Issue 19 of Emancipation & Liberation is out now. If you would like to buy this issue or subscribe, contact us. This will be available at the Dunblane Conference. Comments are open, so until articles are online, feel free to discuss the articles below. When they are online you can discuss the article in it’s…
British nationalism and fascism
Chris Ford of The Commune outlines the very British origins of fascism. He argues that attempts to invoke Second World War nostalgia and the great ‘British democratic tradition’, to dismiss today’s British fascists as just some alien Nazi import, fail to get to a key root of the problem – British nationalism. In an exercise…
Militant anti-fascism: the achievements of Scotland’s Anti-Fascist Alliances
The 20th of February saw the Scottish Defence League’s (SDL) plans to hold a hate-mongering anti-Muslim rally in a major Scottish city foiled for a second time by militant anti-fascist mobilisation. Three months after their attempt to march in Glasgow ended with them having a fifty-person rally in front of a pub for a few…
2nd Republican Socialist Convention
The second Republican Socialist Convention was organised by the Socialist Alliance (The Socialist Alliance is the small organisation still left in England after the defection first of the Socialist Party and then the Socialist Workers Party.) in London on February 14th. In its initial conception it was ambitious. With a General Election looming in the…
RCN extends its platform points
Eagle-eyed readers of Emancipation & Liberation may have noticed two new additions to the RCN platform bullet points on the last page of this issue before the covers:- ii) Independent working class organisation iv) Internationalism from below Many of those organisations once created by our class – e.g. the Labour Party and trade unions –…
Global Commune day school report
January 16th 2010, Out of the Blue Centre, Edinburgh Over the last year, comrades in the RCN have become more and more aware of the ideas and activities of comrades In The Commune, based south of the border. Like many on the left, older members of Commune have been round the block a bit in…
What has happened to the Left since the Westminster 2005 General Election This year’s SSP Conference takes place in the context of the run-up to a likely General Election in May. Despite the opportunities provided to socialists by the deepest crisis of capitalism since the 1930’s, the Left in the UK is weaker than it…
Report Of The Second Republican Socialist Convention, 13.2.10
Below is the report of the 2nd Republican Socialist Convention. This was hosted by the Socialist Alliance London on 13.2.10. Both Colin Fox and Allan Armstrong spoke for the SSP. The report is followed by Allan’s contribution. This produced a response from Nick Rogers of the CPGB-WW which is also posted along with Allan’s reply. 1.…
Campaign To Fight The Blacklist And To Support Brian Higgins
Last autumn, the official journal of the construction workers’ union, UCATT, revealed the shocking details of a Blacklist operated by The Consulting Association (TCA), on behalf of a group of named construction companies. 3200 named construction worker trade unionists are on the list. This was followed by an impressive article, Boys from the Blacklist, published…
Report of the First Global Commune Day
January 16th 2010, Out of the Blue Centre, Edinburgh Over the last year, comrades in the RCN have become more and more aware of the ideas and activities of comrades In The Commune, based south of the border. Like many on the left, older members of Commune have been round the block a bit in…