Respect victory – a new dawn for the left?

J.M. Thorn (Socialist Democracy, Belfast) looks at the implications of Respect’s election preformance The election of George Galloway as an MP for the Respect Coalition has been hailed as a major breakthrough for the left in Britain. Contesting its first general election, Respect overturned a Labour majority of ten thousand in the East End constituency…

Basketball rules in Palestine

Written by Dror Feiler, an ex-Israeli para from kibbutz Yad Hanna, now living in Sweden. He is a member of European Jews for a Just Peace. Published in New Interventions, Volume 12, no.1, Spring 2005. Israelis have the right to play on both sides of the court, whereas Palestinians can only play on their own…

Our Day Will Come!

Opposing the Imperial and Corporate Plan for the North Atlantic Region G8 protestors will visit a ‘strange state’ and a ‘peculiar country’ This July, socialists and communists will figure prominently amongst the international visitors coming to Edinburgh and Gleneagles to protest against the latest G8 summit. Many will pass through ‘her majesty’s passport control as…

Make Poverty History, Make Capitalism History, Fight For Socialism Today

Nick Clarke examines the reality behind the G8 agenda and looks at the alternative Blair’s presidency As the leaders of the G8 countries, together with their overpaid, overfed and self important delegations, meet at the luxurious Gleneagles estate in the Perthshire countryside, we welcome protesters to Scotland from a myriad of campaigns, pressure groups and…

Emancipation & Liberation, Issue 10, Summer 2005

If you would like to buy this issue or subscribe, contact us. Comments are open, so until articles are online, feel free to discuss the articles below. When they are online you can discuss the article in it’s comment section. Make Poverty History, Make Capitalism History, Fight for Socialism Today, Nick Clarke Our day will…

Emancipation & Liberation, Issue 9, Spring 2005

If you would like to buy this issue or subscribe, contact us. Comments are open, so until articles are online, feel free to discuss the articles below. When they are online you can discuss the article in it’s comment section. Upholding Socialist Principles, Editorial Tsunami – a act of nature and the laws of capitalism,…