Mass media Omerta: burying Al Jazeera’s ‘The Labour Files’

The following article was first posted by Al Jazeera. It shows how the Labour Party bureaucracy  attacked Corbyn to clear the way for a pro-British establishment leader ready to bow to the whims of the City, IMF, the British High Command and  NATO. In other words they want Labour to act as the British ruling…

EL&SD coverage of republicanism

The Republican Communist Network and the Republican Communist Forum have been at the centre of the campaign to build support for republicanism in Scotland. This has involved upholding republicanism as the  sovereignty of the people against the UK’s  sovereignty of the Crown-in-Westminster. We have  criticised those who limit republicanism to anti-monarchism, which can provide cover…

Immigration: who benefits, who suffers?

The following article on immigration was written by Canadian socialist, Susan Rosenthal, and first posted on her blog. IMMIGRATION: WHO BENEFITS, WHO SUFFERS? There are basically two ways to respond to immigration: The racist response argues for a White Canada and accuses immigrants of taking jobs, housing, and social services away from White Canadians. These…

70 years of failure

The following article on the political social and economic impact of the monarchy over the 70 years of Queen Elizabeth’s’s reign was written by Phil Vellender and Steve Freeman and the Republican Socialist Alliance and was first posted by Chartist. 70 YEARS OF FAILURE The Queen’s death has been marked by an outpouring of public…

Ukrainian coal miners defy national protest ban to go on strike

The following article, written by Kateryna Semchuk and Thomas Rowley, highlight’s Ukrainian coalminers continued preparedness to organise in defiance of the Ukrainian state. This was first posted by openDemocracy. Miners and management at a state-owned coal operation in western Ukraine have called a strike over what they say is an attempt to seize control of…

The British royal family and its contribution to humanity

The following article written by Gearóid Ó Loingsigh cuts through the British media propaganda onslaught about Elizabrit. It was first posted by Socialist Democracy (Ireland) The British monarch Elizabeth Windsor, formerly Saxe Coburg Gotha, has died at the grand old age of 96, thanks in no part to the subsidised lifestyle and medical care she…

Rent freeze: A victory for tenants’ rights

The following article by Rosie Hampton celebrates he winter rent freeze and eviction ban in Scotland. It was first posted by bella caledonia  This week, the Scottish government announced a rent freeze across the private and socially rented sectors, accompanied by an eviction ban, until March 2023. Whilst there is much in the coming legislation…

Imposed insanity – royalty, propaganda and the coming catastrophe

The title of the following article, attributed to DC & DE, first posted by Media Lens, says it all. If every single high-profile journalist, politician and priest is currently expressing heartfelt devotion to Britain’s deceased, 96-year-old monarch, it is not because she ‘served’ her country diligently in doing her ‘duty’ for 70 years. The powerful…

Unions and ‘left’ politicians backing a national unity project is a bad idea, actually

The following article, written by Joe Glenton, on the collapse of the Labour Left and trade union leaders in the face of the state-orchestrated royalist offensive was first posted by The Canary. UNIONS AND ‘LEFT’ POLITICIANS BACKING A NATIONAL UNITY PROJECT IS A BAD IDEA, ACTUALLY Not long ago Britain’s large trade unions seemed to…