Greek Police Murder 16 Year Old

Statement from Greece, the posting of which was unfortunately delayed. Tonight, at 9.30 (Greece time) a 15-16 year old boy was shot twice in the heart and was killed by a policeman in eksarxeia, a neighbourhood which is the basis of plenty left organisations and anarchists’ collectives. A police car was patroling in Exarchia passing…

Interview with Sandra Bakutz (political prisoner in Turkey from February 10 to March 30, 2005)

Appeared in: ArbeiterInnenstandpunkt (Workers’ Standpoint) 138. Translated by RCN. As we learned just now, Sandra Bakutz was acquitted today (June 1, 2005) by a Turkish court! Like many, we are pleased about it and see it as a confirmation that international solidarity campaigning is both right and necessary. Here we publish an interview with her…

Freedom For Sandra Bakutz!

Austrian human rights activist Sandra Bakutz was arrested at Istanbul’s Ataturk airport on February 9th whilst entering the country to observe a trial. As soon as the plane landed police entered the plane and removed her from the aircraft taking her straight into police custody. As a result of an imprisonment order issued by Ankara’s…