Ireland To Exit Troika – Old Ireland Free? A Nation Once Again?

John McAnulty of Socialist Democracy (Ireland) provides an analysis of the forthcoming exit of Ireland’s economy from the direct control of the IMF, EU, ECB Troika Ireland’s exit from the Troika mechanism, that had taken over as the effective government of the country, has been presented as a triumph for democracy and national independence by the…

Catalunya – Freedom Come All Ye

With delegates from Independence to Change All attending the Radical Independence Conference in Glasgow, Duncan McCabe of Dundee RIC looks at the current situation in Catalunya. Freedom Come All Ye Back in the mid-eighties 25000 anti-nuclear protesters took part in a CND-organised ‘Hands Across Scotland’ human chain. That was quite a show of solidarity, but it…

G8 Summit At Enniskillen

The G8 summit was held in Enniskillen, County Fermanagh in Northern Ireland, from June 17th – 18th. It is eight years since the G8 summit held at Gleneagles in July 2005. Emancipation & Liberation covered that summit quite extensively in issue no. 11 (see Emancipation & Liberation Issue 11). Little has changed. The first article by John McAnulty…

Ireland – Union Strategy, Keynes And The Debt

This article, by James Fearon, is from the Socialist Democracy (Ireland) website. It highlights how the Irish Congress of Trade Union’s (ICTU) support for Keynesian reforms is tied to a strategy to make workers pay for the ruling class’s debts – only more slowly than the incumbent Fine Gael/Labour coalition government. In the UK, Ed…

Athens Calling: Unite Against Fascism

Demonstrations against fascism in Greece took place on Saturday 19 January in several cities around the world, with Athens as a central location (Solidarity with Greece anti-fascist movement Sat 19 Jan). This initiative was about protesting against the fascist role and activities of the Greek party Golden Dawn, which is unfortunately growing fast, creating new…

From Syriza To Scotland

Greece has become the flashpoint for Europe. The Greek economy has collapsed, but Spain, Portugal, Ireland, and even Italy are also spiralling downward. Nevertheless, only in Greece does there seem to be an organized political response that can directly challenge for power. SYRIZA began as a loose coalition of parties and organization that sought to…

Radisson Blu Or Post-Radisson Red?

This blog has already commented on the earlier organising behind the Radical Independence Conference. It has also provided a fraternal critique of Britain Must Break, written by James Foley for the International Socialist Group (ISG), the organisation which initiated the RIC. Many others have commented on the conference itself (see end of articles below for…

Freedom Come All Ye

The magazine version of Emancipation & Liberation has contained a Republic of the Imagination section, which has provided articles about historical and ongoing cultural resistance against capitalism and other class-based societies. Our blog intends to look at the cultural debates which have arisen, and which will arise in the future, within a Scottish society looking for…

Radical Independence Conference

The Radical Independence Conference (, being held this Saturday, 24th November in Glasgow, is likely to be the biggest gathering of the Left in Scotland for many years. The RCN has been covering this event since the first open organising meeting in June. We have produced a special issue of our magazine, Emancipation & Liberation,…

When Will We See Tanks In Barcelona?

The following article first appeared in International Viewpoint, the journal of the United Secretariat of the Fourth International. The Unionists’ Better Together campaign has invoked the Spanish state in its opposition to Scottish independence. Esther Vivas, an activist in Barcelona, highlights that the reason for the Spanish state’s attitude can be found in the unreformed Francoist elements still…