More women in the police won’t reduce police violence

The following article by Janey Starling was first posted by openDemocracy. It was written in the aftermath of the damning   Casey Report intom the conduct of The Met. It is followed by a comment from EL&SD EB member, Iain Robertson. MORE WOMEN IN THE POLICE WON’T REDUCE POLICE VIOLENCE As reports of hideous violence…

Announcing the 2023 Declaration of Calton Hill

The following article, written by Allan Armstrong for the Radical Independence Campaign, was first posted by bella caledonia  ANNOUNCING THE 2023 DECLARATION OF CALTON HILL On September 18th, November 2014, something truly remarkable in politics happened.  By the time of the Scottish independence referendum, held on that day, 97% of Scotland’s potential electorate had registered…

RIC reconstituted and the 2023 Declaration of Calton Hill

This is the conclusion of Completing Scotland’s Democratic Revolution, in which Allan Armstrong examines the legacy of  of Scotland’s 2014 Democratic Revolution and the 2023 Declaration of of Calton Hill, designed to complete that unfinished democratic revolution. RIC RECONSTITUTED AND THE 2003 DECLARATION OF CALTON HILL After the attempted shutdown on 17.1.21[1] the Radical Independence Campaign (RIC)…

Revealed: Russian oligarch dodged sanctions over Mayfair mansion

 Boris Johnson making a big noise about supporting Ukraine, in its struggle against the Russian imperial invasion, provides a useful cover for the Tories’ and City of London’s continued links with corrupt Russian oligarchs, with strong links to the Putin regime. Indeed not a few on the Hard and Far Right admire Putin’s regime. The…

‘The Banshees of Inisherin’ review: An ahistorical film that rings hollow

This review of The Banshees of Inisherin is by Jenny Farrell, an associate  editor of Culture Matters, who also written for the Communist Party of Ireland’s Socialist Voice. It was first posted by the People’s World. THE BANSHEES OF INISHERIN REVIEW: AN HISTORICAL REVIEW THAT RINGS HOLLOW International film awards are by no means a…

The language struggle and the challenge to the UK state

The following article by Allan Armstrong looks at the significance of the struggles around the issue of language in Ireland, Wales and England and how they provide a challenge to the UK state. An edited version of this was given as a talk to the Critical Labour Studies Colloqium, held in Aonach Mhacha, Armagh on…

The spinelessness of the Left’s ‘leaders’ marks the final defeat of Corbynism

The following article by Jackson Caine was first posted by Public Reading Rooms. It details the continued decline of the Labour Left and how its own leaders and platforms contributed to this. He had hoped that Corbyn, after the removal of the Labour whip, along with those Labour MPs who still back him, might have…

Morocco’s support for Palestinians has ‘restored trust’ in the Arab world

The following article by Steve Topple, on the public emergence of the Palestinian struggle during the World Cup in Qatar, was first posted by The Canary. MOROCCOS’ SUPPORT FOR PALESTINIANS HAS ‘RESTORED TRUST’ IN THR ARAB WORLD Morocco’s support for the Palestinians during the team’s historic World Cup run shows the cause has not been…