Republican St. David’s Day Demonstration
10am Wednesday March 1st, Oval Basin, Cardiff Bay
Mrs Windsor will officially open the National Assembly for Wales’ new debating chamber on March 1st St. David’s Day.
Our National Assembly does not have the powers to meet the needs of the people of Wales. It has fewer powers than a council – it is little more than a talking shop. It cannot make laws and itcannot raise taxes.

A demonstration has been called by Cardiff Social Forum. We demand:
- the right of the National Assembly to decide for itself which powers it has and to determine its relationship with Britain and the rest of Europe
- powers for the Assembly to pursue policies for full employment, the expansion of public services and official status for the Welsh language
- constitutional rights not the ancient royal prerogative and the abolition of the expensive monarchy
- an equal Wales, free from prejudice and a political system free of patronage, deference and corruption
A Government of Wales Bill is on its way through Parliament. It will give greater powers to the Westminster-based Secretary of State for Wales to block any law the Assembly might wish to make. We oppose powers being taken from the Assembly to be given to a minister of the Crown. Wales should be able to decide its own legislation without interference from the crown via Westminster ministers. If it’s good enough for Scotland, it should be good enough for Wales.
For more information about this demonstration or Cardiff Social Forum’s other activities, contact: