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Emancipation & Liberation, Issue 11, Autumn 2005

- The Legacy of the Gleneagles Summit, John Wight
- Facing up to the challenge, Nick Clarke
- Obstructing a legal demonstration, John Wight
- Two Words Collide – Nationalism and Republicanism, Allan Armstrong
- When ‘raising consciousness’ ain’t enough, Mumia Abu-Jamal
- Fight the power, Alan Graham
- Empty bombast marks the end of the IRA, John McAnulty
- In memory of Miriam Daly, James Daly
- The way forward for the Scottish Socialist Party, Donnie Nicolson,
- Forward Wales In Meltdown, Vic Allen
- Computer Game – Democracy, Alan Graham
- Armande’s Bed, Mary McGregor
- Oor Wullie? William Wallace and socialists today, Allan Armstrong
- Who were the Galloway Levellers?, Alistair Livingston