Alan Graham looks at the way capitalism has appropriated intellectual property and suggests some ways to fight back. The main focus of socialist thought, including within the SSP, is about emancipating ourselves from economic exploitation such as poor pay and long hours, but before socialist thought can become the norm we must emancipate our minds…
Politics can be bad for your health
Mary Ward argues why communists must take an holistic approach to health and health care. In socialist circles, when you talk about campaigning around health issues, comrades, understandably, turn their thoughts to fighting to defend the NHS. The cuts in provision, introduction of the mysterious internal market, the quangos that run our local health services,…
Occupation is not liberation
Reflecting on recent events at home and abroad, Nick Clarke examines whether the world today is a freer, safer place. Freedom to profit In the aftermath of the atrocities of September 11 2001, Bush and his ruling junta declared the start of the War on Terror. The subtitle for this crusade was to make the…
From Theory To Practice
On page one we have printed our Slogans and Aims, but where do they come from and how are they to be put into practice? As a network we regularly review our tactics and strategy against developments as they unfold. The seven points that follow summarise where we now stand today. In this issue of…