SSP – Learning The Lessons

As the SSP’s 2008 conference approaches, our party is still feeling the effects of the long running perjury investigations and charges linked to the libel trial brought by Tommy Sheridan against the News of the World. The reality is whatever the outcome of any future court case, the fight for socialism has not been made…

Republican Socialist Convention

There is a Section on the SSP website on the Republican Socialist Convention. The agenda is still to be confirmed so watch that page for details. The page also contains links to the motion which led to the convention taking place and an article on it. Link is now dead and does not appear…

The Republican Communist Network Welcomes The Formation Of The SSP United Left

Shared values and concerns The RCN welcomes the formation of the new SSP-UL platform. The SSP United Left Statement (June 9th, 2006) makes a number of important points with which we are in agreement. The SSP, since its inception, has been a beacon of hope to the workers’ movement in Scotland and internationally. We also…

The State, The Crisis In The SSP And The Republican Response

Life for socialists and anti-imperialists is never easy – the bosses, the media and the state ensure that. However, some injuries can be self-inflicted. The current, very public spat inside the SSP highlights the relative weakness of forces with the experience and methods needed to combat what is clearly an orchestrated media attack on the…

RCN Statement on the Split in the Scottish Socialist Party.

The Scottish Socialist Party has been held up throughout the UK and beyond as a model for socialist unity. It was built on the firm ground of direct action and working class resistance. It included the vast majority of socialist organisations in Scotland and local branch organisations of British trade unions. The SSP is now…

A Critique and Exposure of Tommy Sheridan’s Daily Record and The SSP has reached the crossroad “manifestoes”.

Tommy’s battle against the News of the World Tommy Sheridan has won a famous victory over the News of the World. This has been proclaimed by Tommy’s immediate supporters, the SWP and CWI, and by that section of the press and media, which likes to pretend it is morally superior to the News of the…

After the Scottish elections – what next for socialists?

Andrew Johnson, 16 May 2007 The recent elections to the Scottish Parliament have given a bloody nose to New Labour in Gordon Brown’s backyard and, with the Scottish National Party emerging as the largest party, there is the possibility of a constitutional crisis over the SNP’s plans for a referendum on independence. However, the Scottish…