Desmond Tutu (1931-2021)

The following obituary to Desmond Tutu was first posted by Socialist Democracy (Ireland) DESMOND TUTU (1931-2021) A polite critic of imperialism, a resolute opponent of revolution  Tutu played a vital role in Mandela’s policy of reconciliation The death of Archbishop Desmond Tutu has led to outpourings of grief and commemoration among sections of the South…

EL&SD coverage of Trade Union Struggle

Following earlier collections of our coverage of Ireland, Wales, the EU and Migration, EL& SD is posting our coverage of articles on Trade Union Struggle. The articles highlighted in bold have been written by RCF or RCN members and supporters. EL&SD COVERAGE OF TRADE UNION STRUGGLE   2023 Conditions not conspiracies: why workers strike, Ewan…

British Brexit strategy hits the buffers – more chaos ahead

We are posting this article from Socialist Democracy (Ireland) on the latest developments in the negotiations between the UK government and the EU following Lord Frost’s departure from the government and as chief  Brexit negotiator.   BRITISH BREXIT STRATEGY HITS THE BUFFERS – MORE CHAOS AHEAD Disagreement with covid strategy is not the reason for…

Open letter from Tony Greenstein to the Guardian after its coverage of Desmond Tutu’s death

We are posting the following open letter to the Guardian from Tony Greenstein.  It is addressed to Kath Viner, and The Guardian‘s  Zionist gatekeeper, Jonathon Freedland, following the paper’s dedication to Archbishop Desmond Tutu following his death on 26.12.21.    OPEN LETTER FROM TONY GREENSTEIN AFTER ITS COVERAGE OF DESMOND TUTU’S DEATH    Do You…

Global Britain, Levelling up, Strengthening the Union

The following article by Allan Armstrong (RSP) was first posted by bella caledonia. It looks at the political significance of the appointment of Sir Tony Radakin to Chief of Defence Staff, using his speech to the Royal United Services Institute. This version also included a link to that speech and other references. GLOBAL BRITAIN, LEVELLING…

Mary MacGregor speaks at Brooksbank 124 commemoration in Lochee, Dundee, 18.12.21

The Republican Socialist Platform organised a commemoration for Mary Brooksbank a communist activist, song write and poet on Lochee High Street, Dundee on Saturday, 18th December. Mary MacGregor spoke for the RSP.   MARY BROOKSBANK Mill worker, writer, poet, musician, class fighter, trade unionist, revolutionary!   How wonderful to be holding a commemoration for this…

Race and class ‘justice’ in Biden’s USA

We are posting three articles from Left Voice (USA), which over period of one week highlight the nature of race and class ‘justice’ in the Biden’s USA. 1. LAPD murdered a 14-Year-old girl in a dressing room. Abolish the police by Tatiana Cozzarelli 2. NYPD Murders Black Man Having Mental Health Crisis by Molly Rosenzweig…