Deirdre McCartin, 1944 – 2009

The RCN only got to know of Deidre during one of her several phases of political and cultural activity. We met Deidre and her partner, Charlie Rees in the early days of the SSA and SSP, when they moved from Allihies in County Kerry to Dunure in Ayrshire. Here they joined the Ayrshire SSP branch. They were…

Foreign Workers are Not to Blame for the Capitalists’ Crisis

Statement issued by the Campaign Against Immigration Controls Today, the Campaign against Immigration Controls is picketing the Unite offices in Holborn, London, to protest against nationalism in our movement and to argue for working-class internationalism, freedom of movement and equal rights and jobs – for all. The Italian workers should be welcomed here. We want…

From Davitt to Connolly – Internationalism From Below

The challenge to the UK state and British Empire from 1879-95 Contents of forthcoming book Introduction The growing conflict between liberal and conservative unionism in the period of New Imperialism Michael Davitt and the launching of the Irish Revolution in 1879 Davitt adopts an ‘internationalism from below’ strategy to spread the revolution The struggle against…

Basketball Rules in Palestine

Originally published in Emancipation & Liberation Issue 10, Summer 2005. Israelis have the right to play on both sides of the court, whereas Palestinians can only play on their own side. For security reasons, Palestinians do not have the right to pass the ball between players, the ball could hit an Israeli player. There will…


Originally published in Emancipation & Liberation Issue 8, Autumn 2004. This wall between us slowly grows slinking along the dusty earth like some snake in the desert sands Once in Jericho it fell down by those who now do the building the heirs of the trumpet blowers Once Belshazzar saw the writing on the wall,…

Republican Socialist Convention Report, 29.11.08

As well as an overview of events there are some comments and feedback from attendees. These are reproduced below, see the SSP  report below for more details. Brian Garvey, Fourthwrite, Independent Workers Union: The space given to democratic discussion, the planning and facilitation of the event was impressive and I’m fairly confident that it was because…

Greek Police Murder 16 Year Old

Statement from Greece, the posting of which was unfortunately delayed. Tonight, at 9.30 (Greece time) a 15-16 year old boy was shot twice in the heart and was killed by a policeman in eksarxeia, a neighbourhood which is the basis of plenty left organisations and anarchists’ collectives. A police car was patroling in Exarchia passing…

Learn the Lessons of the Fedayeen

This is an edited version of a speech by Yassamine Mather delivered to the September 7 London meeting of the Campaign for a Marxist Party The month of September is known in the Iranian exile calendar as the month to commemorate one of the biggest mass executions of political prisoners in the Islamic republic’s period…

No Attack on Iran

The stark warning by David Owen in his article, Signs of an Israeli strike on Iran,[1]The Sunday Times October 12. is just one of hundreds of references to the window of opportunity for a US-backed/tolerated Israeli strike on Iran between November 2008 and mid-January 2009, when the outgoing US president might feel inclined to give…