‘Just Say Naw’ To Galloway’s Sectarian British Unionism

Bella caledonia posted an article by Richard Cameron (RCN and Edinburgh RIC) outlining the politics behind George Galloway’s Just Say Naw Scottish road tour (see Just Say Naw – To Galloway’s Sectarian British Unionism). Given the short time to write this article a number of errors appeared, none of which affected the overall arguments presented. However, Richard…

RCN letter to the Scottish Palestinian Solidarity Campaign

The Republican Communist Network has given the Scottish Palestinian Solidarity Campaign political support, recognising it as one of the most vibrant and effective solidarity campaigns not only in Scotland, but in the whole of the UK. Therefore, we are extremely concerned to hear an accusation of a violent incident involving, a prominent member of the SPSC…

US Hands Off Syria!

We are posting this statement from Socialist Action (USA), which takes a principled stance on US intervention in Syria. It also refers indirectly to the UK government’s failure to provide backing for an immediate US-led attack on Syria as part of the “coalition of the idling”. The Barack Obama-led march to yet another “war” suffered an…

Massacre In Cairo

Below are two articles on the ongoing situation in Egypt. The first comes from the Revolutionary Socialists in Egypt. This is followed by an article from the Green Left Weekly (Australia) blog, posted by John Riddell, which asks Socialists to rethink some of the prior positions some held over the Egyptian revolution, highlighted by the…

Egypt, The Army And The Muslim Brotherhood – Two Reactionary Forces

Below are two articles on the new situation in Egypt. The most recent one is a statement from the Socialist Party of Malaya on the violent military suppression and killing of unarmed Muslim Brotherhood protestors in Cairo. The second written by Yassamine Mather of the CPGB-WW, in response to the arrest of Morsi-led Egyptian government, whilst highlighting…

International Women’s Day – Report from Israel and Statement from Afghanistan

Women For Civil Disobedience In Israel Report Some 400 Israeli, Palestinian and international women gathered in the West Bank village of Beit Omar, under the slogan of “Women for Civil Disobedience as part of the Non-violent Popular Resistance to the Israeli Occupation”. It was the 2nd Conference marking the International Women’s Day. The conference was organized by…

Cheering for War and Empire

After years in which its wars have become more and more unpopular, the U.S. political and military establishment finally has a “success” to celebrate. 3 May 2011 The following article first appeared in Socialist Worker (US) THE ASSASSINATION of Osama bin Laden is being celebrated as rough justice by U.S. politicians across the spectrum and…

Opposing the imperialist suppression of the revolution in North Africa and the Middle East

Here are 4 items relating to the current situation in Bahrain and Libya SSP Conference motion, 3 April 2011 Article by Moshe Machover – The long road of the Arab revolution Article by John McAnulty (Socialist Democracy – Ireland) the test of Libya Article by Pepe Escobar – Exposed the US-Saudi Libya deal Motion proposed…

An appeal from the International Federation of Iraq Refugees

The International Federation of Iraqi Refugees needs your support for the demonstrations and the movement for freedom in Iraqi Kurdistan. The people of Kurdistan have launched a movement for freedom, justice, jobs and services, and against political corruption. They organised civil demonstrations against the authorities of Kurdistan Regional Government and the two ruling parties, the…