I’m a Ukrainian socialist: here’s why I am resisting the Russian invasion

The following article, written by Ukrainian socialist, Taras Bilous, who is serving in the Territorial Defence Forces, was first posted by Jacobin. I’M A UKRAINIAN SOCIALIST: HERE’S WHY I AM RESISTING THE RUSSIAN INVASION As a socialist and internationalist, I abhor war. But the basic premise of self-determination justifies the resistance of ordinary Ukrainians to…

Very much in control

This article, written by Moshe Machover, and first posted by Weekly Worker, makes an assessment of the strength of US imperialism in the world today. Moshe argues that the Left is doing little or nothing in the way of strategic thinking. VERY MUCH IN CONTROL In this article I outline a simple thesis that ought…

Remembering Jiyan Tolhildan

The following article written by Sarah Glynn was first posted on bella caledonia. Sarah writes this tribute to Jihan Tolhildan, a member of the Womens’ Defence Units (YPI), which form part of the Syrian Democratic Forces. REMEMBERING JIHAN TOLHILDAN Last Sunday, the United States Central Command extended condolences to three women fighters – members of…

Police murder Bronx teenager for carrying water gun

The following article written by Emma Lee, was first posted by Left Voice (USA). It describes yet another US police murder of an unarmed ethnic minority citizen. POLICE MURDER BRONX TEENAGER FOR CARRYING WATER GUN An off-duty corrections officer, Don Middleton, shot and killed 18-year-old Raymond Chaluisant, who was playing with a water gun while…

Covid-19 – not going away

The following article by James Linney, first posted by Weekly Worker, shows the dismal inability to defeat the pandemic points to a wider systemic failure.   COVID-19 – NOT GOING AWAY  Last week the total number of deaths in the UK relating to Covid-19 surpassed 200,000 – a truly horrible statistic and a far cry from…

Canada is trying to send indigenous water protestors to prison

The following article by Sam Carliner, first posted by Left Voice (USA),  highlight’s the repressive tile of the ‘liberal’ Canadian government in suppressing indigenous land defenders in British Colombia.  CANADA IS REYING TO SEND INDIGENOUS WATER PROTESTORS TO PRISON On Jan 7, 2019, Indigenous land defenders and protesters squared off with heavily armed RCMP at…

As the climate crisis hits home, our governments are pouring fuel in the fire. Let’s stop them

This article from Climate Camp Scotland on the forthcoming Climate Camp in Aberdeen from July 26th to August 1st was was first posted by bella caledonia.   AS THE CLIMATE CRISIS HITS HOME, OUR GOVERNMENTS ARE POURING FUEL ON THE FIRE. LET’S STOP THEM. Britain is baking. England and Wales, for the first time, face the…

Japan’s latest election brings the country closer to rearmament

The following article by Sam Carliner, written for Left Voice (USA)   shows how the Japanese parliamentary elections in Japan resulted in a victory for politicians who support advancing Japan’s military power and U.S. imperialism’s interests. JAPAN’S LATEST ELECTION BRINGS THE COUNTRY CLOSER TO RE-ARMAMENT  Parliamentary elections in Japan resulted in a victory for politicians who support…

The great merger – the rise of oligarchical politics

The following article on the increasing merger of the state and media was first posted by Media Lens.  THE GREAT MERGER THE RISE OF OLIGARCHICAL POLITICS Millions of people in the UK are beset by insecurities and worries about the rising cost of living. Fuel and energy prices are escalating, variously blamed on Brexit, Covid,…