National Workers’ Assembly meeting – a big step forward

The following article by Jordi Martorell is from the website of Socialist Appeal. Despite our many political differences with this grouping we thought that the piece was full of useful information concerning recent revolutionary events in Argentina. Of particular importance is the growing ability of the Argentinian working class to find new democratic, organisational forms…

For A Republican Socialist Party

The Revolutionary Democratic Group give their analysis of the Socialist Alliance of England’s conference in December 2001 The Socialist Alliance conference on December 1st 2001 was an important moment to gauge the development of the new left emerging in England and throughout Britain. The SA movement has provided the greatest advance for left unity for…

James Connolly’s appeal on the occasion of Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee In 1897

The great appear great to us, only because we are on our knees: let us rise. Fellow Workers, The loyal subjects of Victoria, Queen of Great Britain and Ireland, Empress of India, etc., celebrate this year the longest reign on record. Already the air is laden with rumours of preparations for a wholesale manufacture of…

International Working Women’s Day – Some thoughts

As communists and progressives around the world celebrate International Working Women’s Day, Linda Gibson argues that, under capitalism, gender roles lead to an artificial division in emotional development. As International Women’s Day comes around articles will again be written about how women are still not achieving parity with men. And of course that’s true but…

War against terrorism and the threat to freedom of expression

Steve Kaczynski highlights the Blair government’s further attacks on our civil liberties Since September 11, 2001, the bourgeois democratic mask of respecting rights has been slipping. In December, a car bringing the left-wing Turkish language weekly magazine Yasadigimiz Vatan (The homeland we live in) was stopped by British police at Dover, and two issues of…