Stench of Zionist colonisation

This article by Moshe Machover was first posted in the Weekly Worker. It outlines continued brutality, highlighted in East Jerusalem and Gaza, of relentless Zionist settler colonialism The Zionist colonisation regime spreads a nauseating stench – literally. I am referring to an Israeli invention, appropriately named ‘Skunk’ and described as a “non-lethal weapon of mass…

Glasgow says “No Pasaran” to the Hostile Environment

This article written by Robina Qreshi, Director of Positive Housing , celebrates the  victory of the residents of Govanhill in Glasgow over the UK Border Agency. She refers to past battles in Glasgow over housing led by Mary Barbour; whilst only two days following the action on 13th May, more protestors condemning the lethal actions…

The power grab of the queen’s speech

This article by Mike Small was first posted on bella caledonia. It outlines the Tory government’s plans to bring the politics of Brexit Britain closer to the authoritarian Right in Eastern Europe, coupled to their attempts to bury its own murderous past in Ireland. At the State Opening of Parliament today the full-farce of Britain’s…

Democrats who support killer cops are taking credit for locking up Chauvin

This article by Julia Wallace of Left Voices (USA) highlights the real movement, Black Lives Matter, which contributed to George Floyd’s killer, Derek Chauvin of the Democratic Party controlled Milwaukee city police force being found guilty of murder. The Democratic Party watches police murder people like George Floyd and remains silent, but when we rise…

Defending Kobane is not a crime – an invitation to show solidarity with the Kurdish Peoples Party (HDP)

This appeal for solidarity with the Kurdish Peoples Party subjected to Turkish state repression was first posted by Sarah Glynn on bella caledonia In what dystopian world could support for Kobanê as it withstood siege by ISIS be considered a crime? The answer, it seems, is in Turkey. On 26 April, 108 leading members of the…

The opportunist prince

This article, written by Eddie Ford, first appeared in Weekly Worker. It examines the role of prince Philip a typical European aristocrat and his and his family’s attempts to negotiate the threatened dynastic politics after the revolutionary and clashing imperial challenges they faced after the First World War. Ford argues that  Philip Mountbatten-Windsor was a typical European…

Challenges for the Catalan left wing movement in 2021

This is the second article we are posting written by Lorena Sorantes, from Galicia in Spain, about the political situation in Catalunya. Introduction This brief article will be an attempt to enumerate and then explain the current challenges the Catalan left-wing movement is facing and will face from this year onwards . In order to…

Continuing shambles from Brexit to Ex-Brit

This article by Peter Middleton was first posted on Facebook. It looks at the links between the Loyalist paramilitaries and the DUP and how Brexit is reinforcing these. As I wrote a few weeks ago, during the decades of the so-called Troubles while unionist terrorists may have pulled the triggers it was unionist politicians who…

Alex Salmond, the Holyrood enquiry and the Scottish Left – a republican response

Allan Armstrong has written this article in response to the Holyrood enquiry. It examines the underlying role of the Crown  and why this should be of concern to any genuine democrat. Alex Salmond’s statement and evidence to the Holyrood enquiry on February 26th has led to much fevered comment from a salivating London-based unionist media (including…

Eyes wide shut – Nothing to see in Northern Ireland in the Brexit dispute

We are posting this article from Socialist Democracy (Ireland) about the DUP and Sinn Fein reaction to the ongoing dispute over the location of the Brexit border. In the past weeks the Democratic Unionist party has sprung into overdrive on the issue of the so-called Irish sea border. A unionist controlled council has spread totally untrue…