This article is an RCN contribution to the growing desire to reclaim the idea of a genuine communist society, an idea badly damaged first by the experience of the USSR and later by subsequent totalitarian regimes. It is a further development of the paper Debating The Possibility Of Communism, posted earlier, which provided the basis…
RCN – What We Stand For
The Republican Communist Network (Scotland) What We Stand For – From Theory to Practice As a network we regularly review our tactics and strategy in view of our principles of emancipation and liberation and our vision of the global commune. We discussed and updated these at our annual weekend away, held this year in Perthshire,…
Socialism Militant, Socialism Triumphant: thoughts on communism and the workplace inspired by William Morris and the IWW
An important topic for discussion by the Left today is labor organization as we know it under capitalism, and as it could be under socialism and communism. Below are statements from our radical history, and one that is an outgrowth of that history. Taken together, they offer guidance. In the conclusion to his commentary on…
Debating The Possibility Of Communism
The current crisis of capitalism has found the majority of the the Left offering neo-Keynesian ‘solutions’ which go no further than attempts to reinvigorate a system that is long past its sell-by date. However, those who try to promote a vision of a new social order to replace capitalism have to confront arguments that ‘There…
Capitalism offers us no future
Since the current economic crisis broke out in 2007, the bosses and their paid politicians have tried to persuade us that if we tighten our belts and accept painful cuts, then the ‘good old days’ will return. However, it has become increasingly clear that their imposed cuts have only made the situation worse, as we…
The Communist Case for Internationalism from Below
A contribution to the debate at The Global Commune event of 22nd May, 2010, in Edinburgh 1. Three Left approaches to building a new world order The Republican Communist Network (RCN) has mainly applied an ‘internationalism from below’ approach as a way to unite communists, socialists and revolutionary democrats throughout these islands around an immediate…
Report of Second Global Commune Meeting
May 22nd, 2010 The second Global Commune day school, jointly organised by the Republican Communist Network (RCN) and The Commune, was held in the Out of the Blue Centre in Edinburgh on May 22nd. People attended from Aberdeen, Bristol, Dundee, Edinburgh, Glasgow, London and Midlothian. The first workshop session, ‘After the Election, What Next?‘ was introduced…
Report of the First Global Commune Day
January 16th 2010, Out of the Blue Centre, Edinburgh Over the last year, comrades in the RCN have become more and more aware of the ideas and activities of comrades In The Commune, based south of the border. Like many on the left, older members of Commune have been round the block a bit in…
Global Commune Meeting
The Global Commune It is now 20 years since the collapse of the Berlin Wall. For most people this signalled the end of communism. However, there has always been another view, which understands that the USSR and its satellites and emulators were never communist, socialist or workers’ states. They represented the negation of communism. The…