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- A clump of leaves lay by the road-side;
- crisp, hiddled and seemingly sedate;
- a soft patch-work quilt of golden rags.
- And as I walked on, a cold north wind,
- fierce and biting in the gutter,
- scattered the leaves in all directions
- And I saw demonstrators running
- in Ramallah, Hebron and Nablus,
- the occupying wind chasing them.
- And I stood there with these thoughts swirling
- as the sudden gust ran out of puff
- and the casualties lay strewn around.
- And I stood there and waited, looking
- at the abandoned leaves lying there;
- a street in Leith now in the West Bank.
- And it is only now I can say
- I am pleased I did, for I witnessed
- a second wind that blew them all back.