Remembrance and Hate Marches

This article by Mike Small was first posted by bella caledonia. It highlights how the British ruling class and UK state has created Remembrance Day to celebrate British militarism and warfare and not as a day to bring about global peace. They are now giving full backing to the settler apartheid, Israeli state attempt at…

Ukrainian Letter of Solidarity with Palestinian people

The following letter of solidarity from the Ukrainian people to the Palestinian people was first published in the Ukrainian socialist journal, commons. Its arguments reinforces the view that there can be no solution to the oppressed peoples through imperialist deals UKRAINIAN LETTER OF SOLIDARITY WITH THE PALESTINIAN PEOPLE We, Ukrainian researchers, artists, political and trade…

The Separation Wall

The following article, written by George Gunn was first posted by bella caledonia. It looks at the horrors of what is happening in Gaza through particular Scottish eyes and the language of poetry. THE SEPARATION WALL The 1st of November is Samhain, the end of the harvest season and the first day of Winter in…

EL&SD Coverage – Looking at the world through non-campist lenses

Many on the Left still view the world through lenses dating from when the US was the all-dominant global power. Countering this was the USSR, which assisted many national liberation struggles (although some could abandoned if it better fitted USSR state needs).  The USSR  was viewed to be superior to the USA because of its…

Why Ukrainians should support Palestinians

The following article by Dara Saburova was first posted by openDemocracy. It argues against those Campists  who try to align movements for self-determination with one imperialist power or another. What is required is an internationalism from below approach which supports the peoples of Palestine and Ukraine, willing both to challenge imperialist attempts to subordinate these…

The UK establishment is using war to attack protest at home

The following article written by Benny Hunter was first posted by openDemocracy. It argues that the war in the Middle East has led British political actors to try and redefine what is ‘acceptable speech’ THE UK ESTABLISHMENT IS USING THE WAR TO ATTACK PROTEST AT HOME As a humanitarian crisis unfolds in the Middle East,…

The Middle East and the World after October 7th and Israel’s war on Palestine

The following article from the Steering Committee of the  International Marxist Humanist Organisation looks at the global impact of Hamas’ response to the continued occupation, particularly of Gaza, but also on the West Bank. THE MIDDLE WAR AFTER OCTOBER 7th, AND ISRAEL’S WAR ON PALESTINE The October 7th  attack by Hamas militants from Gaza into…

Turkey is trying to bomb Rojava out of existence

This article by Sarah Glynn was first posted by bella caledonia. It shows how Erdogan’s Turkish supremacist state  is attacking liberated Rojava in Syrian Kurdistan. Meanwhile  Israel, like many other repressive states, has its planned its own brutal clampdown in the West Bank, contributing to Hamas escalated response  in Gaza and. Israel has also  provided…

Critical viewpoints to the media onslaught over the West Bank and Gaza

The following four  statements and an additional link examine the escalating war in the West Bank and Gaza from the viewpoint of a) Republican Socialist Platform b) Asad Rehman on behalf of War on Want; c) from Gilbert Achcar, a Lebanese socialist in an article posted by anti*capitalist resistance; d) from Daniel Finkelstein a Jewish…

Nagorno-Karabakh: Israeli weapons industry’s bottom line, ethnic cleansing

Taking advantage of Putin’s Russian imperialist attack on Ukraine, Azerbaijan has ethnically cleansed the Armenian enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh. As this article from the liberal Israeli paper Haaretz shows, Isreal has provided much of the arms to Azerbaijan to launch this attack. There is little likelihood of the Israeli government taking up Hareertz’s demands to provide…