In line with the RCN becoming a forum where the principles of communism, republicanism and internationalism from below can be discussed and debated, the RCN meeting, held in Glasgow on November 18th, agreed to this simplified our Comradely Conduct Policy.

Anyone attending an RCN meeting or event is expected to act in a comradely manner toward each other. We encourage robust  discussion but any personal or discriminatory remarks will not be tolerated.

It is the responsibility of everyone to raise, and if they feel able  challenge, any uncomradely behaviour. This should not be left to those on the receiving end.

Any concerns at or outwith a meeting should be brought to the attention of the chair, or another office holder if appropriate (for example , where the chair is involved).

The chair will then attempt to resolve the issue with these comrades and place the dispute on the agenda for the next meeting. If still unresolved, the meeting will hear from those involved and agree a way forward.

Also see:-