Background Information Paper, Allan Green, SSP National Secretary
This document was produced by the SSP National Secretary in the run up to the National Council meeting on 28th May 2006. He details, in chronological order, the meetings and decisions taken by SSP bodies in November 2004 and corrects some of the distortions that had become common currency over the intervening months.
It is 18 months since the Executive Committee meetings and the National Council meeting in November, 2004. The minutes have been kept confidential since then. Can I take this opportunity to remind members of the situation at the time, based on the formal minutes, the hand written notes and my memory. Unlike anyone else, until very recently, I have had the advantage of frequent access to the minutes and notes over the past 18 months to remind me of the twists and turns of these frequent meetings that quickly came one on top of the other.
We should remember that the media were aware of the EC meeting on 9th November 2004 within hours of Tommy’s Sheridan’s resignation as convener being reported in the Record on Thursday 11th November. The fact that the EC met on 9th November was covered in almost all Scottish newspapers by the weekend, along with false and damaging speculation about infighting and power struggles being the ‘real reason’ for Tommy’s resignation as convener.
The EC meeting of 9th November 2004 quickly became the most publicly known EC meeting in the party’s short history and generated by far the most speculation, much of which is inaccurate.
EC Meetings, November 2004 – the status of the meetings and documents
As National Secretary, in conjunction with the two co-chairpersons at the time, I called the 3 EC meetings. I was responsible for the safe-keeping of all the minutes and hand-written notes taken of these meeting.
The Executive met on 9th November, 14th November and 24th November 2004. Each time the meetings were clearly called as Executive meetings. At no time did anyone at these meetings argue that they were not EC meetings. The Executive Committee meetings were reported to the National Council on 27th November as EC meetings and again no one objected to them being described as Executive Committee meetings.
At the Executive meeting on 24th November, all present were given a set of papers and asked to sign for them. The signature was under the heading Papers for Special EC – 24 Nov 04. Each set of these papers contained 2 sets of minutes that were headed SSP Executive Committee – Draft Minutes, Emergency Meeting -Tuesday 9th November 2004, Glasgow and SSP Executive Committee Meeting – Sunday 14th November 2004, Glasgow. This procedure (for numbering and returning papers) was proposed by myself at the start of the meeting, was agreed and was followed to ensure all minutes passed out were returned to me.
For the entire week in the build up to the meeting on the 24th, there had been considerable speculation in the media as to why Tommy resigned, including many false and damaging reports. The minutes, which do document why Tommy resigned as convener, were obviously important. I put to the meeting on the 24th a number of points about dealing with the minutes – past, present and future. There was no dissent to any of my proposals. My proposals came towards the end of the meeting.
It was recorded that the draft minutes of 9th November were challenged by one comrade during the meeting. It was pointed out that she was not at that meeting and the challenge was dropped.
There were no other challenges to the minutes and the minutes were agreed as part of my package of proposals later in the meeting. The EC minutes of 9th November (probably the most crucial ones) were subsequently amended to minutes (‘draft’ being removed). It is normal practice, as per the constitution, for all EC minutes to be circulated to the NC and the wider party. I proposed that all the November minutes were kept but, in the exceptional circumstances, with the future agreement of the forthcoming NC, should be kept confidential. The NC subsequently, as part of accepting my report, accepted that the minutes should be kept confidential -there was some debate on this at the NC (not everyone agreed).
I then proposed that the written notes of the meeting of the 24th and the forthcoming National Council should not be typed up into minute form and not be routinely presented to the next meeting(s) as is normal practice. I stated that I would keep these written notes with a proviso that they would be typed up if necessary and, if so, I would do this. I argued that this would help us get out of the cycle of confidential minutes.
So, in short, there are formal agreed minutes for the EC meetings of 9th and 14th November but, in order to get us out of the cycle of confidential minutes, only hand written notes of the EC meeting on 24th November (which agreed the minutes and their confidentiality) and the NC of 27th November (which agreed that they could be kept confidential).

Style and contents of the EC Minutes of 9th November 2004
The style of the minutes is the same as the standard practice for the minutes of EC meetings – the introductory contributions for each section are summarised and subsequent contributors are listed as having participated. The introductory contributions of Tommy and Alan McCombes were summarised and included in the minutes in order for there to be a record of the issue under consideration.
The minutes refer to what efforts were first taken, including suggestions of informal meetings that were not taken up, before having to call an Emergency EC. The minutes contain no intimate details of Tommy’s personal life nor any moral judgments decided, positive or negative, about Tommy’s personal behaviour. There were no moral judgments made regarding Tommy’s personal life.
The minutes were kept as a record of the reason why the Executive Committee unanimously asked Tommy Sheridan, National Convener, to resign from this post. A verbal explanation was/is to be given to party members.
Wed 10th November – Duncan Rowan spoke to News International
Duncan Rowan (at the time SSP North East regional organiser) went to the News International offices and spoke to the NoTW, including about the previous night’s EC. It is quite possible that Duncan was victim of an elaborate ‘sting’ (we understand that Duncan is now out of the country).
From this day on it was highly probably that the NoTW would, at some point, be seeking our minutes and other documents of the 9th November EC meeting in the court action that Tommy would take out later.
Wed 10th November – Record Newspaper learns of Tommy’s resignation as convener
By late afternoon/early evening, the Record were phoning Alan McCombes and Tommy Sheridan saying they had learned that Tommy was resigning as National Convener, that their source was reliable and that they would print the story.
Tommy and Alan consulted by phone. Without time for wider consultation they agreed that Tommy would say he was resigning as convener for personal reasons. Alan, on behalf of the party, would confirm that Tommy has resigned and leave Tommy to outline the personal reasons. As is known, Tommy told the Record that he had resigned to spend more time with his wife who was pregnant.
We do not know how the Record got this information. The Evening Times, Thursday 11 November, falsely and damagingly speculated that Colin Fox had leaked the information.
One possibility is that someone in the NoTW (where they had taped and photographed Duncan that day after he had walked around the corner from the party to the NoTW offices) passed the story to the Record – either a Record ‘plant’ in the NoTW (apparently the tabloids can work this way towards each other) or someone in the NoTW offices saw an opportunity to make a quick buck if they sold the story to a daily before the NoTW printed it on Sunday.
At the time we did not consider Duncan’s tape recorded outpourings to the NoTW as being a possibility as we did not yet know of the existence of these tapes (it would be Sunday before that would be revealed).
We could further speculate on this and other possibilities but, in truth, we just don’t know.
Thursday 11th November — Record front page — Tommy Sheridan resigns as convener
The Record story quoted Tommy saying he was stepping down to spend more time with his wife who was pregnant. This was feverishly followed up by media everywhere.
Press and other speculation on the ‘real reason’ for Tommy’s resignation as Convener
By Sunday 14th November there were a whole range of newspaper stories speculating on the ‘real reason’ that Tommy had resigned as convener. This speculation was at fever pitch for at least another week in the media and has sporadically reappeared, with greater or lesser intensity, from time to time over the past 18 months.
Much of this was downright nonsense but damaging nonsense. For example here is a reminder of just a few of the false and damaging reports from the time. There was a report that it was the personal ambition of Colin Fox to become leader of the SSP that was really behind manoeuvres leading to the EC asking for Tommy’s resignation. The Mirror had a front page story that there was a plot involving Carolyn Leckie and Alan McCombes. Some reports claimed there was a group of feminists who were out to get Tommy due to his lifestyle as a young man.
Other reports vaguely speculated that personal jealousy and/or a power struggle for the SSP leadership was the real motive for the EC asking for Tommy’s resignation as convener.
EC Meets on Sunday 14th November
The EC was set for the Saturday but, with Record already having broken the news of Tommy’s resignation as convener, the date was changed to the Sunday.
The NoTW had printed a story about an alleged affair involving Tommy. This was the first time that the EC heard about this allegation. A photo of Duncan Rowan beside extracts from the tape of him speaking to the NoTW was also published.
The EC were particularly anxious to counter the false impressions being created as to why Tommy resigned as these were clearly very damaging to the party.
The following press release was unanimously agreed at the EC:-
Statement from Scottish Socialist Party Executive Committee
The SSP Executive confirms its acceptance of the resignation of Tommy Sheridan MSP from the post of National Convenor.
Tommy remains a valued member of the most dynamic team of MSPs in the Scottish Parliament. The Executive completely dismisses the rumours that have circulated in the press that Tommy’s resignation was provoked by a leadership challenge, a factional power struggle or any other form of internal in-fighting.
The party remains united in its support for an independent socialist Scotland, its opposition to war and racism, and the other policies detailed in our previous election manifestos. We understand that recent allegations in a Murdoch newspaper may be the subject of a future libel action by Tommy Sheridan and consequently the Scottish Socialist Party does not wish to comment on matters concerning the allegation. The party will now look at a number of options on the question of the convenorship in full consultation with party branches and members around the country.
There will be a press conference of the party’s MSPs and key members of the Executive on Tuesday at the Parliament to outline our internal and external priorities.
This statement was agreed unanimously by the Executive of the SSP on Sunday 14 November at 6.30pm.
EC meeting 24th November
By the EC meeting on the 24th, there had been widespread further speculation in the media, including parts of the left press, on why Tommy Sheridan resigned as convener. False and damaging impressions of the reasons for Tommy Sheridan resignation as convener were now widely promoted. Infighting, power struggles, moral Puritanism were typical false reasons given as to why Tommy had resigned.
The Guardian, unbelievably, falsely stated that Tommy’s resignation as convener was really down to political differences – that the SSP leadership were against the troops out of Iraq campaign that Tommy Sheridan backed!
Some of the left press in England were even wrongly reporting that the SSP EC had forced Tommy to resign because we had made a moral judgment over his personal life. One written report even positively quoted the slander in the Guardian about the SSP being against the troops out of Iraq campaign.
This was the meeting that agreed the minutes of the 9th and 14th but agreed that they should be kept confidential.
The EC unanimously agreed to a number of proposals from Allan Green about the forthcoming National Council meeting.
- For a verbal report on the reasons for Tommy’s resignation as convener
- to report that there are minutes of the 9th November meeting but that they should remain confidential
- to put a motion to the NC in 2 parts – to accept Tommy’s resignation and to endorse the EC’s handling of the situation
- to ask for no other motions to be taken at this NC
The EC, including Tommy, agreed to work together to ensure that an accurate and unified approach would be taken in future.
Build up to the National Council meeting
There was much press speculation as to whether or not the NC would back the EC’s stance in relation to the resignation of Tommy as convener.
With differing public accounts of why Tommy Sheridan had resigned as convener appearing in the press, the party was under constant pressure to clarify what happened. Journalists asked if there were minutes and were told that there were minutes but that they were confidential.
This situation was commented on in a range of newspapers. For example, on Saturday 27 November 2004, the day before the National Council, the Herald ran an article titled SSP leaders to face the party without crucial meeting’s minute. The article stated that the minutes existed but that the EC were proposing to the NC that they remain confidential.
Already, 18 months ago, the EC minutes of 9 November 2004 had become the most publicised minutes that the party had ever produced.
National Council, 28th November 2004
I introduced the meeting, along the lines agreed by the EC. My report was endorsed by Tommy Sheridan.
There was a widespread debate before the following EC motion was voted on in 2 parts. It was pointed out that, in effect, the EC asking for an endorsement to continue with the strategy as explained verbally
Part One
National Council recognises the difficult decisions faced by the Executive Committee at the November 9th special Executive Committee meeting. This NC supports the unanimous decisions made at that meeting concerning the convenor’s position.
For – 85; Against – 20; Abstentions – nil
Part Two
The SSP National Council confirms its acceptance of the resignation of Tommy Sheridan MSP from the post of National Convenor.
Tommy remains a valued member of the most dynamic team of MSPs in the Scottish Parliament. The National Council completely dismisses the rumours that have circulated in the press that Tommy’s resignation was provoked by a leadership challenge, a factional power struggle or any other form of internal infighting.
The party remains united in its support for an independent socialist Scotland, its opposition to war and racism, and the other policies detailed in our previous election manifestos.
We understand that recent allegations in a Murdoch newspaper may be the subject of a future libel action by Tommy Sheridan and consequently the Scottish Socialist Party does not wish to comment on matters concerning the allegation.
The party will now look at a number of options on the question of the convenorship in full consultation with party branches and members around the country.
For – 93; Against – 10; Abstentions – 2
The following press statements were then issued
From the SSP Executive – a rework of the press statement of 14th November 2004 (see above) along with the resolutions agreed by the National Council.
From Tommy Sheridan
I wholeheartedly support the SSP Executive Committee statement agreed at today’s meeting. The Scottish Socialist Party has today showed great maturity in reaching a unified position on the way forward. I would like to take this opportunity to confirm that my resignation as party convenor has nothing at all to do with internal power struggles. There is not and never has been any internal squabbles or back-biting about a leadership challenge. We are a party of principle and action.
We have drawn a line under these internal deliberations. I will now work alongside the other party MSPs and the wider party membership to campaign for justice, equality, peace and socialism.
Extracts from the resolutions and Tommy’s statement were reported in several newspapers and the TV.
Allan Green
National Secretary
24th May, 2006