Sinn Fein election ‘victory’ blunted as DUP blocks Assembly formation

The following article from Socialist Democracy (Ireland) analyses the results of the recent Stormont election. SINN FEIN ELECTION ‘VICTORY’ BLUNTED AS DUP BLOCKS ASSEMBLY FORMATION The huge significance of Sinn Fein becoming the leading political party in the north after its success in last week’s Assembly election has been emphasised in commentary across the board. …

Against price increases and oligarchs – a new protest movement in Albania

Socialists have been looking for the seeds of a new resistance to galloping inflation and corporate profiteering.  The following article, which first  appeared on Anti*Capitalist Resistance, is an interview by Minoas Andriotis of Enriko Peçuli, militant of the left-wing organisation Organizata Politike, about the social situation in Albania and the current protest movement. AGAINST PRICE INCREASES…

On the frontier of whiteness? Expropriation, war and social reproduction in Ukraine

The following article written by Olena  Lyubchenko was first posted by LeftEast. It addresses the tensions amongst the Ukrainian resistance to Russian imperial aggression.  It opposes Ukrainian nationalist attempts to promote  Ukraine’s future as a ‘white European nation’ and champions  the Left’s attempt to  locate the struggle within a global framework against all exploitation and…

Israeli state steps up expulsion of Palestinians

The Ukraine war has provided cover for oppressive regimes to step up repression.  Far Right Israeli settlers, backed by those from other parts of Israeli, have increased their  attacks on Palestinians, their homes, fields and other property. These attacks have been overseen the the Israeli Defence Force.  Furthermore, on May 4th, the Israel High Court…

Hands off the British Virgin Islands

The following article on the ousting of John Fahie as premier of the British Virgin Islands was first posted by the Ecosocialist Alliance.  HANDS OFF THE BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS The British Governor of the British Virgin Islands (BVI) – one John Rankin — selected a British Judge — one Justice Gary Hickinbottom–to constitute the sole…

Remember the Yazidis: survivors of ISIS genocide now under attack from the Iraqi army

With the world’s attention is focussed on the Ukraine war, many authoritarian regimes are using the opportunity to step up repression. This article, written by Sarah Glynn and first posted by bella caledonia highlights the plight ot the Yezidis  in Iraq.   REMEMBER THE YAZIDIS: SURVIVORS OF ISIS GENOCIDE NOW UNDER ATTACK FROM THE IRAQI…

Socialist Democracy statement on the Stormont Assembly election

The following statement from Socialist Democracy (Ireland) addresses the Stormont Assembly elections on May 5th and examines the further hardening of sectarianism  and the future of the  Good Friday Agreement if the DUP  no longer holds the First Minister’s role for the Unionists SOCIALIST DEMOCRACY (IRELAND) STATEMENT ON THE STORMONT ASSEMBLY ELECTION No to sectarianism…

We won’t go back: all out for abortion rights everywhere

We are posting this article from Left Voice (USA) in view of the Hard Right, US Supreme Court’s pending overthrow of the Roe v. Wade judgement on abortion rights. This would represent a major victory for the Hard and Far Right, and will have international ramifications   WE WON’T GO BACK: ALL OUT FOR ABORTION…

Now Ukraine

We are posting the poem Now Ukraine by Jim Aitken which will be published by Culture Matters in Jim’s forthcoming book Declarations of Love. NOW UKRAINE 1. Yes, it is absolutely ghastly and gruesome. Yes, Putin is responsible for war crimes because war itself is a crime, a failure. I started marching during the Vietnam…

Earth champs

This article written by Mike Small was first posted on  bella caledonia. It highlights Labour’s continued gallop to the Right, this time over the environment.  EARTH CHAMPS Earth Day has long-gone as a meaningful exercise in anything other corporate greenwash as the grim realities wash over our exhausted timelines. The Sierra Club of America offers…