A Reply to James Turley’s ‘Who’s Afraid of George Galloway’?

In Weekly Worker, no. 865, James Turley has attacked those who wrote an Open Letter urging no vote for George Galloway in the Holyrood elections on May 5th. The Open Letter was originally published on the Manchester-based blog, Infantile and disorderly (The Editorial Board of Emancipation & Liberation added its members’ names after the initial…

Open Letter – No Vote for Galloway

This was issued by the Manchester-based blogger, ‘Infantile and disorderly‘, on May 2. On May 5, George Galloway will be standing for election to Holyrood. The former Respect MP for Bethnal Green and Bow and Labour MP for Glasgow Kelvin is heading the George Galloway (Respect) – Coalition Against Cuts list. He has the backing…

An examination of the results of the ‘no’ victory

So, the ‘No’ campaign against the Alternative Vote (AV) managed to win decisively in every nation and region of the UK. Even in Scotland, where on paper a ‘Yes’ vote was supported by a confident SNP, sections of the Labour Party, and the Lib-Dems and Greens, the ‘No’ vote won handsomely everywhere, apart from Edinburgh…

The case for Abstention in the AV referendum

In Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland the AV referendum on May 4th will very much play second fiddle to the elections to Holyrood, Cardiff Bay and Stormont. Ironically though, it is precisely in these three areas that the outcome of the referendum could be determined. People going to vote in the devolved assembly elections will…

Book Launch: From Davitt to Connolly: ‘Internationalism from Below’…

From Davitt to Connolly: ‘Internationalism from Below’ and the challenge to the UK state and British Empire from 1897-1895 By Allan Armstrong Published by Intfrobel Publications, £7.99 Allan Armstrong’s new book From Davitt to Connolly: ‘Internationalism from Below’ and the challenge to the UK state and British Empire from 1897-1895 was launched to a warm…

The Sane Society – Erich Fromm

Joe Conroy appraises Erich Fromm’s 1955 work. This article first appeared in Red Banner Issue 39 The United States in 1955 would hardly seem a propitious time or place for condemning capitalist society outright and advocating an entirely different way of living. With millions buying into the consumer society and no end in sight to…