When Will We See Tanks In Barcelona?

The following article first appeared in International Viewpoint, the journal of the United Secretariat of the Fourth International. The Unionists’ Better Together campaign has invoked the Spanish state in its opposition to Scottish independence. Esther Vivas, an activist in Barcelona, highlights that the reason for the Spanish state’s attitude can be found in the unreformed Francoist elements still…

The Paris Commune’s revolutionary ideas – 150 years on

This article by Ben Wray on the 150th anniversary of the Paris Commune was first posted on bella caledonia. In the morning of 18 March 1871, a crowd of women in the Parisian working class district of Montmartre demonstrated. They were responding to the regular army of the French Government, fresh from defeat in a…

Free Pablo Hasél

We are posting this statement from the Republican Socialist Platform concerning the Spanish state arrest and imprisonment of Catalan rapper, Pablo Hasél. The Republican Socialist Platform condemns in the strongest possible terms the imprisonment of Catalan rapper Pablo Hasél. Pablo was convicted and now imprisoned in connection with tweets and songs taking aim at the…

Political party shifts ahead of the Catalan general election

Republican Socialist Platform member, Lorena Sorantes explores ideological shifts within the Catalan political parties ahead of next week’s crucial election. This article was first posted at:- Political Party Shifts Ahead Of The Catalan General Election This is followed by Emancipation & Liberation coverage of Catalunya, followed by Edinburgh RIC coverage of its participation in Catalan solidarity.…

Freedom Come All Ye – Resisting the RIC Terminators

On 3rd February 2021, bella caledonia published an article by Allan Armstrong, Freedom Come All Ye. This included an analysis of the politics behind the attempt by the Terminators to shut down RIC nationally. Since then, a provisional ‘Yes Alba’ has also morphed into ‘Now Scotland’. Allan’s original article has been updated to take in…

Constitutional action In unconstitutional times: independence and the legalism trap

E&L is posting this article by Seamus McGuigan of the Republican Socialist Platform highlighting the flaws in Chris McEleny and Angus McNeils’ Plan B legalistic route to Scottish independence. The latest existential drama to engulf the SNP saw a new development this week as the so called ‘Plan B’ motion received approval from the National Secretary to…


  We are posting this article from Popular Unity Candidacy in Catalunya. It describes the situation in Catalunya, Euskadi and Spain in the aftermath of the draconian prison sentences imposed on those the Spanish state deemed responsible for the  the Catalan Republic referendum. It also describes the situation after Spanish general election held on November…


Murdo Ritchie reviews Catalonia Reborn. How Catalonia Took on the Corrupt Spanish State and the Legacy of Franco, Chris Bambery & George Kerevan, Luath Press, 2018.   CATALONIA – A NATION THROWN FORWARD When exiled Catalan minister Clara Ponsati spoke recently in Edinburgh she had to explain why the Spanish Constitution was not a mechanism…


We are posting two items on the situation in Catalunya. The first is from Eric Chester who recently visited Barcelona. The second is the motion put forward to the SSP’s National Council in May by the Dundee branch.   1. REPORT FROM BARCELONA Barcelona has once again become a center of radical politics. After decades…