Further Political Developments In Ireland: North And South

We are posting the following two articles from Socialist Democracy (Ireland) in the current situation in Ireland, North and South. 1. STORMONT EXECUTIVE TAKES A RECKLESS TURN ON PANDEMIC For a long time Stormont has stood as a byword for sectarianism, corruption and incompetence. Under the pressure of the coronavirus crisis these features of the…

We Fought Trump, Time To Fight Biden Too

This article from Left Voice in the USA criticises those illusions in Joe Biden, similar to those in Sir Keir Starmer, who believes he can be pressured from the Left. Biden was bankrolled by major sections of Wall Street finance and Silicon Valley and these are the interests he will serve. At long last, it has…

Poppy Pushers “Fund British Terrorists”

With UK tied up with so many imperialist wars, November 11th, ‘Remembrance Day’ is pushed with ever greater official stridency.  Jon Snow has called this this  “poppy fascism”. We are posting this article  from the Irish-based Anti-Imperialist Action which looks at the use of the poppy from their point of view of those who have…

The British Left and the UK State

  Below is an outline of the Contents and the concluding chapter of The British Left and the UK state, written by Allan Armstrong.  The article  addresses the need for a socialist republican ‘internationalism from below’ strategy to address the current challenges the Left faces. The full article  can be read at:- https://allanarmstrong831930095.files.wordpress.com/2022/02/the-british-left-the-uk-state-.pdf _____________ From…

Emancipation & Liberation – Irish Coverage from 2002

E&L is posting our Irish coverage from 2002 to promote a wider socialist republican ‘internationalism from below’ alliance 2023 The cultural is political: Gig for Gaza and the rebirth of cultural activism Bernadette McAliskey on  Nationalism and the Far Right Connolly and Ukraine How the Paris Commune influenced the 1916 Rising – Donal Fallon 25…

From Grey To Red Granite – Viewing the Left, the Scottish Question and the Nature of the UK State through the Lens of Neil Davidson’s Writings and Political Work

Below are the Contents and Introduction to Allan Armstrong’s article, From Grey Granite to Red Granite – Viewing the Left, the Scottish Question and the Nature of the UK state through the Lens of Neil Davidson’s Writings and Political Work. The full article can be read at:- https://allanarmstrong831930095.files.wordpress.com/2023/03/from-grey-to-red-granite-1.pdf   Contents

British Government Threatens To Break International Law – So What’s New?

We are posting this article from Socialist Democracy (Ireland) commenting on the widespread surprise over Boris Johnson’s preparedness to break UK agreements. This is something with a history that long precedes Johnson’s Right populists. For England, there is no alliance that holds, no treaty which is respected, no truth which matters. Charles de Gaulle in his…

Doctor Issam Hijawi – Prison Hunger Strike Victory

This is an update to the article from Working Class Club we posted on 20.9.20 about the hunger strike to protest at the imprisonment of Dr. Issam Hijawi a Palestinian activist in Maghaberry Jail. This latest article was first posted by Socialist Democracy (Ireland). One duty of socialists is to keep record of the ebb…

Julian Assange – Trial Of The Century

We are posting this appeal on behalf of Julian Assange, which was first sent out by Diem25. JULIAN ASSANGE – TRIAL OF THE CENTURY “A murderous system is being created before our very eyes” – Nils Melzer, UN Special Reporter on Torture The trial of Julian Assange taking place right now at the Old Bailey…

Tories Enshrine Impunity For British Security Forces In Law

Connor Beaton of the Republican Socialist Platform has written the following article about the Johnson government’s the latest Overseas Operation Bill. British security forces will gain explicit legal cover to commit crimes at home and abroad under new laws proposed by the UK’s right-wing Tory government with little – if any – resistance from the…