Highland Sparks

HIGHLAND SPARKS The following article, Highland Sparks, was written for bella caledonia, by George Gunn, From the Province of the Cat, 21.3.24 Let me begin by stating two things which are both true and untrue. One: Scottish theatre is full of talented and energetic artists. Scottish theatre is being pulled apart by managers and bureaucrats.…

Joined up anti-imperialism

The following article was written for  Chartist by Frank Hansen and argues for a consistent anti-imperialist approach when dealing with Palestine and Ukraine. Frank Hansen on the parallels between Palestine and Ukraine in the struggle for national self-determination It’s been inspiring to join the hundreds of thousands who have turned out in London in opposition…

George Gunn: Meeting the gaze of of the rubble and How Keir Starmer placed his political image over the lives of those in Gaza

The following two articles were written in response to Sir Keir Starmer’s handling of the situation in Gaza over the SNP motion at Westminster.  The first, written by George Gunn  was posted in bella caledonia. The second was written by Adam Ramsay and was first posted by openDemocracy. A) MEETING THE GAZE OF THE GHOST…

Ed Balls accidentally admits to Labour’s weaponisation of anti-Semitism I mean, we already knew, but still…

The following article was written by and posted on Ricky from Council Estate Media. ED BALLS ACCIDENTALLY ADMITS TO LABOUR’S WEAPONISATION OF ANTI-SEMITISM I MEAN, WE ALREADY KNEW, BUT STILL… Former Labour MP Ed Balls, the world’s most unbearably smug centrist, has just admitted to something we’ve been saying for years: that Sir Keir Starmer’s…

Julian Assange – As ‘Day X’ approaches, do you really want to be on the wrong side of history?

  The following article was written by the Canary Editorial Board and posted on their website. JULIAN ASSANGE – AS ‘DAY X’ APPROACHES, DO YOU REALLY WANT BE ON THE  WRONG SIDE OF HISTORY? Next week, jailed journalist Julian Assange will have an appeal hearing in London. It could be the last attempt to stop…

The Scottish Languages Bill

Wilson Macleod looks at the new Scottish Languages Bill in the changed political circumstances since the Scottish government consultation was first opened up in June 2023. This article was first posted by bella caledonia. He raises some particular points, but omits the changed political background. Whilst cultural issues have always been a lower priority for…

Raped and beaten: Prince Harry charity linked to horrific abuses in Africa

The following article written by Steve Topple was first posted by the Canary. RAPED AND BEATEN: PRINCE HARRY CHARITY LINKED TO HORRIFIC ABUSES IN AFRICA A charity with strong ties to Prince Harry has been funding rangers responsible for horrific abuses against Indigenous People in the Congo, including torture and rape, according to a major…

Sinn Féin, the IRA and the betrayal of the Palestinians

In this hard hitting article by Georoid O’Loingsigh, first posted by Socialist Democracy (Ireland), he exposes the hypocrisy behind the Sinn Fein leadership, over its stance on Palestine and its kowtowing to Biden’s US imperialism. SINN FEIN, THE IRA AND THE PALESTINIANS Following a peace process in which the armed group, which is not the…

Who the hell rehabilitated Alistair Campbell?

The following article was written and posted by Ricky from Council Estate Media WHO THE HELL REHABILITATED ALISTAIR CAMPBELL? Are we celebrating our war criminals now? It may have escaped your attention but prior to Alistair Campbell  cosying up  to Rory Stewart and becoming every centrist’s favourite remoaner podcaster, he was the war criminal behind…

EL&SD Coverage of Indigenous Peoples

Raped and Beaten: Prince Harry charity linked to horrific abuses in Africa World Peoples Conference on Climate and the Rights of Mother Earth – Bolivia: Indigenous Peoples’ Declaration Change Brazil’s senate approves a controversial bill in a major setback for Indigenous land rights – Hannah Harland, The Canary http://republicancommunist.org/blog/2023/09/29/brazils-senate-approves-a-controversial-bill-in-a-major-setback-for-indigenous-land-rights/ Norway: thousands of youth demonstrated against…