Greater than the Sum of Our Parts – Feminism, Inter/Nationalism and Palestine

Mary McGregor reviews Greater Than the Sum of Our Parts: Feminism, Inter/Nationalism, and Palestine by Nada Elia. This has also been posted by bella caledonia. GREATER THAN THE SUM OF OUR PARTS, FEMINISM, INTER/NATIONALISM AND PALESTINE True liberation only comes when oppressed groups rise together in solidarity and recognize the interconnectivity of our struggles. At…

The unbearable manicheanism of the “anti-imperialist” left

This article, written by Willam I. Robinson was first posted by anti*capitalist  resistance. It critically examines the contradictory logic and regressive politics of the contemporary “anti-imperialist” left that opposes capitalist exploitation by the West but turns a blind eye to repression by non-Western states opposed to Washington. Manicheanism is  an ancient philosophy that interprets the…

Portrait of a revolutionary: Guevara in Kilkee

The following article was written by Jim Aitken and was first posted by culture matters.   PORTRAIT OF A REVOLUTIONARY: GUEVARA IN KILKEE   Sixty years ago, in 1963, an Aeroflot flight from Moscow was on route to Havana and had to stop at Shannon airport due to fog. Shannon, then as now, is famous…

Coup in Niger shows France’s imperialist decline

This article by Claudia Cinatti, first posted by Left Voice (USA) looks at recent political developments in Niger, and criticises those who take a campist approach. COUP IN NIGER SHOWS FRANCE’S IMPERIALIST DECLINE The coup d’état in Niger has opened an explosive situation in Africa with international ramifications. On July 26, a few days before…

The real honours of Scotland

The following article by George Gunn from the Province of the Cat was first posted by bella caledonia. It links King Charles receiving the ‘Honours Scotland’ with the seizure of the land under feudalism. This continues  to this day, albeit it as aggressive capitalist expropriation. However  it  acknowledges its feudal forebears in the pomp and…

Your country – George Gunn

EL&SD is posting the new poem written by George Gunn. It highlights the continuing iniquity of land tenure in Scotland. YOUR COUNTRY   Your country is sold off in 45,000 acre parcels at £25 million a go by the inventor of the sticky back label who bought it from a down on his luck laird…

People who call for tactical voting are pissing into the wind

 We are reposting this article by Ricky from his Council Estate blog, which examines the real nature of the Labour Party. Although written from an English/British perspective, which ignores the likely impact of a Starmer-led Labour government in Scotland, Ireland and Wales, it clearly sees that such a  government would represent ‘Boris-Lite’ (or perhaps ‘not…

Stuff ‘single person’ leadership

We are reposting this article, written by Mike MacNair, which was first published by Weekly Worker. He argues that despite its ostensible archaism, the coronation of Charles III reflects the thoroughly modern practice of one-man management. STUFF ‘SINGLE PERSON’ LEADERSHIP In March 1649, after the execution of Charles I, parliament passed “An Act for the abolishing…