Tribeca Belfast

A story of corporate corruption and seizure of land and property could be told of virtually every city in the UK. The following article from Socialist Democracy (Ireland) shows are this process takes place under the auspices of the bisectarian Belfast City Council. Brits Out! – Unless they’re London developers and absentee landlords, in which…

Jamie Driscoll On The Threatened Criminalisation Of Extinction Rebellion

It’s not often that we would post a piece by a Labour mayor, but Jamie Driscoll, Labour’s North of the Tyne mayor, made this very good response  to Boris Johnson’s and Priti Patel’s threat to criminalise Extinction Rebellion. “Extinction Rebellion could be treated as an organised crime group as part of a major crackdown on…

EU Recovery Plan – Pulling Together Or Falling Apart?

We are posting this article from Socialist Democracy (Ireland) about the EU response to Covid-19 and its possible longer term effects. After four days of negotiations at the recent EU Summit (18-21 July) officials and government leaders came to an agreement on a recovery plan for a European economy badly impacted by the coronavirus pandemic.…

Extinction Rebellion Blockades Murdoch Press

We are posting this news item from Extinction Rebellion, following their blockade of Murdoch Press printers in Broxbourne, Liverpool and Glasgow. Dear rebels, Welcome to our Rebel Daily #4 – some of the only news available today! A team of over 100 rebels blockaded newspaper printers overnight, successfully preventing The Sun, Daily Telegraph, Daily Mail…

Cultural Appropriation – A Reactionary Debate

E&L has appreciated the significance of cultural arena in the struggle for self-determination. We are posting this article by Gearoid O’Loingsidh which addresses the issue of cultural appropriation. In the world of identity politics and the myriad expressions of it, one topic pops its head up on a fairly regular basis, that of Cultural Appropriation.…

Labour’s Historic Defeat In Scotland

We are posting this article by Steve Freeman first posted on the Republican Socialist Alliance outlining, mainly for the benefit of republican socialists in England, the Scottish dimension of ‘Labour’s historic defeat’. You may remember the famous Monty Python sketch about a parrot returned by a dissatisfied customer, John Cleese, to the pet-shop run by…

Repression In Belarus Must End Demands IndustriALL

IndustriALL Global Union and the All European Trade Union jointly express their outrage, anger and protest at the disproportionate violence, persecution and arrests directed at people peacefully protesting the results of the presidential elections un Belarus on August 9.


Thus article from Socialist Democracy (Ireland) examines the evictions of nine migrant workers from their homes in Dublin.    EVICTIONS: ROUND TWO OF THE BATTLE AGAINST THE BANKS AND GOVERNMENT BEGINS     Nine tenants have been evicted in Berkeley Road Dublin by masked men garbed in black who seized and boarded up the property…


We are posting two articles following the horrendous explosion in Beirut which killed mote than 200 people. The first is by Yassamine Mather (CPGB-WW) and shows that this is just the latest crisis in an institutionally sectarian statelet set up under the auspices of  French imperialism The second is from Socialist Democracy (Ireland) and draws…