No to war in Ukraine

We are posting the following two statements on the threat of war in Ukraine. The first is an appeal from  the Ukraine Solidarity Campaign and the second is an  statement from the Executive Bureau of the Fourth International. 1. NO TO WAR – RUSSIA’S HANDS OFF UKRAINE We, socialists, trade unionists, scholars, activists for human…

British Brexit strategy hits the buffers – more chaos ahead

We are posting this article from Socialist Democracy (Ireland) on the latest developments in the negotiations between the UK government and the EU following Lord Frost’s departure from the government and as chief  Brexit negotiator.   BRITISH BREXIT STRATEGY HITS THE BUFFERS – MORE CHAOS AHEAD Disagreement with covid strategy is not the reason for…

“Terrible step”: press freedom in danger as UK court clears the way for Julian Assange extradition

We are posting this interview in the aftermath of the UK court decision to extradite Julian Assange. Amy Goodman of Democacy Now speaks to Christophe Deloire, secretary-general of Reporters Without Borders; Gabriel Shipton, Julian Assange’s brother and a filmmaker: and Ben Wizner, director of the ACLU’s Speech, Privacy and Technology Project. “TERRIBLE STEP”: PRESS FREEDOM IN DANGER…

The Rittenhouse verdict is green light for right wing vigilantism

The following article by James Dennis Hoff, written for Left Voice (USA,) highlights the real nature of the Us state as a white imperial republic.  The Wisconsin court’s support for Kyle Rittenhouse’s white fascist vigilantism  did not occur in the South, with its Jim Crow/Ku Klux Klan legacy, or under the racist authoritarian populist ,…

Loyalist bus hijackings in Belfast

The following article on Loyalist bus hijackings in Belfast was first posted by Socialist Democracy (Ireland) LOYALIST BUS HIJACKINGS IN BELFAST Following a second bus burning by the Protestant Action Force, a cover name for the UVF, bus drivers staged a protest at City Hall in Belfast and refused to drive into areas where the…

Election night USA 2021: the Right strikes back

Many, including some on the Left, have claimed that the election of Joe Biden marked the defeat of Trump’s Right populism and the return of neo-liberal hegemony.  However, in the face of the multi-facetted crises facing global capitalism today, the Right populists’ desire to remould the world on the basis of the ditching of old-style…

The need to challenge the Populist Right’s “culture war” warriors

The Populist Right is trying to roll back the gains made the Black Civil Rights Movement, the Women’s Movement, the Gay Movement and is trying to prevent Gender Self Determination being legalised.  Central to their strategy are attempts  to a play one group of oppressed against another. This has led to the emergence of what…

Slow motion civil war in the USA

Daniel Lazare updates his recent article (Approaching train wreck) on the revival of Trump’s fortunes in Joe Bidens’ USA. Right populism is making a return mightily helped by the anti-democratic US constitution. This was first posted by Weekly Worker. SLOW MOTION CIVIL WAR As every car-owner knows, mechanical problems do not fix themselves. Until you…