2020 Was One Of The Deadliest Years For Migrants – And Not Just Because Of Covid

Emancipation & Liberation is posting this article by James Dennis Hoff of  Left Voices USA about the horrific number of migrant deaths in the EU and USA in 2020. On December 24, the bodies of more than 20 Tunisian refugees, including at least four pregnant women, were recovered after their boat sank in the Mediterranean…

Brexit – A New Constitutional Crisis

We are posting the following two articles on the Brexit. The first by Steve Freeman, posted on the Republican Socialist Network blog, highlights the nature of the constitutional crisis article brought about by Brexit. The second from Socialist Democracy (Ireland) is about the likely political impact of Brexit on Ireland and the illusion that this will pave the…

The Demonisation Of Assange Paves The Way For More Rape And Murder By The State

In the aftermath of the Julian Assange trial we are posting this article by Lisa Longstaff of Women Agains Rape. This is followed by a link to the Amnesty International petition, ‘The USA must drop charges against Julian Assange’. We are relieved the court ruled not to extradite Julian Assange to the US. His immediate…

US Crisis And Repocratic Politics

In the following two articles, Daniel Lazare looks at the legacy of ‘Repocratic’ politics. in the USA. In the first he emphasises the role of the US constitution in creating the stalemate in US politics. In the second he shows how Trump has boxed Biden in over US Middle East policy. This follows the Democrats’…

Cancel The Rent: A Rising National Rent Strike Movement In Oakland USA Gains Momentum

Tenants and supporters demonstrate in Oakland, calling for cancelling rents during the pandemic. The demonstration was organized by the Association of Californians for Community Empowerment (ACCE), tenants unions and other activists. Tenants and supporters demonstrate in Oakland, calling for cancelling rents during the pandemic. The demonstration was organized by the Associateion of Californians for Community…

Defend Our Democratic Right To Know – Free Julian Assange Now

Steve Freeman gave a talk on Julian Assange Case at an RCN Zoom meeting on 8.11.20. He has now written this up and we have posted it below. This is followed by two comments, one by Seamus McGuigan, the other by Connor Beaton of the Republican Socialist Platform. DEFEND OUR DEMOCRATIC RIGHT TO KNOW – FREE…

Ruling Class Corruption And Capitalist Crisis

The following article by John Tummon looks at the recent exposures of corruption in the Tory government highlighted by the cronyism  for Covid-19 contracts Government Covid cronyism extends both to the appointment to key positions in its decision-making framework and to its’ award of contracts for carrying out services and providing equipment. This has now…

Biden: A Transition To Neo-Trumpist Populism?

E&L is posting the following three articles on the situation in the USA after Biden’s presidential electoral victory. Far from heralding a new “progressive” era, or even a return to “normality”, Biden is already preparing the grounds for  a neo-Trumpist populist backlash. The first article by M. K. Kumar in the USA looks at the nature…

The British Left and the UK State

  Below is an outline of the Contents and the concluding chapter of The British Left and the UK state, written by Allan Armstrong.  The article  addresses the need for a socialist republican ‘internationalism from below’ strategy to address the current challenges the Left faces. The full article  can be read at:- https://allanarmstrong831930095.files.wordpress.com/2022/02/the-british-left-the-uk-state-.pdf _____________ From…

End The Hostile Environment – Defend Asylum Seekers And Refugees

We are posting this article by Fred Laplat and Mike Picken, first posted by Socialist Resistance, about the Tories post-Brexit attacks on asylum seekers and refugees, harbingers of stepped up attacks on all migrant workers The recently revealed Tory plans to disperse asylum seekers thousands of miles away are another example of the racism of the UK…