This year’s events for the Radical Book Fair (held in the Out of the Blue Centre, in 35, Dalmeny Street (off Leith Walk) between October 24th-28th, are:-
RICHARD GOTT, author of Britain’s Empire: Resistance, Repression and Revolt, opens the 16th Edinburgh Independent Radical Book Fair 24/10/2012 19:00
MIKA MINIO-PALUELLO & JAMES MARRIOTT, authors of The Oil Road, & OWEN LOGAN, co-editor of Flammable Societies 24/10/2012 20:30
School Students’ Workshop with SUE REID SEXTON, author of Mavis’s Shoe 25/10/2012 10:30
DONNY GLUCKSTEIN discusses A People’s History of the Second World War: Resistance Versus Empire 25/10/2012 19:00
SARA MAITLAND discusses her latest book, Gossip from the Forest: The Tangled Roots of Our Forests and Fairytales 25/10/2012 20:00
TESSA RANSFORD and IYAD HYATLEH read from A Rug of a Thousand Colours: Poems in English and Arabic 26/10/2012 17:00
Film Screening of Margaret Tait: Film Poet, a Glasgow Women’s Library documentary, with a talk by SARAH NEELY 26/10/2012 18:15
KIRSTY GUNN reads from her new novel, The Big Music, discusses new ways of reading and writing, and introduces ZOE VENDITOZZI 26/10/2012 19:30
Fundraiser for the Bhopal Medical Appeal with ALASDAIR GRAY, WILLIAM LETFORD, ALISON McMORLAND, GEORDIE MCINTYRE, and others…, 26/10/2012 20:30
DAVID SPAVEN discusses the Waverley Route: The Life, Death and Rebirth of the Borders Railway 27/10/2012 10:30
FI MARTYNOGA, author of A Handbook of Scotland’s Wild Harvests, discusses how to sustainably harness the free resources of our land 27/10/2012 11:30
HSIAO-HUNG PAI discusses Scattered Sand: The Story of China’s Rural Migrants 27/10/2012 12:45
RICHARD HOLLOWAY, former Bishop of Edinburgh, in discussion with HELEN PERCY, former Church of Scotland Minister 27/10/2012 14:00
IAN COBAIN, author of Cruel Britannia: A Secret History of Torture, and A. T. WILLIAMS, author of A Very British Killing: The Death of Baha Mousa 27/10/2012 15:30
KATE GOULD discusses Exposing Phallacy: An Exploration of Flashing in a Contemporary Culture 27/10/2012 16:45
ALAN BISSETT performs his latest one-man show, The Red Hourglass 27/10/2012 20:00
ALF YOUNG and EWAN YOUNG discuss The New Road: Charting Scotland’s Inspirational Communities 28/10/2012 10:45
RICHARD RODGER speaks on his latest book, Edinburgh’s Colonies: Housing the Workers28/10/2012 11:30
CAROL CRAIG and ZARA KITSON discuss The Great Takeover: How Materialist Values Now Dominate Our Lives and What We Can Do About it 28/10/2012 12:30
DAVID GRAEBER speaks on Debt: The First 5,000 Years 28/10/2012 14:00
Public forum on Social Media and Social Change with MIKE SMALL, NICK HIGGINS, LILLIAN NEY, PAT KANE, KATE HIGGINS and LAUREN CURRIE 28/10/2012 15:30
SELMA JAMES, DAVID FEATHERSTONE and DAN TRILLING discuss Race, Sex, Class, and Solidarity 28/10/2012 16:30
Word Power Bookshop has posted the talk given on 27th October by HSIAO-HUNG PAI, author of Scattered Sand: The Story of China’s Rural Migrants. She is is a freelance journalist, whose report on the Morecambe Bay tragedy for the Guardian was made into the film Ghosts. Her book on undocumented Chinese immigrants in Britain, Chinese Whispers, was shortlisted for the Orwell Book Prize in 2009. She lives in London. The talk can be found at:-
Word Power’s new book, Unstated – Writers on Scottish Independence,
edited by Scott Hames will also be available
Contributors include
Scott Hames – Introduction
John Aberdein
Allan Armstrong
Alan Bisset
Henni Calder
Bob Cant
Jo Clifford
Meaghan Delahunt
Douglas Dunn
Margret Elphinstone
Leigh French and Gordon Asher
Janice Galloway
Magi Gibson
Alasdair Gray
Kirsty Gunn
Kathleen Jamie
James Kelman
Tom Leonard
Ken MacLeod
Aonghas MacNeacail
Kevin McNeil
Denise Mina
Don Paterson
James Robertson
Suhayl Saadi
Mike Small
Gerda Stevenson
Christopher Whyte