The Return of Nature – a review

The following review of John Bellamy’s latest book, The Return of Nature has been written by Esteban Mercatante and was posted by Left Voice (USA) John Bellamy Foster’s book The Return of Nature picks up where the author left off 20 years ago in Marx’s Ecology, which, as the title indicates, addresses the aspects of Marx’s critique of…

The promise and reality of vaccination

We are posting this article from Socialist Democracy (Ireland) about the impact of the global imperialist order on Covid-19 vaccinations through out the world. The roll out of vaccination programmes across the world has raised hopes that the end of the Covid pandemic may be in sight. There are a number of vaccines currently in use…


In the political  climate since the 2008 Financial Crisis and now with  the Coronavirus pandemic, there has been a marked increase on anti-science thinking. Whilst particularly prevalent on the Far Right, such thinking has spread far wider. Thus article, first posted by Socialist Democracy (Ireland), examines this phenomenon in relation to the coronavirus pandemic.  …


Eric Chester (RCN) takes David Cameron to task over his promotion of a Christian UK. During his recent Easter weekend address, Prime Minister David Cameron made a point of declaring that the United Kingdom was a “Christian country.” This is not the first time Cameron has used religion to advance his conservative agenda. In his…

The Defiance Of Science

Rod MacGregor looks at science, secularism and the role of religion In his book about oil depletion, Half Gone, Jeremy Leggett, one-time oil company high flier and former chief scientist with Greenpeace, tells of a particularly bizarre conversation he had with a lobbyist from the Ford Motor Company at a conference on climate change. The…

Secularism, Socialism and Religion

Bob Goupillot outlines a Marxist approach to religion A Marxist understanding of religion Religious suffering is, at one and the same time, the expression of real suffering and a protest against real suffering. Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world and the soul of soulless conditions. It is…

Emancipatory Science

Despite its misuse and abuse by capitalism, Iain Robertson illustrates how science and scientists have a progressive role to play. As debates continue about GM crops, global warming and environmental degradation, scientists can easily become regarded as a faceless group in the pay of the industrial/military machine that increasingly blights our lives across the globe.…