The RCN has based much of its analysis of capitalism on the notions of exploitation and oppression, to which we counter the ideas of emancipation and liberation – hence the name of our main publication. However, we have been conducting discussions on capitalism’s third prop, alienation, and its antithesis, self-determination, understood in its widest sense. In the article below, by…
May Day Greetings
On this day of international solidarity the Republican Communist Network sends communist greetings to the exploited and oppressed of the world. We believe ‘Another world is possible’ – a joyful, creative, new global commune, which emancipates us all from exploitation and liberates us all from exploitation, and brings about our social and individual self-determination, in a…
‘Emancipation & Liberation’ RIC Special Bulletin, May 2014
The RCN produced its second RIC Special Bulletin in May. It includes the articles the following articles: What happens after September 18th Support the struggle for real self-determination in a Scottish democratic, secular and social republic Winning internationalist allies in Ireland Edinburgh RIC branch proposals to RIC National Forum in the event of a ‘Yes’ vote on September 18th…
What May Day Means In The Ukraine Crisis
In the second article from the RCN’s May Day Special Bulletin, Allan Armstrong (RCN) outlines the significance of current events in Ukraine, the dangers of inter-ethnic conflict allowing imperialist intervention, with the growing threat of inter-imperialist conflict. “Take a neighbour of ours {Germany}. Our relations are very much better than they were a few years…
World War 1: Glorious Victory Or Imperialist Bloodbath
In the third article from the RCN’s May Day Special Bulletin, Eric Chester (RCN), Convener of the Scottish Peace Network’s August 4 Working Group, examines the reality behind the First World War, and the UK government’s attempts to rehabilitate British imperialism’s role, to prepare the working class today for future imperial sacrifice. One hundred years ago the world was engulfed…
‘Emancipation & Liberation’ RIC Special Bulletin, March, 2014
The RCN produced its first Emancipation and Liberation RIC Special Bulletin for the National Forum in March. It included the following articles: Let’s all end our abusive relationship with the UK state The Republican Communist Network and the Radical Independence Campaign A Republican perspective is important for Scotland’s future LET’S ALL END OUR ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIP WITH…
Socialists And A Secular Society
Eric Chester makes a contribution to the ongoing discussion and debate in the RCN about secularism The demand for a secular republic has always been central to the struggle for socialism. All too frequently state power is used to bolster a specific religious orthodoxy, with those who adhere to other religions, or to no religion at all,…
Scotland: What Can We Learn From Venezuela
Ewan Robertson, an RCN member and a Scots born journalist living in Venezuela, is touring Scotland. He will be addressing the following meetings:- Monday April 14, STUC: Joint Scottish Venezuela Solidarity Campaign & others lunchtime Latin America fringe meeting for delegates with speakers including Ewan Robertson, 12.30-1.45pm, Caird Hall, Dundee. Tuesday April 15, Aberdeen: Public Meeting with…
Invitation To ‘The Left And Maidan’ In Kyiv, 12th-13th April
Dear comrades! We invite you to take part in our conference “The Left and Maidan” to be held in Kiev on 12-13 April 2014 in the Blue Hall of Cinema House (6 Saksaganskogo Street). The events of the last few months raise difficult questions for the left movement. Should we participate in the Maidan events…
25 Years Since The Poll Tax: 1 Year Since The ‘Bedroom Tax’
Today, April Fools Day, RIC supporters handed out the leaflet below on the streets of Scotland. The 25th anniversary of the poll tax also provides an opportunity to provide a link to the article written by Allan Armstrong (RCN), Chair of Lothian Anti-Poll Tax Federation, for Red Banner, on the 20th anniversary of the tax.…