What is happening in Greece and why

Lina Christou, who lives in Athens, explains the background to the current crisis in Greece. Greece has been chosen by the ‘graduates’ of the Chicago school as a country in which the ‘Shock Doctrine’ approach could be applied in the way this is described in Naomi Klein’s book[1]Naomi Klein (2008) The Shock Doctrine: the Rise…


Eric Chester argues that support for Scottish self-determination, which has informed RCN policy on Scotland’s independence, is not relevant and that a more pragmatic approach should be taken to decide whether or not to support independence. Eric also warns Socialists about the considerable dangers involved in supporting EU membership for Scotland. Socialists have always been…

€9 Worth Of Criminal Damage To Gilmore’s Car

Eamon Gilmore, the Irish Labour Party Tanaiste (Depute Prime Minister) took protestor, Donall O Ceallaigh, to court for criminal damage to his car. The following article from eirigi highlights both the light, and far mote serious sides to this case. Peals of laughter rang out in Court 4 of the Criminal Courts of Justice in…

Merkel Is Unwanted In Greece!

The announcement of Merkel’s visit is a provocation to the People of Greece. The German Chancellor is unwanted. Being the leading force of the EU and using debt as a pretext and the Memoranda as an instrument, Merkel and Germany turn the workers of Europe into slaves of the German and European Capital. She represents a…

A Report On The Situation In Greece

RCN member, Eric Chester, has just returned from a trip to Greece, where he spoke to members of SYRIZA and ANTARSYA. Here is Eric’s report. During a recent visit to Greece, I was able to get some sense of the enormous problems confronting that country. Greeks are very proud of their past, not only the…

A New Tyranny Over Europe

A crisis of capitalism, a threat to democracy The leaders of Europe spent much time and ingenuity in designing the Financial Stability Pact so that it would not require a vote. The fact that Britain and the Czech Republic did not sign meant that it could not be formally part of European structures. The major…

Libya: imperialism’s next war in the Middle East

After days of bombs and missiles raining down on Muammar Gaddafi’s air defences and tank columns, it is clear the imperialists are settling in for a long war. With the legal cover of a UN resolution designed supposedly to protect the rebel population under attack, the USA, France and Britain have taken the lead in…

It was the worst of times, it was the best of us!

In this article Rod MacGregor looks at how the Danish people took effective action to protect their Jewish population from Nazi extermination October 1, 10 p.m., 1943 Copenhagen. Nazi occupation forces knock on the doors of the Danish Jewish population. In Denmark, the “final solution” to the “Jewish problem” is under way. The following morning,…

The Need for Socialist Unity

A contribution from Allan Armstrong of the Republican Communist Network. This is immediately followed by a supplement analysing the European election results, which assesses the current balance of political forces in the EU. In Ireland, England, Scotland and Wales the main lesson of the 2009 European elections is clear – we need Socialist unity. In…