Homophobia in Uganda is a horrifying demonstration of colonialism and evangelism at work

The following article written by Alex/Rose Cocker was first posted by The Canary. It outlines the shared role of colonialism, and in particular Protestant evangelicals, in promoting homophobia  in Africa, particular the ex-British colonies. Several of these evangelical organisations are currently involved in the transphobic offensive in the USA, UK and Scotland and in picketting…

Jewish refugee groups condemn Illegal Migration Bill and government language

The growing opposition to the Tories’ draconian and racist  Illegal Immigration Bill was highlighted when Gary Lineker compared the government’s activities to those of the Nazis. The husband of Tory Home Secretary, Suella Braverman,  Rael , who had  family members killed during the Holocaust,  was incensed by the comparison.  However, Lineker was pointing to the…

Remembering George Padmore

The following article on Trinidadian revolutionary, George Padmore, written by Perry Blankson, was first posted by the Tribune. REMEMBERING GEORGE PADMORE Trinidadian socialist George Padmore was born in 1903. His Pan-African organising helped to build the struggle against colonialism in the West – and to push independence struggles towards Marxism. Of all the many figures…

More women in the police won’t reduce police violence

The following article by Janey Starling was first posted by openDemocracy. It was written in the aftermath of the damning   Casey Report intom the conduct of The Met. It is followed by a comment from EL&SD EB member, Iain Robertson. MORE WOMEN IN THE POLICE WON’T REDUCE POLICE VIOLENCE As reports of hideous violence…

Announcing the 2023 Declaration of Calton Hill

The following article, written by Allan Armstrong for the Radical Independence Campaign, was first posted by bella caledonia  ANNOUNCING THE 2023 DECLARATION OF CALTON HILL On September 18th, November 2014, something truly remarkable in politics happened.  By the time of the Scottish independence referendum, held on that day, 97% of Scotland’s potential electorate had registered…

The growing political crisis in France

We are posting this article by David Kellaway of anti-capitalist resistance. It describes well the growing working class resistance to  Macron’s proposed pension counter-reforms.  It is followed by a statement from the Fourth International affiliated New Anti-capitalist Party (NPA). In a comment at the end, EL&SD EB member, Allan Armstrong makes some additional points about…

Olof Palme: the last Social Democrat

Today, following the economic crisis beginning in the 1960s and the rise of neo-liberalism in the UK (1979) and USA(1980) and its triumph in  1989 with collapse of the USSR in 1989, Social democracy has largely degenerated into social neo-liberalism, or even further into Left populism which sometimes allies with and sometimes morphs into Right…

RIC reconstituted and the 2023 Declaration of Calton Hill

This is the conclusion of Completing Scotland’s Democratic Revolution, in which Allan Armstrong examines the legacy of  of Scotland’s 2014 Democratic Revolution and the 2023 Declaration of of Calton Hill, designed to complete that unfinished democratic revolution. RIC RECONSTITUTED AND THE 2003 DECLARATION OF CALTON HILL After the attempted shutdown on 17.1.21[1] the Radical Independence Campaign (RIC)…