Game of Thrones

The following article about the British establishment’s attempt to use the royal funeral and proclamation of Charles as king of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to prop up the Union was written by Mike Small and first posted by bella caledonia.   GAME OF THRONES The desperation to over-project onto today’s events in Edinburgh are…

Chileans reject proposed constitution

The following article, written by Otto Fors, on the political setback in Chile, was first posted by Left Voice (USA)   CHILEANS REJECT PROPOSED CONSTITUTION On September 5th , Chileans voted on whether to adopt a new constitution to replace the dictatorship-era document. With nearly all ballots counted, 62 percent voted in favor of rejection, a resounding…

The reign of Elizabrit – 70 years of imperialist and unionist violence

THE  REIGN OF ELZABRIT –  70 YEARS OF IMPERIALIST AND UNIONIST VIOLENCE One stark feature of the reign of queen Elizabeth, commander in chief of the British Armed Forces, 1952-2022, has been continuous UK involvement in military interventions and wars.  This has led to many tens of thousands of deaths amongst those fighting for their…

How private investors mortgaged UK’s utilities – and why we’re paying the price

 As British beaches are closed and workers’ wages plummet, the overseas owners of UK firms are banking billions.The following article, written by Adam Ramsay,  was first posted by opendemocracy. It examines the role of private corporations in creating the current crisis.  HOW PRIVATE INVESTORS MORTGAGED UK’S UTILITIES – AND WHY WE’RE PAYING THE PRICE There’s…

Labor Notes 2022 – which way forward for the movement?

The following article was first posted by Left Voice (US) in the run-up to the very well-attended Labor Notes conference held in Chicago in Chicago in June. Although specific to the situation of rising working class struggle in the USA, it makes many points which apply to the UK. with strong parallels between the role…

The promised land

The following article written by Mike Small and first appeared in bella caledonia. It examines the current political situation in the UK in the ‘light’ of the  the Tory leadership contest. THE PROMISED LAND The Conservative Party’s long overdue collision with reality is getting ever nearer. As Liz Truss ascends to the throne the country…

Ukraine declares support for Israel, condemns Palestinian ‘terrorism’

The following article first posted by Palestine Chronicle highlights the hypocrisy  the Ukrainian government in its support for the Israeli apartheid regime and continued ethnic cleansing of Palestine. Our support for the Ukrainian people resisting Russian imperial aggression, goes along with support for other people facing imperialist aggression whether in Palestine, Kurdistan or Xinjiang. UKRAINE…

Burma/Myanmar: urgent appeal for donations

This financial appeal for the victims of the Burma/Myanmar army’s  brutal clampdown on democracy was first posted  by Global Women’s Strike.  BURMA/MYANMAR: URGENT APPEAL FOR DONATIONS  We are distraught and outraged to hear about the executions of four political prisoners in Myanmar. Their murders add to the over 5,800 women, children and men killed since…

Nancy Pelosi is rolling the dice on World War III

The following article by Ben Burgis was first posted by Jacobin. It looks at the implications of Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan. NANCY PELOSI IS ROLLING THE DICE ON WORLD WAR THREE  Nancy Pelosi visited Taiwan — a pointless trip that ratchets up tensions with one nuclear-armed superpower just as the United States finds itself knee-deep…