No British Withdrawal? No Royal Visits!

Statement from eirigi, an Irish republican socialist organisation Preparing the Ground There has been much political and media speculation in recent years about the possibility of a state visit to the Twenty-Six Counties by the British head of state, Elizabeth Windsor. This speculation has formed part of an elaborate ‘softening-up’ exercise designed to prepare the…

Two Royal Weddings and…. A Republican Funeral for the UK?

Allan Armstrong argues why we need to build a militant republican movement in the UK 2011 – what they don’t want us to remember 2011 brings the tenth year of the US/UK imperial war in Afghanistan and the third year of the ongoing economic crisis, brought to us initially by the US and British banks…


Resisting Public Spending Cuts: The Movement We Need, The Movement We Don’t Introduction The neoliberal austerity agenda of the Con-Dem coalition government, in the form of massive cuts to public spending, has become today’s defining political issue. Physical and ideological resistance to cuts has already begun, including mass rallies and an insurgency among youth and…

Libya: imperialism’s next war in the Middle East

After days of bombs and missiles raining down on Muammar Gaddafi’s air defences and tank columns, it is clear the imperialists are settling in for a long war. With the legal cover of a UN resolution designed supposedly to protect the rebel population under attack, the USA, France and Britain have taken the lead in…

Two Royal Weddings… and a Republican Funeral for the UK?

Allan Armstrong (RCN) has written an article for the Word Power site (see Two Royal Weddings and… a Republican Funeral for the UK? by Allan Armstrong). He is author of the book, From Davitt to Connolly and co-author of the pamphlet, ‘Republicanism, Socialism and Democracy‘, puts the case for using the opportunity provided by the British…

About International Women’s Day and Peace

Susan Dorazio, former Convenor of the Women’s Commission in the Socialist Party of the USA, and currently a member of the SSP in Glasgow, has sent us this contribution for International Women’s Day. In August 1914? World War I erupted, leading to the slaughter of millions. Inter­national Women’s Day became a focal point for those…

RCN Bulletins on the addressing the crisis and disunity of the Left in Scotland

1. RCN Bulletin SSP AGM In Dunfermline, April 2011 Facing Up To The Crisis In The SSP The motions for this year’s Conference highlight the toll taken on the SSP over the last six years. Is the Scottish Socialist Party still a party, or we have we just become a loose alliance, looser even than…

Trade Unions In The Twenty First Century

Below are two articles. The first is a report of the Third Global Commune event entitled ‘Trade Unions – Are They Fit For Purpose?’. The second is Allan Armstrong’s talk given to the Independent Workers Union conference in Dublin on 4.4.09. on behalf of the SSP’s International Committee. 1. THE THIRD GLOBAL COMMUNE EVENT, 29.1.11…