Emancipation & Liberation, Issue 5 and 6, Autumn 2003

Issue 5 and 6 of Emancipation & Liberation is out now. If you would like to buy this issue or subscribe, contact us. Blair, Bush and the Iraqi occupation: reality bites, Nick Clarke Leadership and the anti-war movement, Phil Sharpe Ireland’s Good Friday Agreement the end and no perhaps, John McAnulty Beyond Broadswords and Bayonets,…

Beyond Broadswords and Bayonets

Challenging left nationalism and left unionism in the SSP 1. Socialist Approaches to History in Scotland i) Book publication produces political storm ii) Scottish marxists and Scottish history – the long silence iii) The Scottish Left begins to rouse from its unionist sleep iv) The symbiotic relationship between British left unionism and Scottish left nationalism…

Beyond Broadswords and Bayonets

Challenging left nationalism and left unionism in the SSP Neil Davidson’s latest work on Scottish history, Discovering the Scottish Revolution 1692-1746 has generated considerable debate in the Scottish Socialist Party. Allan Armstrong gives his analysis of the book and its critics. Introduction by Bob Goupillot In writing Beyond Broadswords and Bayonets, his response to the…

Ireland’s Good Friday Agreement the end and no perhaps

John McAnulty (Socialist Democracy, Belfast) examines the end of the Good Friday Agreement and its effect on the political forces in Ireland The April cancellation of elections to the local Stormont assembly in the North of Ireland marks a significant new stage in the decay of British plans to bring about a settlement of the…

Leadership and the anti-war movement

This article, by Phil Sharpe, on the Stop the War Coalition was first published in the summer edition of Socialist Future Review. We reprint it with permission. The American and UK governments were determined to carry on with their aggressive political approach, regardless of the level of protests generated against it. This created a real…

Blair, Bush and the Iraqi occupation: reality bites

With a secure and supplicant Iraq still a long way off, Nick Clarke looks at the reality that faces Bush and his War on Terror and Blair and his weapons of mass destruction. On May 1st, President Bush announced the official end of the second war with Iraq. Four months later, barely a day fails…

Emancipation & Liberation, Issue 4, Winter 2002

Issue 4 of Emancipation & Liberation is out now. If you would like to buy this issue or subscribe, contact us. Fight the imperialist drive to permanent war, RCN The oil and military Industries behind Bush, Matt Siegfried Official Anti Racism – sanitised and useless, Mary Ward David the detainee, Jim Aitken SSP & Socialist…


Dear Comrades, I disagree with much of what Bob Goupillot has written in his article, Which route for political working class unity in Britain E&L 3. I sympathise with the reasons given for Cymru Goch’s resignation from the Welsh Socialist Alliance in the letter published alongside Bob’s article. I particularly agree where they write, We…

Prisoners of Social Partnership

A socialist analysis of social partnership in Ireland, by Joe Craig of Socialist Democracy Part of the Good Friday Agreement was the creation of the Council of the Islands. This provides the ruling classes of these islands with a forum to discuss their more effective political control. However, whatever political differences still remain, there is…

Rank and File or Broad Left

Workers’ Democracy versus British Bureaucracy Through his experience in the building industry and other working class struggles, Brian Higgins (Building Worker Group, UCATT, TCT) argues for rank and file organisation, not Broad Leftism. Introduction I have been asked as a militant trade unionist and a committed republican to write this article. Recently there has been…