
by Jim Aitken Jenin, o Jenin dust, all over the camp, has settled like a shroud and this was supposed to fight the terror and deliver whatever with Apache helicopters themselves recalling an earlier ethnic cleansing raining down missile and flame what havoc was wrought here in refugee impoverishment insults the whole of humanity but…

Resolution passed at Scottish Socialist Party Conference March 2002

European Socialist Alliance The SSP supports the creation of a broad-based European Socialist Alliance. Therefore, it calls upon the incoming national office-bearers to contact all those independent socialist parties/alliances in Europe to organise a joint conference, putting forward the following proposals for discussion: a) joint work and mobilisations directed against the EU leaders’ support for…

Statement from the Conference of the European Anti-Capitalist Left

Brussels, 12-13 December 2001 1. For the third time in ten years, imperialism is at war. After the unfinished war (for oil) against Iraq and the humanitarian intervention in the Balkans, the United States is bombarding Afghanistan, one of the poorest countries on earth, pretending in doing so to eradicate terrorism worldwide. Self-defence, humanitarianism, western…

The Euro Referendum: The case for an active boycott

Allan Armstrong why workers should support an active boycott of the Euro referendum The rise of the populist and fascist Right in Europe The rise of the populist and fascist Right in the Netherlands, France and England has caused considerable debate amongst the Left throughout Europe. We cannot be complacent in Scotland, just because the…

Emancipation & Liberation, Issue 1, Spring 2002

Comments are open, so feel free to discuss the articles. Why Emancipation And Liberation?, RCN We are fighting a duel war, Shoaib Bhatti Afghanistan Solidarity Appeal, SSP War Against Terrorism?, Revolutionary Association of Afghan Women An eye for an eye?: justice USA style, Revolutionary Association of Afghan Women Lords of the Rings, Nick Clarke Dedicated…