-called Libyan bomber, on compassionate grounds.…

Emancipation & Liberation, Issue 18, Autumn 2009

Issue 18 of Emancipation & Liberation is out now. If you would like to buy this issue or subscribe, contact us. Comments are open, so until articles are online, feel free to discuss the articles below. When they are online you can discuss the article in it’s comment section. Editorial: Can the SNP deliver Independence?,…

SSP Conference Bulletin March 2009

The RCN urges Conference delegates and visitors to apply the following principles when they discuss, debate and vote on this year’s Conference motions. Do they enhance the political independence of our class? Do they promote greater democracy both in our own organisations and in wider society? Do they develop genuine internationalism? Do they oppose British…

Well, the Crisis of Capitalism has arrived – So, what do we do now?!

Not just a ‘Credit Crunch’ – but a ‘Crisis of Capitalism’ This year’s SSP Conference takes place against the background of an unprecedented crisis for capitalism. Every day it becomes clearer that the problems in the economy are not just confined to the over-inflated world of finance, but are having a major impact on the…