Pogrom state made manifest

This article by Tony Greenstein looks at how Palestinian resistance to attempted Zionist pogroms, beginning in East Jerusalem, has unnerved the Israeli state. POGROM STATE MADE MANIFEST   Since the ceasefire between Israel and Gaza, Israeli police have been taking their revenge on Israel’s Palestinians for what Jonathan Freedland concedes has been a “strategic disaster”.1 Oren…

The Guardian – a liberal defender of the imperialist world order

  The following article from  Media Lens examines The Guardian’s 200 year liberal record of supporting the imperialist world order.   THE GUARDIAN – A LIBERAL BASTION OF THE IMPERIALIST WORLD ORDER   The Guardian has been deluging itself with praise on reaching two centuries this year. Not that we would expect otherwise. As editor…

The Democrats won’t save democracy

This article by Jason Koslowski of Left Voice (USA) highlights the hypocrisy of Joe Biden’s Democrats in their attempts to block the Republicans’ latest attempt to limit the electorate and remove largely black voters from the electoral roll. “While Republicans are attacking voting rights, the Democrats are pretending they’re champions of democracy. They’re not. Real…

The aftermath of Kenmure Street challenges us all

This article written by Sean Bell for Source News highlights the dangers ahead, following the stunning Kenmure Street victory, as  Priti Patel and the Tory government make plans to up the ante. “Kenmure Street was a stunningly successful example of solidarity and nonviolent resistance. We should not be surprised if the authorities’ next moves attempt…

Palestine – the view from Edinburgh and Belfast

The Scottish government is a signatory to the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance definition on ‘anti-semitism’. This definition conflates criticism of Israel with criticism of Jews. In view of the horrific attacks by Zionist settler thugs and the of the Israeli state on Palestinians in East Jerusalem and Gaza in order to to ethnically cleanse even more…

The growing recognition that Israel is an apartheid state

This article, first published by Tony Greenstein in his blog points, to the unravelling of the arguments made by the Zionist supporters of Israel. . Having suppressed Corbyn and his allies with false accusations of anti-semitism in the run-up to the 2019 general election, Israel’s assaults on the Palestinians and their resistance has shown that…

It hasn’t gone away you know – the Irish housing crisis erupts yet again

This article first posted by Socialist Democracy (Ireland) examines the public  re-emergence of the housing crisis in Ireland and looks to its causes and possible solutions. The housing crisis in Ireland has exploded yet again. As in a slow motion car crash, everyone foresees the eventual destruction of the coalition government but not a way…

Trump’s renewed assault on democracy

With many pointing to the revival of US neoliberal imperialism under Joe Biden, this article by Daniel Lazare highlights Trump’s continued hold over the Republican Party.  Trump’s authoritarian Right populism still his waiting for Biden’s inevitable faltering, the first signs of which are already emerging. Trump’s cult of the personality is taking on Bonapartist traits.…

Biden is, and always has been, a champion of Zionism and imperialism

This article by Otto Fors of Left Voice (USA)  argues that the Israeli state’s aggression and impunity would not be possible without long-standing, bipartisan U.S. support, including that of President Biden. Israeli aggression against occupied Palestine has once again boiled over into open conflict this past week. What started as Israeli police repressing demonstrators who…

May 6th election results and beyond

This article by Allan Armstrong (RCF) looks at the aftermath of the May 6th elections in Scotland, Wales and England, the current situation in Northern Ireland, and then to the political significance of new movements from below across these islands, culminating in the people of Govanhill challenging the UK state’s Home Office Border Agency’s attempted…