THE 17TH EDINBURGH INDEPENDENT RADICAL BOOK FAIR – THE ALTERNATIVE BOOK FESTIVAL – will take place from Wednesday 23rd October to Sunday 27th October, 2013 in Out of the Blue Drill Hall, 30-38 Dalmeny Street, Edinburgh, EH6 8RG.

ALASDAIR GRAY and JAMES KELMAN in discussion at the opening of the 17th Edinburgh Independent Radical Book Fair 19:00
Edinburgh City Libraries brings the BOOKBUG session (Ages 0 to 4 and their grown-ups), with rhymes and songs, to the 17th Edinburgh Independent Radical Book Fair 14:30
DR BOOK from the Edinburgh City Libraries lends a helping hand to everyone, from babies to teens, to find the perfect book, at the 17th Edinburgh Independent Radical Book Fair 15:00
CHRISTOPHER KENT launches his latest graphic novel, The Golem, at the 17th Edinburgh Independent Radical Book Fair 18:00
PETER BERESFORD introduces Mad Matters at the 17th Edinburgh Independent Radical Book Fair 19:00
JOHN HEGLEY reads from his latest collection of poems, New & Selected Potatoes, at the 17th Edinburgh Independent Radical Book Fair 20:45
JOHN HEGLEY, author of New & Selected Potatoes, facilitates a School Students’ Workshop, at the 17th Edinburgh Independent Radical Book Fair 10:15
ROSEMARY MANDER and the BIRTH PROJECT GROUP discuss the Politics of Maternity at the 17th Edinburgh Independent Radical Book Fair 14:00
MAT CALLAHAN performs Songs of Freedom from The James Connolly Songbook at the 17th Edinburgh Independent Radical Book Fair 20:15
ALEXANDER MOFFAT and ALAN RIACH discuss Arts of Independence at the 17th Edinburgh Independent Radical Book Fair 10:30
VICTORIA BRITTAIN, author of Shadow Lives, JO METSON SCOTT, author of The Grey Line, and BEN GRIFFIN, a former SAS discharged soldier, lead a discussion on War: The Unheard and Forgotten Voices, at the 17th Edinburgh Independent Radical Book Fair 11:45
LYNNE SEGAL discusses Out of Time: The Pleasures and Perils of Ageing, at the 17th Edinburgh Independent Radical Book Fair 13:15
GREG PHILO discusses Bad News for Refugees at the 17th Edinburgh Independent Radical Book Fair 14:45
HILLEL TICKTIN and CLIFF SLAUGHTER speak on Making Marxism Matter in an Age of Global Crisis, at the 17th Edinburgh Independent Radical Book Fair 18:00
THE BADWILLS bring the Sounds of a Thousand Tongues to the 17th Edinburgh Independent Radical Book Fair 20:30
DAVID CONVERY and AARON KELLY discuss Nationalism and the Irish Working Class at the 17th Edinburgh Independent Radical Book Fair 11:00
IAIN MACWHIRTER, author of Road to Referendum, and GERRY HASSAN, co-editor of After Independence, in conversation, at the 17th Edinburgh Independent Radical Book Fair 12:15
MUSHEIR El-FARRA discusses Gaza: When the Sky Rained White Fire, at the 17th Edinburgh Independent Radical Book Fair 16:15
also see