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Emancipation & Liberation, Issue 16, Spring 2008

- SSP – Learning the Lessons, RCN
- The role of platforms in the SSP, RCN
- Prospects For Socialists In Scotland, Allan Armstrong
- Respect Split, Ed Walsh
- Cartoon, Rod MacGregor
- Ken Livingstone: The End of Road, Gerry Fitzpatrick
- Paisley’s Legacy, Matt Siegfried
- ‘Celtic Tigers’ And ‘Celtic Lions’ Both Pussycats For Big Business, Allan Armstrong
- Socialists And The Republic, Allan Armstrong
- Motion passed at SSP Conference in October 2007
- Letter agreed (10.3.2008) at SSP International Committee to be sent out to organisations in Ireland, Wales and England
- The Defiance Of Science, Rod MacGregor
- Turkey: A Country At War With Itself
- Hands Off the People of Iran, Yassamine Mather
- The SSP Gives Its Support To The ‘No One Is Illegal’ Campaign, Allan Armstrong
- Workers, Serfs And Slaves: Managed Migration And Employment Rights, No One Is Illegal
- Punk, Politics and Perdition, Mary McGregor
- Democracy 2, Alan Graham
- Life With You, Mary McGregor
- Man’s Best Friend?, Rod MacGregor