We have been sent the words of this famous Woody Guthrie song, updated for today. It was written in response to the Scottish Defence League’s attempted march in Dundee on September 12th.
Was listening to some music yesterday when up popped the Woody Guthrie classic This Land Is Your Land. Applying this sentiment to the forthcoming visit of the abominably obnoxious SDL I have tried to adapt it, with apologies to Woody and also Robert Burns for a straight pinch towards the end.

Oh, I went wandering to many places,
Heard different tongues, saw different faces,
My sisters, brothers, my simple case is
That this land was made for you and me.This land is your land, this land is my land
From the streets of Dundee
To the Western Highlands,
From the southern Border
To The Shetland Islands,
This land was made for you and me.Those fleeing oppression, we should all show pity,
Show all are welcome in our towns and cities.
By the burn’s cool water in the glen so pretty.
Tell them this land was made for you and me.This land is your land, this land is my land
From the streets of Dundee
To the Western Highlands,
From the southern Border
To The Shetland Islands,
This land was made for you and me.But still there are some with instincts basest,
Whose loathing burns, whose hatred blazes,
No place for fascists, no time for racists
In this land that’s made for you and me.This land is your land, this land is my land
‘Gainst ranting mob
Together we’ll stand.
So give me your hand,
And here, take my hand.
Show them this land was made for you and me.

Also see:- Scottish Defence League flops in Dundee