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Emancipation & Liberation, Issue 14, Spring 2007

- Offering a Socialist vision, RCN
- Peak Oil, Oil Depletion, & Alternative Energies, Rod MacGregor
- One year on, Jim Aitken
- Against Imperialist war, for Iran’s workers, Yassamine Mather
- No War On Iran!, Hands Off People of Iran
- Naming women’s oppression, Catriona Grant
- The Sinn Fein Ard Fheis and the collapse of Republicanism, Joe Craig
- Footprints on the face, Rod MacGregor
- Secularism, Socialism and Religion, Bob Goupillot
- Bono finally finds what he’s been looking for – a knighthood, JM Thorn
- Me? I thought, OBE me? Up yours, I thought, Benjamin Zephaniah
- Bought and Sold, Benjamin Zephaniah
- Parecon: participatory economics and socialism for the 21st century, Neil Bennett
- The Republic of the Imagination, Allan Armstrong interviews John Manson