A Very Unlikely Story – QAnon Movement

With the growth of conspiracy theories we are posting this article on the QAnon phenomenon by Paul Demarty first published in Weekly Worker. This is followed by a comment from John Lanigan. It seems we are living through a golden age of conspiracy theories. The vigorous state action required in response to the Covid-19 pandemic,…

Glasgow Students Call For A Rent Strike

Paul Inglis of the Republican Socialist Platform has written the following article on the proposed Glasgow University Students’ Rent Strike (also see Glasgow Uni Rent Strike) The big news of the last few days has concerned the outbreaks of COVID-19 in student halls at Glasgow, Dundee, Aberdeen and Edinburgh. With an explosion of positive cases,…

Demands To Dismiss Garda Commissioner After ‘Unquiet Graves’ Documentary

We are posting this article  from  Republic media on Facebook, which examines the activities of Irish Garda Commissioner, Drew Harris, exposed in the RTE documentary, Quiet Graves. Unquiet Graves, the 2018 documentary detailing the story of the notorious Glenanne Gang, and their collusion with the RUC and British security forces, was aired on Wednesday evening…

Fascism: Ireland’s Illusion Of Immunity Begins To Pall

We are posting this article from Socialist Democracy (Ireland) which questions the complacency of the Left about the possibility of a growth of fascist forces in the Republic of Ireland. Over the past decade there have been many boasts from liberals and leftists claiming immunity from a fascist threat in Ireland. Gay rights, abortion, social…

The Weimarisation Of US Politics

Daniel Lazare makes a comparison between pre-Hitler Germany and politics in the USA today. Is the US nearing its Weimar moment? At first glance, any such analogy seems over the top. The Weimar Republic was born amid imperial defeat, revolution and civil war – a period that began when sailors mutinied in the Baltic port…

Brexit Scam – Up The Garden Path With Leo And Boris

We are posting this latest update from Socialist Democracy (Ireland) on the impact of Brexit on Ireland. The fact that perfidious Albion, famous for tearing up agreements, are tearing up the EU-UK Withdrawal Agreement has been met with astonishment and dismay by the coalition government in Dublin. Taoiseach Micheál Martin used very strong language. Trust…

Hunger Strikes In Support Of Dr. Issam Hijawi

This appeal for solidarity was first posted by Working Class Club on Facebook. Dr. Issam Hijawi is Palestinian and has lived in Scotland for over ten years where he works as a doctor and is active in highlighting the cause of the Palestinian people.. He was detained at Heathrow Airport on 22nd of August following…

John Manson – Socialist, Literary Critic, Translator And Poet (1933-2020)

Allan Armstrong writes about John Manson, socialist, literary critic, translator and poet who died on August 3rd. It was with considerable sadness that I learned of John Manson’s death a month after it occurred on August 3rd. John had been a “a non-party Socialist since the dissolution of the CPGB”[1] and a significant literary critic,…

From Blairgowrie To The Black Sea – Strawberries And Nutella

We are posting this article by Sarah Glynn from bella caledonia highlighting the plight of Kurdish migrant workers  in Turkey and East European migrant workers in Scotland From Blairgowrie To The Black Sea – Strawberries And Nutella and the capitalist node of production Last week, a brief news story told of a violent racist attack…

The Zionist attempts to close down debate on Zionism lies in ruins

We are posting this article by Tony Greenstein following the Labour Representation Committee’s AGM, in which John McDonnell too, partly broke from the Board of Deputies ‘banned list’ which was borrowed from apartheid South Africa. ZIONIST ATTEMPTS TO CLOSE DOWN DEBATE ON ZIONISM LIE IN RUINS At last Saturday’s Labour Representative Committee AGM John McDonnell…