Book Launch: From Davitt to Connolly: ‘Internationalism from Below’…

From Davitt to Connolly: ‘Internationalism from Below’ and the challenge to the UK state and British Empire from 1897-1895 By Allan Armstrong Published by Intfrobel Publications, £7.99 Allan Armstrong’s new book From Davitt to Connolly: ‘Internationalism from Below’ and the challenge to the UK state and British Empire from 1897-1895 was launched to a warm…

The Sane Society – Erich Fromm

Joe Conroy appraises Erich Fromm’s 1955 work. This article first appeared in Red Banner Issue 39 The United States in 1955 would hardly seem a propitious time or place for condemning capitalist society outright and advocating an entirely different way of living. With millions buying into the consumer society and no end in sight to…

Irish elections: Revenge, but not yet resistance

by Kevin Keating and John McAnulty, Socialist Democracy (Ireland) In the run-up to the Irish election of 25th February a number of key issues arose. The major issue was the imposition of four years of renewed austerity overseen by the intervention of the European Central Bank and International Monetary Fund. The second issue was the…

An appeal from the International Federation of Iraq Refugees

The International Federation of Iraqi Refugees needs your support for the demonstrations and the movement for freedom in Iraqi Kurdistan. The people of Kurdistan have launched a movement for freedom, justice, jobs and services, and against political corruption. They organised civil demonstrations against the authorities of Kurdistan Regional Government and the two ruling parties, the…